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Lookin for somewhere to play..

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I normally play with my squad members of SWAF... but since 75% of them are european, theres not much time to hit the fields with them except for weekends.. so I sit here like my lonley self lookin for a good server. We have 3 servers (2 EU, 1 US) But nobody is EVER on them in the week.. and I'm desperate to PLAY!!... I went to gamespy... 400 people... all the good servers and launched, and they are not deds... I check the deds... most of them blow... a few are really fast.. yet they are full....

my question..

where do you join games at besides gamespy? (Don't bring up frag haus, because they are ALWAYS full!wink.gif

any squads servers on open play?? post IPs smile.gif


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You can always play at Fraghaus...

We have many Squads that play on our servers.

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Snake, if you don't have any prob being on 2 squads you can hook up w/ us? think of it as TDY during the week biggrin.gif

We pretty much have 4-5 guys mid week 3-4 of the nights and weekends are always full but you have weekend duty wink.gif

if you want to sit in a few nights let me know?

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Along the same lines, you can try out our server if you want too.

That is, if we don't suck too much biggrin.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">*** bad language removed ***<span id='postcolor'>

Espectro, could you please refrain from attacking and flaming other people? If you want to express your thoughts, do it in a civil way. Doing it this way you can easily loose your posting rights.

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i play on oo7vet's CO-OP server alot, nice missions and great team players play there.  go to their website and download the zip file with most of their frequently played missions so you don't have to dl them before playing the game.  Their website is http://www.freewebz.com/vetserver.  I join the server using ASE

-=die alive=-

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wow.gif0--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Suma @ April 03 2002,17wow.gif0)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">*** bad language removed ***<span id='postcolor'>

Espectro, could you please refrain from attacking and flaming other people? If you want to express your thoughts, do it in a civil way. Doing it this way you can easily loose your posting rights.<span id='postcolor'>

löl okaaay.

I dont like fraghause because their maps arent very good (imho).

imo i dont like playing game with 50+ vehicles for each side. I dont like admins that chooses same teams every single game, with the only purpose to ruin the game for others by spawncamping.

I dont know how else I should say this?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (IGFs TopGun @ April 03 2002,05:43)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><span id='postcolor'>

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Snake, if you don't have any prob being on 2 squads you can hook up w/ us? think of it as TDY during the week  biggrin.gif

We pretty much have 4-5 guys mid week 3-4 of the nights and weekends are always full but you have weekend duty wink.gif

if you want to sit in a few nights let me know?<span id='postcolor'>

Although that sounds like a good offer...  the Seawolves amazing formal appearence has brought me in..  and the fact they are a great bunch of guys...  we gotta get more US instead of just Kok, Jude, and I trying to find someplace to play on the weeknights.

My loyalty is to the Seawolves... If only I could memorize all them damned ranks to pass bootcamp. confused.gif

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Fraghause suck.<span id='postcolor'>

Espectro, could you please refrain from attacking and flaming other people? If you want to express your thoughts, do it in a civil way. Doing it this way you can easily loose your posting rights.<span id='postcolor'>

lol, no disrespect, but I'd hafta agree with the Sergeant.

It hear so much about how fast it is..  etc. etc.  

I've rented some on multiple OC-192 lines before..  you think FH is fast..  you ain't seen nothin!!

To Sgt Espectro:I see you've used my POTD on flashpointcenter sir?  After a week  lol  wink.gif

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This might be a really really really stupid question....

But whats a POTD?

(I bet its something I should know)

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Where is this OCx? Is it Multi-Homed? What is the circuits ASN? Does it utilize BGP? What are you paying for it (general range)?

Sorry I have just seen many others make claims like this but when comes down to it they have less than 10Mbps worth of true Bandwidth. And are being hosted in a box in someones NOC that make false claims. Honestly... until you start utilizing your circuit and do actual tests you can't say one OC is faster than another because the way Fiber circuits operate unless you are saturated it would be no faster. OC3 is the same speed latency wise as OC192 or any other. The difference is only volume. Fiber is Fiber is Fiber...

I know FragHaus is the server community everyone is 'trying' to beat but please be realistic. Our performance has spoken for itself.

As far as personal opinions on our server... well all I can say is we want a group that doesn't moan and complain... we want people that want to have fun. Also understand we reward loyalty at FragHaus.. and return players are treated much better (I could have 50+ players post here in this subject telling you they Absolutely LOVE FragHaus). Our FragHaus Public servers are free for people to use. The cost involved in maintaining such a server is very steep (true OC bandwidth does not grow on trees contrary to popular belief)

FYI: Understand that past an OC3... you will see no benefit because OC3 is 155Mbps... Ethernet is 100Mbps. So you are already running faster than Ethernet can handle... so beyond OC3 is not going to show any better performance. Where and HOW it is connected is the difference.

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OC stands for Optical Carrier.

OC-1 = 51.84 Mbps

OC-3 = 155.52 Mbps

OC-12 = 622.08 Mbps

OC-24 = 1.244 Gbps

OC-48 = 2.488 Gbps

OC-192 = 10 Gbps

OC-256 = 13.271 Gbps

OC-768 = 40 Gbps

However one OC is not 'FASTER' than another. Latency will be the same on all OC products unless they is a saturation issue.

Also another very important issue when looking at this is that many companies make claims of having OCxxx but they fail to tell their customers/clients that they Co-Host on someone elses Network (NOC) and they simply are connected via an EtherNet connection and are limited to the amount of Bandwidth they can use at any given time.

I am sure many have seen wild claims like: </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">From our OC-192 and multiple OC-48 connectivity in data facilities across North America<span id='postcolor'> but they fail to mention that it is NOT THEIR Facilities and they just have a small peice of that pie. With limited bandwidth. Heck after all everyone on the Net has 'connectivity' to an OC768 when it comes down to it... just you aren't DIRECTLY connected to that OC768... you have DSL that goes to your provider which in turn connects to a Major Backbone which in turn hits that OC768 smile.gif Have to be very careful with tricky wording on Hosting Providers. Get to KNOW the provider and do some research to find out if they are who they say they are... and if they truly have what they claim to have.

One way to do this is... get an IP address from them. Could be their Website IP. Then visit ARIN(American Registry for Internet Numbers) and do a WHOIS from their site on that IP. This will tell you who's NETWORK the IP resides on... if it isn't the company that is making the claims on an OCxxx then be aware that they are more than likely just co-hosting with that company and may be limited in their resources and connection.

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Bigeq, btw I'd like to thank u for plane frenzy smile.gif

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I cant complain about the speed on fraghause, but it does rock. It is very neat, and there is hardly any lag.

But yes, u might have 5 peops saying fraghause rock, but u also have 600 who dont like it, and the only reason why they are playing there is because its the only good server in the area.

As I allready said, im against spawncamping and therefor find it sad when such a good server get wasted because you absolute HAVE to play maps in the desert with 50+ tanks on each side, which most of the time end up with one side hammering the spawn site with heatshells with 6-7 tanks.

With the only purpose to get more frags.

The worst part is, that the admin on the server usually do it himself, which makes it even more depressing being the side that is hammered.

I never spawncamp, thats why i leave the games and play on a less ffa server, whenever this is happening (And that is on all maps on the fraghause server except the plane frenzy maps (which is fun).

I just ask, why not sometime make an infantry only night, hen maximum the players to 60 or so (Cause i think it can handle it when theres no vehicles), and try it out.

Make one big map, where a infantry force of 30 is moving towards a area. Its amazing, and you should try it... just one single time and see the true aspect of OFP.

Suma... I sugest you should try and connect to fraghause server.. you would be amazed how boring ofp can be.

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Espectro... I am getting tired of your complaints and whining. You apparently do not understand the concept of fun on a great server.

FragHaus is an awesome server. We play all types of Missions. Our rules are simple... if it is allowed in the Mission it is allowed. We also do 2 types of side selection... 1 is FragHaus Regulars against non-regulars.. and the second is Team Captains that select teams (like Elementary School KickBall). We do not and will not allow people to play anywhere they wish as this would cause lopsided games and be no fun at all.

More on Spawn Killing... If the Mission was made without SafeZones then the whole MAP is open game. We play Missions that have SafeZones and some that do not. Understand this is the ONLY way to play missions on such a large scale. Because it is really hard to tell who is doing what while admining. So we decided that the best way to do things is treat it like all out war... and if something is allowed and is not a glitch in the game itself then it is allowed.

You really need to take things into perspective...

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Ive many times played games on ya server where theres an antispawn camp. But since u can park ya tank 300 meters from the spawn area and shell it..... the antispawn doesnt camp, and is a glitche in the map.

You really have to take things into perspective m8

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Espectro I would imagine the best solution if you don't like how they run their server is simply not to play on it, if you have concerns about how things are run I would suggest you contact them in private, while your opinions are your opinions it's not fair to disrespect someone in public simply because you don't agree with how they do things.

Just my tuppence smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (placebo @ April 04 2002,19:33)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Espectro I would imagine the best solution if you don't like how they run their server is simply not to play on it, if you have concerns about how things are run I would suggest you contact them in private, while your opinions are your opinions it's not fair to disrespect someone in public simply because you don't agree with how they do things.

Just my tuppence smile.gif<span id='postcolor'>

Im quite aware of that..... but i also simply said my opinion about the fraghaus server in the first place when a mate of mine asked where to find a good server in his US timezone.

Im sorry, i didnt know you werent supposed to tell ya oppinion on these boards.

What about new addons etc? If they screw up something in ya ofp... are u allowed to say "blabla addon suck"?

So much for trying to stay on topic.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Espectro @ April 04 2002,15:33)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Ive many times played games on ya server where theres an antispawn camp. But since u can park ya tank 300 meters from the spawn area and shell it..... the antispawn doesnt camp, and is a glitche in the map.

You really have to take things into perspective m8<span id='postcolor'>

First it's a lot more then 300 meters

Why dont you just say the name of the map your so uptight with.

Desert Rumble ?

All this tells me is you don't know what your talking about their are safe zones in fact. their are two safe zones one safe zone is your vehicle well run out of gas = dead meat you cant move but still shoot. and should be an easy target for anyone.

second their is a kill zone that well kill you if you enter it. smile.gif If your stupid enough to get out of your tank and try to spawn kill over the hill.

now the only kill zone a tank can fire into would be west kill zone.

BUT think about it with m1a1 against t-80 that should never ever happen!!!

Unless you dont know how to work a tank and repair, just thinking I well respawn and grab another and after 10 people do that their all gone smile.gif

We have all kinds of maps on the server.

Capture and hold, Capture the flag, search and destroy ect ect.

Now I know for a fact some of the maps that are played have no vehicles in it at all with kill zones ect.

CTF teamwork

CTF highnoon

CTF war which is a 64 human player map smile.gif


CH castel

CTF forest

CTF fastfoward

We have had 60 players on the map war once but their was lag not bad but it was their. I would like nothing else to make Hugh maps with a lot of players and no vehicles they rock but until B.I.S. can fix something's with net code ect I dont see that ever happing.

So my point is YOU must take things into perspective.

If you dont like one map the server has then you flame?

If that one maps just bugs you so bad then leave come back in 30 min's.

Now about us making teams yes we do that sometimes.

We also pick teams too. But you have new people in the game and they all just sit in the player pool, well if their not picking a side to play on I'm putting them in the side I want them to go and make the teams with the same amount of people on each team. Cause I'm not waiting 5 min's for anyone to start a game.

Now about us admin's putting all the noobs on one team ok but look at the number of people I put on the other team I always max that out so most times it well be say 6 Regulars against 16 new players what's so unfair about that?

Now I went into other servers with a different name now I will not say the server's I went into cause I'm not a flaming kind of person. But they never saw me before and I was placed and locked into a side's that I didn't pick MANY times over and over again I dont see people flaming them on this.

LOL all this tell me is FragHaus is the standard everyone wants so with that we are the one that gets flamed tossed and called names.

Thanks just tells us were still and always well be top on the net.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Espectro @ April 04 2002,21:48)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">What about new addons etc? If they screw up something in ya ofp... are u allowed to say "blabla addon suck"?<span id='postcolor'>

One would hope a person would be more constructive than that, how is somebody supposed to improve something if the only feedback they get is "it sucks"? smile.gif

I understand you're only giving your opinion about their server, but unless I'm mistaken this isn't the only time and place you've made such comments about their servers?

With so few people willing to provide deddy servers on the scale that they do I would just hope we can all find a way to be happy or at the very least be tolerable towards each other smile.gif

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