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bravo 6

BC6 Feelings

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The FR guys i played with there (image on previous page) have their old icons but you made them grey i think(?). Are you gonna change them somehow or leave them like that?

Just checking. :)

Yup, I just noticed this and was gonna ask the same thing. Thanks for reporting that Alex72. I wouldn't mind a different icon then those. ;)

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As i said before, on this post, there are some Icons, civilians and some others that were not built yet. I might do them later to complete every vanilla unit.

I hope you all understand, it takes its time, and i will release a new version fixing the reported bug with some extra, but not all, icons.

I'm glad people like the new icons as i did when i start working on them. :bounce3:

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I love it :) thanks for all the work, it has realy payed off, i hope you will also add the extra civil icons soon and will also change the standard ugly green UI that is left on screen during gameplay (or whas is someone else who was working on this)

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i hope you will also add the extra civil icons soon and will also change the standard ugly green UI that is left on screen during gameplay (or whas is someone else who was working on this)

I also hope to do all the rest of the icons ;)

About the Green UI, you mean something like this?

bc6Feeling_UI_01_s.jpg bc6Feeling_UI_02_s.jpg

This different look will be included in the BC6_Feeling_UI_CAD.pbo.

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Pretty Cool Addon!

hope you find the time to get rid of the ugly green text for actions and so soon and complete the rest of uniticons,Thanks!

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And please please please get rid, or move, the action icons that are hovering in the middle of the screen.

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Good job bravo 6!

How about making them smaller and with white background and black borders?

andersson there is an PROPER addon for the action icon position.

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And please please please get rid, or move, the action icons that are hovering in the middle of the screen.

I never use them when i play. I like it vet without any info and crosshair

If you noticed i have posted in the 1st post BC6_Feeling_UI_VET.pbo, this will not have the info in the middle of the screen, nor crosshair.

Kju, about their size, i am working on it for the BC6_Feeling_UI_CAD.pbo file. ;)

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Action icons are there regardless of difficulty and settings. But if you took them away in BC6_Feeling_UI_VET.pbo its really good :)

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Please fix this too:

File bc6_Feeling_ICONS\config.cpp, line 788: '/CfgVehicles/CDF_Soldier_Marksman.portrait': Missing ';' at the end of line

---------- Post added at 20:08 ---------- Previous post was at 18:35 ----------

Unless you made the config by design to extend later on here is a improve config:

class CfgPatches
class bc6_Feeling_ICONS
	units[] = {};
	weapons[] = {};
	requiredVersion = 1.04;
	requiredAddons[] =
	version = "2009-11-12";
	fileName = "bc6_Feeling_ICONS.pbo";
	author = "bravo 6";
	mail = "bravo6_bc@hotmail.com";
class CfgInGameUI
class CommandBar
	left = "-0.032 + SafeZoneX";
	top = "(SafeZoneH + SafeZoneY) - (1 - 0.851)";
	width = 1.05;
	height = 0.08;
	imageDefaultWeapons = "ca\ui\data\cmdbar_clean_ca.paa";
	imageNoWeapons = "ca\ui\data\cmdbar_clean_ca.paa";
	imageCommander = "ca\ui\data\cmdbar_commander_ca.paa";
	imageDriver = "ca\ui\data\cmdbar_driver_ca.paa";
	imageGunner = "ca\ui\data\cmdbar_gunner_ca.paa";
	imageCargo = "ca\ui\data\cmdbar_cargo_ca.paa";
	dimm = 0.3;
	colorRedTeam[] = {1,0,0,1};
	colorBlueTeam[] = {0,0,1,1};
	colorGreenTeam[] = {0.6,0.8392,0.4706,1};
	colorYellowTeam[] = {0.8,0.8,0,1};
	colorWhiteTeam[] = {0.95,0.95,0.95,1};
	class prevPage
		x = 0.032;
		y = 0.029;
		w = 0.019608;
		h = 0.104575;
		color[] = {0.543,0.5742,0.4102,1};
		texture = "ca\ui\data\cmdbar_leftarrow_ca.paa";
	class nextPage
		x = 0;
		y = 0.029;
		w = 0.019608;
		h = 0.104575;
		color[] = {0.543,0.5742,0.4102,1};
		texture = "ca\ui\data\cmdbar_rightarrow_ca.paa";
	class UnitInfo
		left = 0;
		top = 0.95;
		width = 0.55;
		height = 0.05;
		colorIDNone[] = {1,1,1,0.5};
		colorIDNormal[] = {1,1,1,0.5};
		colorIDSelected[] = {0.57,0.74,0.97,0.75};
		colorIDPlayer[] = {200,240,180,0.5};
		class GroupIcon
			x = 0.016;
			y = 0.012;
			w = 0.05733;
			h = 0.07623;
		class HcGroupText
			x = 0.045;
			y = 0.083;
			font = "Zeppelin32";
			SizeEx = 0.03921;
		class UnitBackground
			x = 0;
			y = 0;
			w = 0.156863;
			h = 0.20915;
			textureNormal = "ca\ui\data\clear_empty_ca.paa";
			textureSelected = "ca\ui\data\cmdbar_selected_ca.paa";
			texturePlayer = "ca\ui\data\cmdbar_clean_ca.paa";
			textureFocus = "ca\ui\data\clear_empty_ca.paa";
		class UnitFocus
			x = 0;
			y = 0;
			w = 0;
			h = 0;
			color[] = {1,1,1,0};
			texture = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0)";
		class UnitIcon
			x = 0;
			y = 0;
			w = 0.091;
			h = 0.121;
			color[] = {0.95,0.95,0.95,1};
			colorPlayer[] = {0.95,0.95,0.95,1};
			colorNoAmmo[] = {0.5,0.5,0.5,1};
			colorWounded[] = {0.8,0,0,1};
			colorWoundedFade[] = {0,0,0,1};
		class Semaphore
			w = 0.156863;
			h = 0.20915;
			color[] = {0.8,0,0,1};
			texture = "ca\ui\data\cmdbar_donotfire_ca.paa";
		class CommandBackground
			x = 0;
			y = 0.09;
			w = 0.13;
			h = 0.04;
			color[] = {1,1,1,0};
			texture = "ca\ui\data\cmdbar_order_background_ca.paa";
		class CommandText
			x = 0.035;
			y = 0.092;
			w = 0.08;
			h = 0.8;
			color[] = {1,1,1,0.2};
			font = "Zeppelin32";
			SizeEx = 0.029;
		class UnitSpecialRole
			x = 0.0635;
			y = 0.08;
			w = 0.0275;
			h = 0.035;
			color[] = {0.95,0.95,0.95,1};
		class VehicleNumberBackground
			x = 0.046;
			y = 0.072;
			w = 0.039216;
			h = 0.053;
			color[] = {0.023529,0,0.031372,1};
			texture = "ca\ui\data\cmdbar_commander_number_ca.paa";
		class VehicleNumberText
			x = 0.06;
			y = 0.0915;
			w = 0.022;
			h = 0.015;
			colorText[] = {0.023529,0,0.031372,1};
			font = "Zeppelin32";
			SizeEx = 0.027;
		class UnitRole
			x = 0.0675;
			y = 0.043;
			w = 0.028;
			h = 0.038;
			color[] = {0.023529,0,0.031372,1};
		class UnitNumberBackground
			x = 0.064;
			y = 0.08;
			w = 0.039216;
			h = 0.052288;
			color[] = {0.023529,0,0.031372,0.75};
			texture = "ca\ui\data\cmdbar_unitnumberbackground_ca.paa";
		class UnitNumberText
			x = 0.078;
			y = 0.083;
			w = 0.022;
			h = 0.029;
			colorText[] = {0.023529,0,0.031372,1};
			font = "Zeppelin32";
			SizeEx = 0.039;
class CfgVehicles
class CAManBase;
class SoldierWB;
class USMC_Soldier_Base: SoldierWB
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_usmc_marksman_ca.paa";
	picture = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_null_ca.paa";
class USMC_Soldier: USMC_Soldier_Base
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_usmc_regular_ca.paa";
	picture = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_null_ca.paa";
class USMC_Soldier_Light: USMC_Soldier_Base
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_usmc_unarmed_ca.paa";
	picture = "\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa";
class USMC_Soldier_GL: USMC_Soldier_Base
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_usmc_team_leader_ca.paa";
	picture = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_null_ca.paa";
class USMC_Soldier_Officer: USMC_Soldier_Base
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_usmc_officer_ca.paa";
	Picture = "\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_off_CA.paa";
class USMC_Soldier_SL: USMC_Soldier_Base
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_usmc_squad_leader_ca.paa";
	Picture = "\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_sleader_CA.paa";
class USMC_Soldier_TL: USMC_Soldier_Base
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_usmc_team_leader_ca.paa";
	Picture = "\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_tleader_CA.paa";
class USMC_Soldier_AT_Base: USMC_Soldier_Base
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_usmc_smaw_ca.paa";
	picture = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_null_ca.paa";
class USMC_Soldier_LAT: USMC_Soldier_AT_Base
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_usmc_m136_ca.paa";
	picture = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_null_ca.paa";
class USMC_Soldier_AT: USMC_Soldier_AT_Base
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_usmc_smaw_ca.paa";
	picture = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_null_ca.paa";
class USMC_Soldier_HAT: USMC_Soldier_AT_Base
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_usmc_javelin_ca.paa";
	picture = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_null_ca.paa";
class USMC_Soldier_AA: USMC_Soldier_AT_Base
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_usmc_aa_ca.paa";
	picture = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_null_ca.paa";
class USMC_Soldier_Medic: USMC_Soldier_Base
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_usmc_medic_ca.paa";
	picture = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_null_ca.paa";
class USMC_Soldier_AR: USMC_Soldier_Base
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_usmc_m249_ca.paa";
	picture = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_null_ca.paa";
class USMC_Soldier_MG: USMC_Soldier_Base
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_usmc_m240_ca.paa";
	picture = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_null_ca.paa";
class USMC_SoldierS_Spotter: USMC_Soldier_Base
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_usmc_spotter_ca.paa";
	picture = "\ca\ui\data\cmdbar_commander_ca.paa";
class USMC_SoldierS_Sniper: USMC_Soldier_Base
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_usmc_sniper_m24_ca.paa";
	picture = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_null_ca.paa";
class USMC_SoldierS_SniperH: USMC_SoldierS_Sniper
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_usmc_sniper_m107_ca.paa";
	picture = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_null_ca.paa";
class USMC_SoldierM_Marksman: USMC_Soldier_Base
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_usmc_marksman_ca.paa";
	picture = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_null_ca.paa";
class USMC_SoldierS: USMC_Soldier_Base
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_L_m4aim_ca.paa";
	picture = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_null_ca.paa";
class USMC_SoldierS_Engineer: USMC_Soldier_Base
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_usmc_engineer_ca.paa";
	picture = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_null_ca.paa";
class USMC_Soldier_Pilot: USMC_Soldier_Base
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_usmc_pilot_ca.paa";
	picture = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_null_ca.paa";
class USMC_Soldier_Crew: USMC_Soldier_Base
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_usmc_crew_ca.paa";
	picture = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_null_ca.paa";
class USMC_LHD_Crew_Base: USMC_Soldier_Base
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_usmc_unarmed_ca.paa";
	picture = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_null_ca.paa";
class FR_Base: SoldierWB
	picture = "\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_SF_CA.paa";
class FR_Commander: FR_Base
	portrait = "\Ca\characters\data\portraits\comBarHead_usmc_officer_ca";
	Picture = "\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_off_CA.paa";
class FR_Miles: FR_Base
	portrait = "\Ca\characters\data\portraits\comBarHead_miles_ca";
	picture = "\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa";
class FR_GL;
class FR_Cooper: FR_GL
	portrait = "\Ca\characters\data\portraits\comBarHead_cooper_ca";
	picture = "\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa";
class FR_Marksman;
class FR_Sykes: FR_Marksman
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_L_dmr_ca.paa";
	picture = "\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa";
class FR_Corpsman;
class FR_OHara: FR_Corpsman
	portrait = "\Ca\characters\data\portraits\comBarHead_ohara_ca";
	picture = "\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa";
class FR_AR;
class FR_Rodriguez: FR_AR
	portrait = "\Ca\characters\data\portraits\comBarHead_rodriguez_ca";
	picture = "\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa";
class FR_R;
class FR_Assault_R: FR_R
	portrait = "\Ca\characters\data\portraits\comBarHead_fr_spec_ca";
	model = "\ca\characters2\USMC\FR_DirAction1";
class FR_Assault_GL: FR_GL
	portrait = "\Ca\characters\data\portraits\comBarHead_fr_spec_ca";
	model = "\ca\characters2\USMC\FR_DirAction2";
class SoldierEB;
class RU_Soldier_Base: SoldierEB
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_rus_rifleman_ca.paa";
	picture = "\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa";
class RU_Soldier: RU_Soldier_Base
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_rus_rifleman_ca.paa";
	picture = "\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa";
class RU_Soldier2: RU_Soldier_Base
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_rus_rifleman_ca.paa";
	picture = "\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa";
class RU_Soldier_GL: RU_Soldier_Base
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_rus_ak_107_gl_kobra_ca.paa";
	picture = "\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa";
class RU_Soldier_Light: RU_Soldier_Base
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_rus_unarmed_ca.paa";
	picture = "\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa";
class RU_Soldier_Officer: RU_Soldier_Base
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_rus_officer_ca.paa";
	picture = "\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_off_CA.paa";
class RU_Soldier_SL: RU_Soldier_Base
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_rus_ak_107_gl_kobra_ca.paa";
	picture = "\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa";
class RU_Soldier_TL: RU_Soldier_Base
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_rus_team_leader_ca.paa";
	picture = "\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa";
class RU_Commander: RU_Soldier_Base
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_rus_general_ca.paa";
	picture = "\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_off_CA.paa";
class RU_Soldier_MG: RU_Soldier_Base
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_rus_machinegunner_ca.paa";
	picture = "\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa";
class RU_Soldier_AR: RU_Soldier_Base
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_rus_mg_rpk74_ca.paa";
	picture = "\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa";
class RU_Soldier_LAT: RU_Soldier_Base
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_rus_rpg18_ca.paa";
	picture = "\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa";
class RU_Soldier_AT: RU_Soldier_Base
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_rus_rpg7_ca.paa";
	picture = "\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa";
class RU_Soldier_HAT: RU_Soldier_Base
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_rus_metis_ca.paa";
	picture = "\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa";
class RU_Soldier_AA: RU_Soldier_Base
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_rus_aa_strela_ca.paa";
	picture = "\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa";
class RU_Soldier_Sniper: RU_Soldier_Base
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_rus_sniper_svd_ca.paa";
	picture = "\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa";
class RU_Soldier_SniperH: RU_Soldier_Sniper
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_rus_sniper_ksvk_ca.paa";
	picture = "\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa";
class RU_Soldier_Spotter: RU_Soldier_Base
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_rus_spotter_ca.paa";
	picture = "\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa";
class RU_Soldier_Marksman: RU_Soldier_Base
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_rus_marksman_svd_ca.paa";
	picture = "\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa";
class RU_Soldier_Medic: RU_Soldier_Base
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_rus_medic_ca.paa";
	picture = "\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa";
class RU_Soldier_Pilot: RU_Soldier_Base
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_rus_pilot_ca.paa";
	model = "\ca\characters2\Rus\Soldier_Pilot";
class RU_Soldier_Crew: RU_Soldier_Base
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_rus_crew_ca.paa";
	picture = "\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa";
class RUS_Soldier_Base: SoldierEB
	portrait = "\Ca\characters\data\portraits\comBarHead_ru_spec_ca";
	picture = "\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_SF_CA.paa";
class RUS_Commander: RUS_Soldier_Base
	portrait = "\Ca\characters\data\portraits\comBarHead_ru_spec_com_ca";
	Picture = "\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_off_CA.paa";
class MVD_Soldier_Base: SoldierEB
	portrait = "\Ca\characters\data\portraits\comBarHead_ru_mvd_ca";
	picture = "\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_SF_CA.paa";
class SoldierGB;
class GUE_Soldier_Base: SoldierGB
	portrait = "\Ca\characters\data\portraits\comBarHead_opFor_ca";
	picture = "\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa";
class GUE_Soldier_1;
class GUE_Soldier_Pilot: GUE_Soldier_1
	portrait = "\Ca\characters\data\portraits\comBarHead_ru_pilot_ca";
class GUE_Soldier_Crew: GUE_Soldier_1
	portrait = "\Ca\characters\data\portraits\comBarHead_common_crew_ca";
class Ins_Soldier_Base: SoldierEB
	picture = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_null_ca.paa";
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_ins_rifleman_ak47m_ca.paa";
class Ins_Soldier_1: Ins_Soldier_Base
	picture = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_null_ca.paa";
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_ins_rifleman_c1_ak74_ca.paa";
class Ins_Soldier_2: Ins_Soldier_Base
	picture = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_null_ca.paa";
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_ins_rifleman_c2_ak74_ca.paa";
class Ins_Soldier_GL: Ins_Soldier_Base
	picture = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_null_ca.paa";
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_ins_ak47gl_ca.paa";
class Ins_Soldier_CO: Ins_Soldier_Base
	picture = "\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_tleader_CA.paa";
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_ins_officer_aks74_pso_ca.paa";
class Ins_Commander: Ins_Soldier_Base
	picture = "\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_off_CA.paa";
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_ins_commander_aks74u_ca.paa";
class Ins_Soldier_Medic: Ins_Soldier_Base
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_ins_medic_aks74u_ca.paa";
	picture = "\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_Med_CA.paa";
class Ins_Soldier_AR: Ins_Soldier_Base
	picture = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_null_ca.paa";
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_ins_mg_rpk74_ca.paa";
class Ins_Soldier_MG: Ins_Soldier_Base
	picture = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_null_ca.paa";
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_ins_mg_pk_ca.paa";
class Ins_Soldier_AT: Ins_Soldier_Base
	picture = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_null_ca.paa";
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_ins_rpg7v_ca.paa";
class Ins_Soldier_AA: Ins_Soldier_Base
	picture = "\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa";
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_ins_aa_strela_ca.paa";
class Ins_Soldier_Sniper: Ins_Soldier_Base
	picture = "\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa";
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_ins_sniper_svd_ca.paa";
class Ins_Soldier_Sapper: Ins_Soldier_Base
	picture = "\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa";
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_ins_sapper_ak74s_ca.paa";
class Ins_Soldier_Sab: Ins_Soldier_Base
	picture = "\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa";
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_ins_saboteur_ak74unkobra_ca.paa";
class Ins_Worker2: Ins_Soldier_Base
	picture = "\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa";
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_ins_rifleman_ak74s_ca.paa";
class Ins_Woodlander1: Ins_Soldier_Base
	picture = "\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa";
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_ins_rifleman_ak74s_ca.paa";
class Ins_Woodlander2: Ins_Woodlander1
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_ins_rifleman_ak74s_ca.paa";
	picture = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_null_ca.paa";
class Ins_Lopotev: Ins_Commander
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_ins_boss_g36c_ca.paa";
	picture = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_null_ca.paa";
class Ins_Bardak: Ins_Commander
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_ins_rifleman_ak74s_ca.paa";
	picture = "\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_off_CA.paa";
class Ins_Soldier_Pilot: Ins_Soldier_Base
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_ins_pilot_ca.paa";
	picture = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_null_ca.paa";
class Ins_Soldier_Crew: Ins_Soldier_Base
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_ins_crew_ca.paa";
	picture = "\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa";
class CDF_Soldier_Base: SoldierWB
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_cdf_rifleman_ca.paa";
	picture = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_null_ca.paa";
class CDF_Soldier: CDF_Soldier_Base
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_cdf_rifleman_ca.paa";
	picture = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_null_ca.paa";
class CDF_Soldier_Light: CDF_Soldier_Base
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_cdf_unarmed_ca.paa";
	picture = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_null_ca.paa";
class CDF_Soldier_GL: CDF_Soldier_Base
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_cdf_ak47gl_ca.paa";
	picture = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_null_ca.paa";
class CDF_Soldier_Medic: CDF_Soldier_Base
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_cdf_medic_ca.paa";
	picture = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_null_ca.paa";
class CDF_Soldier_Sniper: CDF_Soldier_Base
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_cdf_sniper_svd_ca.paa";
	picture = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_null_ca.paa";
class CDF_Soldier_Spotter: CDF_Soldier_Base
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_cdf_spotter_ca.paa";
	picture = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_null_ca.paa";
class CDF_Soldier_Marksman: CDF_Soldier_Base
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_cdf_marksman_ca.paa";
	picture = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_null_ca.paa";
class CDF_Soldier_RPG: CDF_Soldier_Base
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_cdf_rpg7_ca.paa";
	picture = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_null_ca.paa";
class CDF_Soldier_Strela: CDF_Soldier_Base
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_cdf_aa_ca.paa";
	picture = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_null_ca.paa";
class CDF_Soldier_AR: CDF_Soldier_Base
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_cdf_mg_rpk74_ca.paa";
	picture = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_null_ca.paa";
class CDF_Soldier_MG: CDF_Soldier_Base
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_cdf_mg_pk_ca.paa";
	picture = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_null_ca.paa";
class CDF_Soldier_TL: CDF_Soldier_Base
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_cdf_teamleader_ca.paa";
	Picture = "\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_tleader_CA.paa";
class CDF_Soldier_Officer: CDF_Soldier_Base
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_cdf_officer_ca.paa";
	Picture = "\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_off_CA.paa";
class CDF_Commander: CDF_Soldier_Base
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_cdf_general_ca.paa";
	Picture = "\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_off_CA.paa";
class CDF_Soldier_Pilot: CDF_Soldier_Base
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_cdf_pilot_ca.paa";
	picture = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_null_ca.paa";
class CDF_Soldier_Crew: CDF_Soldier_Base
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_cdf_crew_ca.paa";
	picture = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_null_ca.paa";
class CDF_Soldier_Engineer: CDF_Soldier
	portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_cdf_engineer_ca.paa";
	picture = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_null_ca.paa";

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oh, those ";" things.. sometimes one is forgotten somehow :D


Thank you! ;)

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I think just one of these two was posted:

Warning Message: Cannot load texture bc6_feeling_icons\data\ico\bc6_l_dmr_ca.paa.

Warning Message: Cannot load texture bc6_feeling_icons\data\ico\bc6_l_m4aim_ca.paa.

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First post updaded with new link to updated version.

I think the known bugs are fixed, though not all unit icons are in the Version 1.0.1.

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Thanks for the update!

Here is a reduced version for the CfgInGameUI class:

class CfgInGameUI
class CommandBar
	colorIDNone[] = {1,1,1,0.5};
	colorIDNormal[] = {1,1,1,0.5};
	colorIDSelected[] = {0.57,0.74,0.97,0.55};
	colorIDPlayer[] = {200,240,180,0.5};
	class prevPage
		color[] = {0.543,0.5742,0.4102,1};
		w = 0.019608;
	class nextPage
		color[] = {0.543,0.5742,0.4102,1};
		w = 0.019608;
	class UnitInfo
		class UnitBackground
			textureNormal = "ca\ui\data\clear_empty_ca.paa";
			texturePlayer = "ca\ui\data\cmdbar_clean_ca.paa";
			textureFocus = "ca\ui\data\clear_empty_ca.paa";
		class UnitIcon
			color[] = {0.95,0.95,0.95,1};
			colorPlayer[] = {0.95,0.95,0.95,0.8};
			colorNoAmmo[] = {0.863,0.584,0,0.8};
		class CommandBackground
			color[] = {1,1,1,0};
			y = 0.09;
			w = 0.13;
			h = 0.04;
		class UnitSpecialRole
			color[] = {0.95,0.95,0.95,1};
			x = 0.0635;
			y = 0.08;
			w = 0.0275;
			h = 0.035;
		class UnitRole
			color[] = {0.023529,0,0.031372,1};
			x = 0.0675;
			y = 0.043;
			w = 0.028;
			h = 0.038;
		class UnitNumberBackground
			color[] = {0.023529,0,0.031372,0.75};
			x = 0.064;
			w = 0.039216;
			h = 0.052288;
		class UnitNumberText
			x = 0.078;
			colorText[] = {0.023529,0,0.031372,1};
			SizeEx = 0.039;
		class CommandText
			color[] = {1,1,1,0.2};
			x = 0.035;
			y = 0.092;
			w = 0.08;
			h = 0.8;
			SizeEx = 0.029;
		class VehicleNumberText
			x = 0.06;
			y = 0.0915;
			h = 0.015;
			colorText[] = {0.023529,0,0.031372,1};
			SizeEx = 0.027;
		class VehicleNumberBackground
			color[] = {0.023529,0,0.031372,1};
			x = 0.046;
			w = 0.039216;
			h = 0.053;
		left = 0;
		top = 0.95;
		width = 0.55;
		height = 0.05;
	width = 1.05;
	imageNoWeapons = "ca\ui\data\cmdbar_clean_ca.paa";

It should work like this and make your work compatible with other people's


Having unchanged values from BI configs in your config destroys compatibility

and can even lead to issues, if BI patches these values, yet your addons

resets them to the old values. Thanks!

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Ok. Ill update the reduced config in the next version, which will contain the civilians unit icons.

I used the big config because i didn't know if i was going to change their values someday.

I see some class are organized/positioned in different order, does that affect their behavior somehow? (sorry if this question seems stupid but i have my reasons :) )

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No the order doesnt matter. I adapted it to the all in one layout to compare best.

What I recommend you to do is to comment all lines you didnt use.

With an editor you can easily mass comment all values and not the class structure.

In addition copy the original value behind the line as 2nd comment, like

class A


// size = 1; //1;

So if one decides to tweak the value, one removes the first comment and changes

the value as one likes. That way you know what you touched and always easily have

the original value at hand.

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Thanks for the update Bravo6! And great work on that kju. Thanks to both of you for this wonderful addon!

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Icons look good but they are not readable inside armors where a lot of black backgrounds. All black icon signs and numbers are not visible. Could you add background to the icons or make bright border around them?

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Yep. One of the solutions i wrote about some pages back is to make white outlines (borders) around the bodies of the icons. But simpler is maybe to make background image to put the bodies ontop.

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Icons look good but they are not readable inside armors where a lot of black backgrounds. All black icon signs and numbers are not visible. Could you add background to the icons or make bright border around them?

Thank you for calling me into that attention, i missed it completely. It would be a matter of time until i find notice it. Yes, they need to be changed somehow.

Ill see what i can do to make them more distinguishable in black.

Yep. One of the solutions i wrote about some pages back is to make white outlines (borders) around the bodies of the icons. But simpler is maybe to make background image to put the bodies ontop.

Alex72, I say again: I'm not doing the outlines for the soldiers, like i said. Its not necessary.

They do not interfere with what Vipera described.

I believe what he means has to do with the number of the vehicle that appears in black (the smallest number) when the other units are in the same vehicles and also the small round black icon that shows if the player have MG, AT or AA. These are BIS original icons, they were not edited. What i can do is change the color of these informations to distinguish them on the black or edit them.

Though if you select the players you will be able to see these two informations until i change it to a better solution.

Edited by bravo 6

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1 more bug my friend. Same as with that AK cannot load message. But this is when you EJECT from a plane. I think it happes only first time you do it.

I ejected and got that same error but this time it was "M4AIM" cannot be loaded. Also pointed to B6_Feeling... path. Same as AK but with M4. Hope you find it and can fix.

Thanks Bravo6. Great addon. :)


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