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Windows 7?

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Windows 7 build 7100 32bit (yes, I suddenly feel like a retard for having the 32bit version) here, no problems at all.

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Runs fine in the 64bit RTM too (build 7600 if you wish you know). Shame it's not 64bit aware to make use of my extra RAM but oh well, be a while before most games are like that lol.

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Runs fine for me on win7 64 bit. Runs slightly better on xp 32 bit for me but i will see what 191.07 drivers do on win7 when i get a chance to install them.

It ran great on all drivers for xp 32 bit so far

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With 64 bit here... it`s a bit odd that the devs didn`t take this into developement consideration.

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With 64 bit here... it`s a bit odd that the devs didn`t take this into developement consideration.

Market share and lowest common denominator. That pretty much sums up why it's not 64bit aware. More people playing it will have a 32bit OS than 64bit. Give it about 5 years and we may see a shift in those figures but right now 32bit is king as far as Windows machines go. They want their game to run for as many people as possible.

It would be nice however if there was some way to make it aware of and use the extra resources a 64bit OS brings, like more RAM. A few other games have done this but I'm not sure how much overheard it would cause or if it's financially viable for BIS to even bother at the present.

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For a game as RAM heavy as ArmA2 is, it's still pretty strange.

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Runs great on Windows 7 Enterprise x64.

For a game as RAM heavy as ArmA2 is, it's still pretty strange.

ArmA II can't use more than 2 GB of RAM. Because of this having faster RAM is especially better than having more RAM in ArmA II.

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I run a dual boot XP 32 bit and win7 RC (7100) 32bit. And for some reason the performance in Win 7 is quite bad, compared to XP. Fps may be about the same, but it stutters so much it gets unplayable after a while. When It really goes bad I see my hdd light flashing continuously, while in XP everything is fine.

I recon this is some driver problem for my hdd (controller) but to conclude for this topic: Win7+Arma2 doesnt work for me.

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ArmA II can't use more than 2 GB of RAM. Because of this having faster RAM is especially better than having more RAM in ArmA II.
Uh, yeah. So it's strange that they didn't compile a 64-bits version so it utilize more RAM.

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Fine on Win 7 64-bit RC 7100 Build.

I recon this is some driver problem for my hdd (controller) but to conclude for this topic: Win7+Arma2 doesnt work for me.

Can you list your specs...? Hard drive access would seem to indicate page file access which Arma does a lot of... just FYI.

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Well, the final release Win7 is out right away. I am switching to it from 32bit XP. The Arrowhead Expansion pack is out when? I sure hope BIS is making provisions FOR win 7 64bit.

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Win7 32bit here and ARMA2 runs great on it.

Also a lot of threads asking this in this forum already. Use the search function to find even more about this.


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