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AI reports and feedback

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Now there are still some issues with AI speech

How many players would like to understand which tree is meant with:

"All move to that tree!"

How many players would like to know whom the AI is covering with:

"Go I'm covering!"

How many players would like to know at which target the AI is aimimg with:

"Target in sight!", "Target aquired."

How many players would like to know whats exactly meant with:

"Enemy, far in front of us."


In the end many players simply deactivate AI speech because its not that precise and direct like it should be.

Suggest to revise the whole AI reports & speech:

+ contact reports with compass orientation in meter

+ correct (class-)name of target eg "Grenadier in sight!", "Target Grenadier!"

+ precise feedback when in combat eg "Two covering three - move!", "Group Blue suppresing enemy group NW of us!", "Group Red covering group green - move!"

+ lower/raise the volume of speech according to combat mode/behaviour

Perhaps BIS and BIA can cooperate here together and record some real military-speech for Arma2/OA and VBS X? Maybe a win-win situation for all. ;)

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Im really getting annoyed with "GO IM COVERING" being repeated for minutes. Thats my biggest gripe atm.

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Since the voices and menu's seem to be hard coded , hopefully BI will be looking at re-doing them for their up and coming expansion pack....hopefully.

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The go I'm covering could do only with 'normal' shout instead of using the radio. It really cluttered the radio comms. at one time I cant tell my medic to heal some one because the go im covering is flooding the comms. Though I must add that the order did get through, but my order was queued and need to wait my turn.

So the go I'm covering just shout with vocal, not radio. If it needed to use radio, then only use it when it is directed to me. So that I know that I can GO and know some one is covering me.

About go to that, something. also agree. need a visual cue. But the command is usually comes from WP put on the editor. And that cue, is in the difficulty settings

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Actually , it seems that once the AI holler "target acquired" in Veteran mode you can scan , holding down the command button and they will show in red for a while indicating the LAST known position they were in.

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Would be nice to have the simple command - "Shut up!" so the player could override the chatting AI and order them to do something more important.

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Commands of the leader should automatically override any other chatter/reports.And it's very annoying to hear same reports over and over,like "enemy,chopper,500".

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Commands of the leader should automatically override any other chatter/reports.And it's very annoying to hear same reports over and over,like "enemy,chopper,500".

Yes fully agree, if I want to assign target/engage/heal, my command (the leader command) shouldn't be queued, but put it on top of all others. but that may cause problem of the already queued AI reports. probably reset the queue altogether or put them in a finite array/stack (assuming the current one have an infinite queue)...

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