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ok so i recently downloaded and installed teamspeak (Teamspeak2) because so many servers nowadays require it... i still don't know why. Anyways... i have no idea how to use it. I mean yes, it seems simple; you just pu in the server ip and password and connect. So far, though i haven't been able to connect to any server that i tried, and there's over 5 that i have tried. Most of the servers list a port number as well but i don't know where to input that value as there are no fields for in in the Teamspeak "Connect" screen. Does anyone have some answers for me? Are there guides or something that show how to connect through TS? Thanks is advance.


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Most server are setup so you can connect using quick connect:

Server address field: IP#:Port# or Serveraddress:Port#

Nickname: Type a name that will show up on TS, best use same as player name.

Login: leave blank unless you're registered on a server

Password: leave blank unless server require one.

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Teamspeak and vent are useless, I wish people would stop using them. Mumble is the future!

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If they were useless People would stop using them,,, They aren't so WE don't.

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Mm. I don't know, I've set up and used all three (servers included) and far prefer Mumble/Murmur.

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When the provider who hosts our dedicated ArmA server offers Mumble, I'd give it a try. Right now we get Vent as part of our package. I'm not sure that I've even see any providers offering Mumble yet.

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Ah, that's understandable. I've got my stuff running on colo, it's my machine and I have complete control over it :P

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Time will come when they will offer mumble.

It saves them bandwidth too so once they realise that they will offer it.


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draeath, we gave mumble a test run to see what it could do, but we werent able to get a channel commander-like functionality to work. Do you know if such functionalities are present in the current build of mumble, or if they are planned?

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Well, what do you mean specifically? (I don't know what you mean by "channel commander-like")

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This post IS NOT A X Application is better than a Y Application post It is simply an explanation as to why some communities prerer teamspeak over others and also a guide as to how one COULD use it

The following manual has a section dedicated to setting up teamspeak, it may help some of you

:icon_arrow: Zeus manual http://zeus-community.net/important/zeusmanual.pdf

The following is a set of Keybindings that you can Import into your teamspeak client which may help some of you

:icon_arrow: Teamspeak KeyBindings http://zeus-community.net/important/Zeus_keybindings_05_09_2009.exe



The reason why a lot of communities use Teamspeak over other applications is due to the

  • ease of setting it up,
  • server side configuration
  • functionality that it offers over other applications

The reason why Communities use a 3rd party applications for their communications package is.

  • They need a 3rd part comms application anyway, for "Out Of Mission" activities, eg during reassignment, or just chilling out when online with their community mates.
  • Quite frankly because the BI VOIP application simply isnt good enough.

It's an absolute pain in the ass when your players are using 2 different applications for communications, having to deliver the same orders or message to 2 different groups

I have been running a teamspeak service for our community for approximately 7 years now.

I have looked at the functionality and set up of other voice comm applications and rejected them.

Mumble is getting there, but it's GUI is poor and back end awful.

Yes it has better voice clarity than TS2, but the clarity of TS2 is more than acceptable anway.

I won't be switching to another app in the near future, I am however eagerly awaiting the first Beta of TS3, which is due out at the end of 2009.

The beauty of Teamspeak is the ability to

  • Whisper to X
  • Set Up Channel commander
  • and set KeyBindings for all sorts of functionality.

Let me explain how we use some of the functionality

Firstly we use 2 "FAMILY" Channels



wthin these Channels we set up SUBCHANNELS



  • Channel 0
    • HQ Mission Commander (Channel Commander) Whisper to Channel Commanders in Channel Family
    • HQ Player 2
    • HQ Player 3
    • Artillery Fire Controll Officer (Channel Commander) Whisper to Channel Commanders in Channel Family

[*]Channel 1

  • Alpha Squad leader (Channel Commander) Whisper to Channel Commanders in Channel Family
  • Alpha Player No.2
  • Alpha Player No.3
  • Alpha Player No.4
  • Alpha Player No.5
  • Alpha Player No.6 (Server Admin) Whisper to Channel Familys Everyone in Blufor and Opfor
  • Alpha Player No.7
  • Alpha Player No.8

[*]Channel 2

  • Bravo Squad leader (Channel Commander) Whisper to Channel Commanders in Channel Family
  • Bravo Medic Player No.2
  • HQ Sniper attached to Bravo

  • Channel 3
    • Bravo Fireteam 1 leader (Channel Commander) Whisper to Channel Commanders in Channel Family
    • Bravo Fireteam 1 Player No.2
    • Bravo Fireteam 1 Player No.3
    • Bravo Fireteam 1 Player No.4

    [*]Channel 4

    • Bravo Fireteam 2 leader (Channel Commander) Whisper to Channel Commanders in Channel Family
    • Bravo Fireteam 2 Player No.2
    • Bravo Fireteam 2 Player No.3
    • Bravo Fireteam 2 Player No.4

[*]Channel 5

[*]Channel 6

[*]Channel 7

[*]Channel 8

[*]Channel 9

We have 3 levels of comms


Used mainly by server admins to communicate with everyone in any channel on Blufor or Opfor at the same time, for Admin type issues, such as restarting server, mission etc.


By Teamspeak players to tell the admin they have some numpty team killing

2) Command Net

This is the network used solely by Key personnel such as group leaders, mission commanders etc.

Enabling CHANNEL COMMANDER and setting up a keybidning to "WHISPER TO CHANNEL COMMANDERS IN < SAME > CHANNEL FAMILY they can then talk directly to other channel commanders in different channel without spamming to every player in every Blufor Subchannel

3) Local net

This is Inter group or Inter squad comms, eg normal Teamspeak "Chat" key which allows players in the same channel to talk with one n other.

As per the example above.

Imagine a mission, that has been created using the following BI Group setup



... Fireteam 1

... Fireteam 2

1) Mission commander wants the squads split into seperate channels

2) Alpha Squad leader wants all his fireteams to share the same channel (His discretion) and asks the guys in the channel to use BI VOIP Group chat for inter fireteam chat, so as not to create too much spamming on Teamspeak

3) Bravo Squad Leader wants to put his fireteams into various channels

4) At some point during the mission, the Mission commander assigns his Sniper to Bravo squad.

..... The Sniper then quickly changes to Bravo's channel, to join their local net. (This can be done via keybindings (Switch to channel X) without having to minimise the game

Players with channel commander switched off (Default) cannot hear the spam from command net.

Asd a community we have our comms procedures well in place

We also have a downloadable KEYBINDINGS file (.kbn) that can be imported into teamspeak to help a member set up their keybindings.

To manually set up your keybindings: goto your teamspeak taskbar and select the following menu item

1) < SETTINGS \ keysettings \"ADD" >

ideally you could do with setting up keys for

TOGGLE - CHANNEL COMMANDER allows you to turn Channel Commander on/off, this can also be done via a mouse by selecting the SELF menu from the teamspeak Task bar

WHISPER TO - CHAN.COMMANDER - in CHANNEL FAMILY for servers that have subchannels for Blufor/Opfor

WHISPER TO - CHAN.COMMANDER - ALL for servers that dont use subchannels for Blufor/Opfor





SETTINGS / Sound Input - Output

... voice send method * "Push to talk"

(Most of our members use LEFT Ctrl as their assigned Push to talk key)

NB>>> do not leave it on the default "Voice Activation" as other TS users will get annoyed every time you breathe into your microphone or tap a key

I Hope this was of some help.

For those who are looking for a good coop/pvp home, try ZEUS





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