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Removing Mountains in the background.

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Hey Guys.

Does anyone recall a mod that removes the background mountains.

I remember seeing screenies but cannot remember where.

Have been searching for like 2 hours now and cant find anything.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Edited by Grub

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Hey Guys.

Does anyone recall a mod that removes the background mountains.

I remember seeing screenies but cannot remember where.

Have been searching for like 2 hours now and cant find anything.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



That mod you saw would have been simply a custom island addon.

There is no possible way to hide terrain, only objects and vehicles.

Of course lowering the view distance would do that too, if the mountains are far away enough

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I believe he's talking about the fixed texture that surrounds the world (the painted mountains you see on the horizon). I believe that it was bravo6 working on that mod, maybe I am mistaken.

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@Charon Productions

No no I mean the background mountains that are always there not the actual terrain.

You can have draw dist set on 1 and they will be there.

The screenies I saw were of Cherny and they were with and without. Without looks good when there is just water.

---------- Post added at 04:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:30 PM ----------

I believe he's talking about the fixed texture that surrounds the world (the painted mountains you see on the horizon). I believe that it was bravo6 working on that mod, maybe I am mistaken.

Ah thank you. So still in progress?

Edited by Grub

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That's it beautiful.

Thank you very much.

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Yep DMarkwick was asking if people wanted it. See link above me in Jezaa's post.

Personally i like the artificial mountains thanks to that we didnt have it in ArmA1. And without them i felt so "closed in". Unless ofcourse you can play with maybe 5000VD and up it might be cool without it, but from lowest up to 3-4000VD its nice to have it there to get some more "space" feeling. Also good when flying. Without it when you fly there is nothing up there but white... Not very nice. IMO ofcourse. :)

Hope you get what you want though. Drop DMarkwick a PM or post in the thread linked in the post above and ask about it.


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vte_skybox_remove.pbo :)

In fact the cpp is so small I'll just throw it here, sorry if its beyond the scope of this topic:

class CfgPatches
class VTE_skybox_remove
	units[] = {};
	weapons[] = {};
	requiredVersion = 1;
	requiredAddons[] = {};

class CfgWorlds
initWorld = "VTE_IaDrang";
demoWorld = "Utes";

class DefaultWorld
	class Weather
		class Overcast
			class Weather1;
			class Weather2;
			class Weather3;
			class Weather4;
			class Weather5;

class CAWorld: DefaultWorld
	class Weather: Weather
		class Overcast: Overcast
			class Weather1: Weather1
				// sky = "ca\data\data\sky_clear_sky.paa";
				// skyR = "ca\data\data\sky_clear_lco.paa";
				horizon = "pmc\vte_skybox_remove\data\vte_sky_clear_horizont_sky.paa";

			class Weather7: Weather1
				// sky = "ca\data\data\sky_veryclear_sky.paa";
				// skyR = "ca\data\data\sky_clear_lco.paa";
				horizon = "pmc\vte_skybox_remove\data\vte_sky_veryclear_horizont_sky.paa";

			class Weather2: Weather2
				// sky = "ca\data\data\sky_almostclear_sky.paa";
				// skyR = "ca\data\data\sky_almostclear_lco.paa";
				horizon = "pmc\vte_skybox_remove\data\vte_sky_almostclear_horizont_sky.paa";

			class Weather3: Weather3
				// sky = "ca\data\data\sky_semicloudy_sky.paa";
				// skyR = "ca\data\data\sky_semicloudy_lco.paa";
				horizon = "pmc\vte_skybox_remove\data\vte_sky_semicloudy_horizont_sky.paa";

			class Weather4: Weather4
				// sky = "ca\data\data\sky_cloudy_sky.paa";
				// skyR = "ca\data\data\sky_cloudy_lco.paa";
				horizon = "pmc\vte_skybox_remove\data\vte_sky_cloudy_horizont_sky.paa";

			class Weather5: Weather5
				// sky = "ca\data\data\sky_mostlycloudy_sky.paa";
				// skyR = "ca\data\data\sky_mostlycloudy_lco.paa";
				horizon = "pmc\vte_skybox_remove\data\vte_sky_mostlycloudy_horizont_sky.paa";

			class Weather6: Weather5
				// sky = "ca\data\data\sky_overcast_sky.paa";
				// skyR = "ca\data\data\sky_overcast_lco.paa";
				horizon = "pmc\vte_skybox_remove\data\vte_sky_overcast_horizont_sky.paa";

Also I only now realize that the initworld might give error on standalone use, so my apologize for that one.

And to continue with the excuses, I recall now that the skybox/mountains removing while its ok, its not perfect, there was still bit lowest mountain edge showing in some compass bearings, those paa's are quite tricky with the alpha channel etc so I need to touch them up bit more.

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cool i tried it this way, yet that didnt work :)

class CfgWorlds
class CAWorld: DefaultWorld
	class Weather: Weather
		class Overcast: Overcast
			class Weather1: Weather1
				horizon = "";//"ca\data\data\sky_clear_horizont_sky.paa";
			class Weather7: Weather1
				horizon = "";//"ca\data\data\sky_veryclear_horizont_sky.paa";
			class Weather2: Weather2
				horizon = "";//"ca\data\data\sky_veryclear_horizont_sky.paa";
			class Weather3: Weather3
				horizon = "";//"ca\data\data\sky_veryclear_horizont_sky.paa";
			class Weather4: Weather4
				horizon = "";//"ca\data\data\sky_veryclear_horizont_sky.paa";
			class Weather5: Weather5
				horizon = "";//"ca\data\data\sky_veryclear_horizont_sky.paa";
			class Weather6: Weather5
				horizon = "";//"ca\data\data\sky_veryclear_horizont_sky.paa";

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I have been trying to create a new horizon line with limited success.

It seems that the horizon line is important but there is also the _sky and _lco that need to have that imagery removed as well.

In mine, I have new horizon textures but they are either purplish (as a horizon line texture) or are visibly stretched when seen from any altitude. I am not sure why that is happening but if anyone has a solution, I would be happy to hear it.

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