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lk Nuclear Bomb

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:D the range for the visibility depends on your view distance safe would be about 2000 away from the nuke blast range is 1750 m so you should be safe, about the sound there is a line that settle when a player can hear the sound and its in nuke.sqf, look:

if (CMTarget distance player < 2500) then {player say "Explo_Large"};

sleep 2;

if (CMTarget distance player < 2500) then {player say "nsound"};

so if u are in 2500 range you can hear it but you can change this.

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awesome - i'm going to test this and add it to evolution - thanks lucilk

top work!

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should also have said - I added the flash from arma 1 nuke (so all players in 2000m get blinded for about 5 secs followed by blurry vision for 10 secs or so.

Also added the killbox, so it tallies the score and adds it to yours.

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Lucilk Great addon you have created here, top notch!!

Just some feedback ideas to throw in. Someone has already mentioned what about detonation from ground level? Like it could be a vehicle that has the nuke. I would like to use it in a mission and ground level will suit my mission much better (Perhaps have a optional script to swap with the main one to keep it simple).

I'm still learning to script. It would be great if you included some comment lines above key script code where the user can modify things (or for info for those learning) such as blast radius, altering colour effect (desaturation i think is the word im after?) which i was going to suggest should last much longer. Also maybe more large dust/ash clouds that linger around ground zero for a bit.

Did you update the nuke script for destroying trees as well? or is that still to come...

Does it include a shockwave? i was in a helicopter about 400 ft off the ground watching the blast at a safe distance, and as it went off, it put my helicopter into a spin. I think it was a custom helicopter (cant remember which it was). But i think nukes are suppose to give off a EMP? so it would be cool if any aircraft in the area and extended area lose control and crash. And perhaps radar goes haywire for ground vehicles that are just outside the blastzone.

I hope someone will make some Chemical/Bio suits units, then you could have a map that has radioactive areas, wiped out cities etc.

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I hope someone will make some Chemical/Bio suits units, then you could have a map that has radioactive areas, wiped out cities etc.


However, don't have to be actually new units (In this stage of development). I think it is enough that you specify which units are immune to radiation when you execute the script.

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But i think nukes are suppose to give off a EMP? so it would be cool if any aircraft in the area and extended area lose control and crash. And perhaps radar goes haywire for ground vehicles that are just outside the blastzone..

I was thinking about this... it would be quite easy to make an array of all vehicles up to 2000m away and then set engineon = false and setfuel 0. This would mimic an EMP toasting the engine controls.

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guys i will update to a object version and "yes" , all vehicles within 1750 m will be damaged , air, land , boat, it depends how close are they to the nuclear core.

patience and you will get what you need

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Hows things going with the Ik Nuke update Lucilk?

Drew released a port of Gig's Scud nuclear missle launcher today.


I watched the video clip and the explosion wasnt very effective compared to your's. What about you contacting Drew and see if you can combine your nuke addon with his launcher? Of course your addon can be standalone as well. And im hoping you will have a ground only detonation option too, with a timer or remote trigger to go with it.

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yeah if you want Lucilk we can work somethin out, I'll do what I can to help.

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Yeah, so far I have just lowered the height of the missile spawn and increased its speed to 9999 which is so far unseen, which is sort of considered a ground detonation. :P

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Drew i am testing out your Scud now and i will combine them to make the nuclear bomb, it will be updated with the scud, probably the final release

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good news man, It's not "my" SCUD though :D

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i almost finished the nuclear bomb and now works with the scud and the hangar, you get 2 types the 15k nuke and 80 kt nuke but i got a problem can anyone fix this code i keep getting errors about variables are not defined maibe do it sqf pls.

_car = _this select 0

_add = 0

_add2 = 0

_add3 = 0

_add4 = 0

_add5s = 0

_add6s = 0

_add7s = 0


_hanger = nearestObject[_car, "GIG_Hanger1"]

_scud_driver = driver _car

_player_group = group player

_scud_driver_group = group _scud_driver

_player_group_leader = leader (group player)

_leadedwarhead = _car getVariable "LoadedWarhead"

_animphase_trig2 = _car animationphase "Trigger2"

_animphase_locked = _car animationphase "Locked"

_animphase_trig1 = _car animationphase "trigger1"

_animphase_stand = _car animationphase "StandMissile"

_hang_dis_s = _hanger distance _car

_scud_spd = abs speed _car

?!(isPlayer _scud_driver) and (_scud_driver_group == _player_group) and (_scud_driver != player) and (_player_group_leader == player) and (alive (_scud_driver)) and _add == 0 and _animphase_trig2 == 0 and _animphase_locked == 0 and _animphase_stand == 0 and GIGTgtSet == 0 and (_hang_dis_s > 19) : _action = player addAction [ format["Call Launch Operation (%1)", _scud_driver], "\GIG_Scud\operation.sqs", _car ]; _add = 1; _add4 = 0

?(isPlayer _scud_driver) or (_scud_driver_group != _player_group) or (_scud_driver == player) or (_player_group_leader != player) or !(alive (_scud_driver)) or _animphase_trig2 == 1 or _animphase_locked == 1 or GIGTgtSet == 1 or (_car getvariable "LaunchPadState" == "Unerecting") or (_hang_dis_s < 19) : player removeAction _action ; _add = 0

?!(isPlayer _scud_driver) and (_scud_driver_group == _player_group) and (_scud_driver != player) and (_player_group_leader == player) and (alive (_scud_driver)) and _add2 == 0 and _animphase_trig2 == 0 and _animphase_locked == 0 and _animphase_trig1 == 1 and _animphase_stand == 1 and _car animationphase "StandFrame" == 0 : _actionlaunch = player addAction [ format["Call Launch (%1)", _scud_driver], "\GIG_Scud\calllaunch.sqs", _car ]; _add2 = 1

?(isPlayer _scud_driver) or (_scud_driver_group != _player_group) or (_scud_driver == player) or (_player_group_leader != player) or !(alive (_scud_driver)) or _animphase_trig2 == 1 or _animphase_locked == 1 or _animphase_trig1 == 0 : player removeAction _actionlaunch ; _add2 = 0

?!(isPlayer _scud_driver) and (_scud_driver_group == _player_group) and (_scud_driver != player) and (_player_group_leader == player) and (alive (_scud_driver)) and _add3 == 0 and _animphase_trig2 == 0 and _animphase_locked == 0 and _animphase_trig1 == 1 : _actionreset = player addAction [ format["Call Reset Target (%1)", _scud_driver], "\GIG_Scud\callreset.sqs", _car ]; _add3 = 1

?(isPlayer _scud_driver) or (_scud_driver_group != _player_group) or (_scud_driver == player) or (_player_group_leader != player) or !(alive (_scud_driver)) or _animphase_trig2 == 1 or _animphase_locked == 1 or _animphase_trig1 == 0 or GIGTgtSet == 1 : player removeAction _actionreset ; _add3 = 0

?!(isPlayer _scud_driver) and (_scud_driver_group == _player_group) and (_scud_driver != player) and (_player_group_leader == player) and (alive (_scud_driver)) and _add4 == 0 and _animphase_trig2 == 0 and _animphase_locked == 0 and _animphase_stand == 1 and _car animationphase "StandFrame" == 0 : _actioncancel = player addAction [ format["Call Cancel Launch Operation (%1)", _scud_driver], "\GIG_Scud\callcancel.sqs", _car ]; _add4 = 1 ; _add = 0

?(isPlayer _scud_driver) or (_scud_driver_group != _player_group) or (_scud_driver == player) or (_player_group_leader != player) or !(alive (_scud_driver)) or _animphase_trig2 == 1 or _animphase_locked == 1 : player removeAction _actioncancel ; _add4 = 0

?(_add5s == 0 and !(isPlayer _scud_driver) and (_scud_driver_group == _player_group) and (_scud_driver != player) and (_player_group_leader == player) and (alive (_scud_driver)) and (_leadedwarhead != "15kt") and (_hang_dis_s < 16) and (_scud_spd < 1) ) :_action_s = player addAction [ format["Call Rearm 15KT Missile (%1)", _scud_driver], "\GIG_Scud\callload15kt.sqs", _car ]; _add5s = 1

?(_add5s == 1 and (isPlayer _scud_driver) or (_scud_driver_group != _player_group) or (_scud_driver == player) or (_player_group_leader != player) or !(alive (_scud_driver)) or (_leadedwarhead == "15kt") or (_hang_dis_s > 16) or (_scud_spd > 1) ) : player removeAction _action_s; _add5s = 0

?(_add6s == 0 and !(isPlayer _scud_driver) and (_scud_driver_group == _player_group) and (_scud_driver != player) and (_player_group_leader == player) and (alive (_scud_driver)) and (_leadedwarhead != "80kt") and (_hang_dis_s < 16) and (_scud_spd < 1) ) :_action2_s = player addAction [ format["Call Rearm 80KT Missile (%1)", _scud_driver], "\GIG_Scud\callload80kt.sqs", _car ]; _add6s = 1

?(_add6s == 1 and (isPlayer _scud_driver) or (_scud_driver_group != _player_group) or (_scud_driver == player) or (_player_group_leader != player) or !(alive (_scud_driver)) or (_leadedwarhead == "80kt") or (_hang_dis_s > 16) or (_scud_spd > 1) ) : player removeAction _action2_s; _add6s = 0

?(_add7s == 0 and !(isPlayer _scud_driver) and (_scud_driver_group == _player_group) and (_scud_driver != player) and (_player_group_leader == player) and (alive (_scud_driver)) and (_leadedwarhead != "None") and (_hang_dis_s < 16) and (_scud_spd < 1) ) :_action3_s = player addAction [ format["Call Unload Missile (%1)", _scud_driver], "\GIG_Scud\callunload.sqs", _car ]; _add7s = 1

?(_add7s == 1 and (isPlayer _scud_driver) or (_scud_driver_group != _player_group) or (_scud_driver == player) or (_player_group_leader != player) or !(alive (_scud_driver)) or (_leadedwarhead == "None") or (_hang_dis_s > 16) or (_scud_spd > 1) ) : player removeAction _action3_s; _add7s = 0


goto "loop"


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version 0.9 with scud now available use mod folder check the movie from front page and give feedback, thanks, oh.... and have fun..

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Hi dude, excellent addon. Question, will a seperate nuclear bomb object be available with the same explosive power? Thanks.

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I'm trying to create a triggerd nuke explosion with this script.

I have the 'map click' version.

So I've created a trigger, taken out the map-click, and replaced with the script posted by Mtuckner, but it still drops on the player...

My 'nukelaunch' is identical. What is wrong?


Figured it out. 'Nuke1' must be a player, vehicle or building, NOT a marker. silly me.

Edited by nedley

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Dude, thank you so much. This is amazing. Also I don't get where do you people find a nukelaunch.sqs? There's no such file that I see in the mission directory.

Also it keeps telling me cannot find script 'nuke.sqf' when I try using the radio bravo trigger.

Oh, btw, I made a video of it. Check it out!


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Is there any way for an unexperienced scripter to place the explosion to a specific location and to simply blow it after a given time after starting the mission. I would need it for a movie scene.

Anyone a clue and an alternative addon to recommend?

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yeah I kinda had the same question.

Also RomanLord, yeah, I got banned some time back on youtube and didn't reupload it to my new account.

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Hello, I like this addon, but I would like to use only the Nuke part of it. Because I could not find any other useful topic about this stuff than this one.

Is there any way how to use only inpact of 80k Nuke without SCUD launching it?

Thx for respond.

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Try this:

nukepos = "HeliHEmpty" createVehicle (position targetname)

nukestartpos = "HeliHEmpty" createVehicle (position targetname)

GIGTgtPosX = position nukepos select 0

GIGTgtPosy = position nukepos select 1

nul = [] execvm "\GIG_Scud\nuke2.sqf";

[GIGTgtPosX ,GIGTgtPosy] exec "\GIG_Scud\sndnuke_80kt.sqs";

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Does it work for CWC too ? Can someone tell me how can I do it on CWC ? With map,effects,to distroy something,like a town

Edited by GerardDerWolfe

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