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"Receiving" screen then nothing

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Thank you Aelin, nice to read you \o/

@JW Custom : you'd better read the forum before posting such "epic posts".

I can't count the times I posted all kind of specs related to this major bug, still no answer from BIS, that's epic !

All kind of computer, with all kind of components have this bug, so why should I post my specs 10 times more ?

Well when just adding this post makes it looks like you didn't read anything in this thread at all, sorry if i was wrong!

Still no fix for receiving screen, that's epic !

In this same thread someone managed to get rid of the problem.

Well I found a fix. I left everything the way it was and every couple minutes I hit Shift + Num. Pad "Minus" then F L U S H as mentioned earlier.

The problem hasn't occurred once and I play all the time on MP warfare.

So thank you so much for that code!

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I tried this too, without success, I really hope it will be fixed with the next patch ;(

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I am having this problem too, ill try the -maxmem=2000 and see if that works and then i will report my findings back.

btw specs:

windows vista 64-bit

q6600 @2.4Ghz

nvidia Geforce 8800GTS 640Mb

4GB RAM (800Mhz)

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So can anybody help? Doing the Shift and MINUS then F L U S H works but it's annoying doing it every 5 minutes to make sure nothing goes wrong.

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hmm the receiving issue was fixed way back in a beta patch, do you guys use the betas?

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So how the hell do we fix this? BIS don't you ever come in and help? This is a very annoying issue. If you forget to do the FLUSH command you just can't play. It's a prick.

Nice name Shifty-AFC... copy cat ;)

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I don't think so.

Should I reinstall and use the latest patch?

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So how the hell do we fix this? BIS don't you ever come in and help? This is a very annoying issue. If you forget to do the FLUSH command you just can't play. It's a prick.

Nice name Shifty-AFC... copy cat ;)

Ahum, I use the name Shifty since OFP1 so thats about 8 years now.:yay:

I registred here as AFC coz someone stole my name. :butbut:

Btw whats the lastest patch then. 1.04?? If so, Ive got that one and still have this problem.

If theres a newer one please redirect me to a link.


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Yeah I have 1.04 and I still have the problem. I think you need to install it from scratch, and not have a beta patch in the middle somewhere.

I just lost FIVE games and at least 3 hours because of this.

Edited by -Shifty-

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there is a whole other Forum section devoted to the numerous "Beta" patches over the last three months(longer even). I think you need to get your eh together... and maybe apologize to the devs...pifft

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Yeah I get carried away. Especially when I waste hours on this issue. I'll go check out that "Beta" thing.

I was just in a game and I asked some people about this issue and they said it had something to do with connection.

Thanks anyway

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It's not entirely a connection issue for everyone. The "receiving" bug re-appeared in 1.04 for a number of people. It's usually related to the video memory setting under options. Many users have found that changing settings can produce/resolve the "recieving" bug issue.

As mentioned, it should be resolved for good once 1.05 releases.

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When is 1.05 releasing? Oh and Arrowhead as well !

I tried setting the graphic video memory on default, and high. Nothing has helped so far.

I'm using a GTX260 core 216 which I OCed. It has 896MBs of video memory.

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When is 1.05 releasing? Oh and Arrowhead as well !

I tried setting the graphic video memory on default, and high. Nothing has helped so far.

I'm using a GTX260 core 216 which I OCed. It has 896MBs of video memory.

Soon (standard answer #1)

When it's ready (standard answer #2)

You might want to try higher than that (there used to be a table around here somewhere) but I think 512+ was "very high". Tinker with various settings though and I bet it solves your issue.

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Does anyone use the -nomem in commandline?

Edit: Ok that was to easy, after 1min play I got stuck on receiving again.

Where to get the beta, coz this is doin my friggin head in.

What a bummer.

Edit II: Beta didnt help either.

Edited by Shifty-AFC

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I lost some amazing games. I had my typical set up, rifleman x 2 (1 being me), SMAW, SAW and a corpsman all in an M240 HMMWV. I always play Warfare.

We were at Grishino overlooking the town from hill South-West. Then out of nowhere comes this T72. Thank God my fire team and I were out of the vehicle and using it for cover. As I was typing in "HAAAAAALP" in the text I saw this one guy who had bought an MTVR with like 10 guys in it stop, they all got out and they started engaging the T72. I also had my SMAW out and just as I was about to hit the trigger I see it turn into a blazing fire.

Then, receiving...

Or this other time the game just restarted and we were assaulting this village (Petrovka) and we watched the AI moving in getting mowed down. I flanked and pick the suckers off with the M16A2. Then when we took it we had no transport so we just sat there. I then noticed a HMMWV ambulance and we all took it and went for Grishino. After a close call with an MG bunker we got into the village. Just as the capture bar was almost finished...


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I have ATI tray tools and it shows that both FVM(free video memory) and FTM(free texture memory) keeps decreasing about 256mb until resetted back.

shift+minus+flush command gets executed but without any effect.

I'm having this nonstop:

Loop lasts for couple of seconds and it starts with:



And ends with



And back to loop.

I never had this until I installed beta. Now its with every new beta version. Sucks...big time.

Edited by Väinämöinen

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Whats your shortcut string? And do you use "default" Video Memory" setting in game? And your using XP64, so you have more than 4GB of System RAM?

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"C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\beta\crysis64.exe" -nosplash -mod=D:\CA;D:\beta

And yes I'm using the default video memory setting.

XP64 with 8gb ram.

After that tuned localVRAM=1068449792 and write protected arma2.cfg file too.

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After installing patch 1.05, things are far better: my freezes/crashes with hard reset became this ridicolous RECEIVING issue. I can only play for less than 5 minutes, even in the armory, then i have a RECEIVING issue every minute of gameplay.

I tried many graphic settings, but none solved the problem.

This game is still unplayable for me.... after many months from its delivery... shameful.

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ciao paelleon,tomorrow I will install 1.05 and see if the bug is still kicking my ass....really I hope it wont otherwise you are right,it could be a big shame

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Sorry to hear paelleon!

PC: WinXP Pro, Intel E6600 2.4GHz, 3GB 800Mhz RAM, GTX260 1.7GB, SB X-Fi XtremeMusic

I have very similar HW specifications and used to get the "Receiving...." bug in 1.03-1.04. Some of the 1.04 betas fixed/improved it for me and I have yet to have a CTD or the "Receiving...." issue with 1.05 final - so far solid as a rock for me.

What graphic driver are you using for your GTX 260? I'm using 191.07 WHQL myself and the only real difference from your machine is the SB X-Fi XtremeMusic, I'm using the on-board Realtek HDA sound.


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Updated to 1.05 and guess what.

Receiving problem is still there.

Thanks BIS

Edited by Shifty-AFC

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