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Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis Soundtracks

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As the title reads, I have taken all of Operation Flashpoint's Soundtracks and released it in .OGG format (This format is used for the music/sounds In-Game, That way players can use the original OFP music in their own created missions. this was intended for the Cold War Rearmed Team but I figure I can release it to the community as well. Included in the .rar is a Read me file that tells you EXACTLY how to use the music in your mission Enjoy.



Thx Big, Imutep, Miller, & Old Bear for the Mirrors

ArmaHolic: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8383

Assault Mission Studio: http://www.assaultmissionstudio.de/downloads.php?page_id=257

Arma2Base: http://arma2base.de/include.php?path=download&contentid=1110

Armed Assault Info: http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?game=1&cat=addons&id=1147

Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis soundtracks. © Bohemia Interactive Studio

Edited by Drew

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Legendary ofp music is back!!!

for a few modern versions, look here.

God, worship OFP :pray:

Edited by Gedis

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Legendary ofp music is back!!!

for a few modern versions, look here.

God, worship OFP :pray:

Does anyone have a DL link for that OFP Tribute in that thread? It's absolutely amazing.

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Very nice. Missed this sounds! :)

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this was intended for the Cold War Rearmed Team but I figure I can release it to the community as well.

I coulda sworn CWR talked about the legalities of this music conflicting with Codemasters. As the reason for the voice over changes between Elite and the PC version.

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Legalities/Legal/Contract. Codemasters owns this stuff. (The only stuff they own).

Hey if the mods/bis don't care... I don't care, is all I'm sayin.

Edited by Victor

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Legalities/Legal/Contact. Codemasters owns this stuff. (The only stuff they own)

AFAIK they only own the CWC campaign voices, not the music.

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AFAIK they only own the CWC campaign voices, not the music.

Thank you. Even if they did own the music, I see BIS's Copyright all over the OFP box **INCLUDING** music, therefore, legalities have no affair here :)

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AFAIK they only own the CWC campaign voices, not the music.

That may explain the few remakes in Arma2 :P

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Ty to all who have mirrored, much appreciated.

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It seems that Overdose is missing. I tryed this myself by unpboing the music file in my OFP directory, but music didnt work.:(

It woud be nice to get resistance music as well.


Edited by Joona

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It seems that Overdose is missing. I tryed this myself by unpboing the music file in my OFP directory, but music didnt work.:(

It woud be nice to get resistance music as well.


that wasnt part of the original OFP unless u had the "Game of the Year" edition :D I'll see what I can do.

---------- Post added at 02:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:27 PM ----------

-=engener=- has already release an OFP Music for ArmA2 file tracks in June, could you tell us what is different in this release?

His files are in PBO format, mine are not. That's pretty much the only difference I see, I searched through each site & couldn't find anyone who had realeased it so I went ahead and did it, oh well :D

---------- Post added at 02:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:28 PM ----------

Oh & Bear that link that you provided from Engener is corrupt for me, also a big difference haha :D

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By the way:


01 - Main Theme (04:18)

02 - Walk (03:20)

03 - Slow Blades (03:27)

04 - The Fallen (02:30)

05 - Secret (02:34)

06 - Dark Side (02:58)

07 - Heroes (02:58)

08 - Ocean (02:12)

09 - Decisions (01:03)

10 - March Hell (01:15)

11 - Hunt (00:53)

12 - Casualties Of War (00:59)

13 - Suppression (00:37)

14 - Soviet Theme (00:19)

15 - Armor (00:56)

16 - Amen (01:01)

Organ Works (01:09)

Mixdown (00:16)

Resistance Theme 01a (01:15)

Resistance Theme 01b (00:33)

Resistance Theme 02 (02:57)

Resistance Theme 03 (00:46)

Resistance Theme 04 (01:06)

Resistance Theme 05 (01:06)

Resistance Theme 06 (00:36)

Resistance Theme 07 (00:45)

Resistance Theme 08 (01:02)

Resistance Theme 09 (01:19)

Resistance Theme 10 (01:08)

The Seventh - Lifeless (04:31)

The Seventh - Darken (04:25)

The Seventh - Decide (03:57)

The Seventh - My Life (04:07)

The Seventh - I Am Gonna Fly (04:04)

The Seventh - Overdose (04:22)

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