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Flashing/Pulsing in Build 59210 [Solved]

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0:00 - 1:34 Normal
1:34 - End Beta 59210 patch

Anyone else have this?

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No biggie, we have to expect it since it's a beta. ;) I just wonder what they are working on graphicwise to hopefully improve performance and if their is anything we can do to help?

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Not sure what it is, don't have it myself but I'm using an older card (9800GT) so there's a good chance it has something to do with a feature not supported on my card (maybe a shader pipeline)

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nvidia 9400GT here and i dont have it either, it must be something to do with newer cards, your right.

they might be something to make the "sun" light things better for the newer cards ( just a guess because the flashing/strobing is happening on the brighter areas where the sun is reflecting)

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Double-check that your beta shortcut is running with -mod=beta, and also this post says:

Post-Processing courses the problem with the grafic. It only occur if the setting of pp is "low".

You don't get the problem if the setting is disabled or "high" or "very high"

So try that as well.

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Problem: Cant install the beta patch. Error message on screen.

Solution: Always uninstall the previous beta with the beta uninstaller before installing a new one.

Problem: My screen is flickering/light flashes.

Solution: Make sure you have added -mod=beta to your shortcut target line.

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The strobing effect in 59210 beta was easily fixed with the "-mod=beta" parameter here as well.

Thanks for sharing!


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if I start it with the shortcut the screen is pulsing if i start it with -mod=Beta screen just turns black

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if I start it with the shortcut the screen is pulsing if i start it with -mod=Beta screen just turns black

Are you sure that your beta folder is "Beta" not "beta"? AFAIK -mod= command are case sensitive

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Problem: My screen is flickering/light flashes.

Solution: Make sure you have added -mod=beta to your shortcut target line.

Thanks Alex! On the money, no strobing anymore. :yay:

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Thanks Alex! On the money, no strobing anymore. :yay:

Cool! ;)

And about case sensitive - i have it small letters only, and no problems.


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well my screen just went completly black where only the UI was visible, even though it was daytime in the game world. never thought to check weather the beta had installed file name as lower case and not higher case for letter B. will give it a try now.

nope it still does it. completely black screen other then the UI.

launched it from beta main launch application.exe and i not have this problem so must be something to do with another mod am using such as the landtech mod or whatever it called, nevermnd will wait till next beta update is available and try again then.

Edited by teaboy

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Hi guys...

I remember similar problems to this being reported back in the Arma1 days due to the slightly wierd way betas are launched and a few people had grief with the " Start In" section of their shortcuts...

Here's a screenshot...


Notice how in the "Target" line the shortcut is pointing to the (beta) arma2.exe INSIDE the "beta" folder, then - as Alex72 says - the beta folder is added as the FIRST modfolder in line...

However - check the "Start In" parameter of the shortcut! - notice how its pointing to the MAIN Arma 2 folder?? This IS kinda important, due to the way Arma2 loads mods...

Essentially, on boot, Arma 2 loads everything into memory - in the order in which its given...

Modfolders - especially tweaks and betas - overwrite previously loaded stuff - this is why Mod Load Order can be important - and sometimes critical...

So - with the beta - what we're aiming for is...

*launch the beta executable...

*Immediately switch to the main Arma2 directory and load the standard game

*go to the beta modfolder and load it - overwrite main code in memory with beta code (modified BIN.pbo's, etc)

*load other modfolders - in the order they're supplied - further overwriting main code with (eg: new Landtex, or fixed driving code, or alternate smoke and fire code, etc etc).

Lots of addons (and more to come) rely on CBA - it's a damned good idea to have its code in memory BEFORE other mods - which rely on CBA - get loaded.. so -mod=beta;@CBA;@Otherstuff...

However, the most critical part is making sure that you're using the BETA executable, with the MAIN game code, subsequently modified by the BETA content - followed by the rest of your stuff...

Not sure how well the various launchers handle beta launching, but if you're using the traditional shortcut it's worth checking that "Start In" parameter...


Edited by Bushlurker

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Excellent and informative post Bushlurker. :)

I want to have your babies!

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So MadDog that would make you a female... ?

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So MadDog that would make you a female... ?

I can see how you might think that... but no. ;)

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beta ? i have this on 1.04 ,had it on 1.03 too & without any beta's installed. i7(950) 3gig ram gtx280 (190.62)

another issues that happens along side this flicker is that i have few flashing triangles also ,and poly,s are being distorted to cover the length & depth of the island. only thing that seems to fix my triangle issues is to set textures to low, then back to high.. then next time it launches i have to repeat .

a flickering bloody mess this game is now.

Edited by 9thAircav

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beta ? i have this on 1.04 ,had it on 1.03 too & without any beta's installed. i7(950) 3gig ram gtx280 (190.62)

another issues that happens along side this flicker is that i have few flashing triangles also ,and poly,s are being distorted to cover the length & depth of the island. only thing that seems to fix my triangle issues is to set textures to low, then back to high.. then next time it launches i have to repeat .

a flickering bloody mess this game is now.

I had this when I had my videocard memory set to "default" (in game)

Setting it to "very high" fixed the texture problem.

(1 gig memory) 4870 Ati


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Yeah 9thAirCav... take a look at the video at the beginning of this thread...

Are your artifacts and triangles like that???

If they are, and you're using the "VideoMemory = Default" setting in Video Options, then it could just be localVRAM overflow due to faulty autodetection... A fault that was "fixed" in patch 1.02 :D...

Check in your Arma2.cfg... see if your localVRAM is reported as some ridiculous amount... If it is - like JMC says - try setting your Video Memory to a fixed amount (we don't know what the fixed amounts ARE, but a current "good guess" seems to be "High" = 512mb, and "Very High" = 1Gb...

Pick one that matches your G/cards RAM, and set it to that instead of "Default" and try playing for a while... see if you still get the crazy triangles and stuff...


Edited by Bushlurker

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Good advise ^^

Im running the 8800GTS 320MB and i have set the video memory in game to NORMAL wich works perfect.

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@bushlurker : not quite as bad as those. but the flashing has started recently. it wasnt tehre prior to 1.4 patch..mainly i might have a big black triangle sprouting out the top of my gun, or the end of my tank cannon. or im in a forrest and theres a plain spanning the forrest like a portal to another dimension. sometimes it has a texture on it. i also have what appear to pipes going into the sky as far as the view distance will take it. today i had 3 triangles that were looking like shadows coming from my chin while character was on his back in pain. it takes many every form going. sometimes it look like shadows problem ,other times its a model issue. and sometimes these artifacts appear to be of 3d construction too, but mainly 2d artifacts.

ive tried every single setting going. only had this problem since v1.2 (i dont use beta's) i thought id fixed it by settings texures to low then to high. memory setting has been tested with every concievable option. at one stage i was convinced the -winxp line fixed it, but alas it returned. temperatures are all fine. by all apearances everything is fine, just not the software unfortunatly. its becoming highly annoying too as i spent £1400 to have some fun on this..

my config.
















i have 3 gig of memory, and i have a gtx280 graphics card with 792 meg onboard. could someone suggest some figure to put in there please ? i presume its the local and nonlocal VRAM figures were on about ? what is what here, local is graphics card ram and non local is onboard ram ?

Edited by 9thAircav

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Putting figures in the Arma2.cfg doesn't seem to do anything...

Read this post, then try setting your Video Memory (in Video Options) to "Very High"...


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