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Since updating to 1.04.59026

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I have the steam version of Arma2 and since I started steam and updated arma2 today I have been unable to play Multiplayer. I am able to connect to a server but it is like I am not there. I cant choose a spot to play in and when an admin drags me into a position and starts the mission I just sit at Receiving mission for ever, even mission I already have. Everything was working perfectly before the patch.

I also have another clan member that when he connects to any dedicated server he is disconnected automatically.

I am stumped as how to fix this problem. Anyone else encountering this?

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Have you updated ArmA 2 manually, or did you get the update over Steam?

It says in big red letters on the patch download page not to use the standalone patch with the Steam version...

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even the hotfix after the update ?

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  Dwarden said:
even the hotfix after the update ?

Steam updated something twice. I then did an integrity check to make sure the download was not corrupted.

Not sure what the problem is

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well i'm really puzzled ...

it would be nice to know if you not alone with this problem {quite hard to track w/o more than 1 user affected}

atm. You only 1 i'm aware of this type of problem

that disconnect just after join was supposed to be fixed by STEAM hotfix

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I am the only one I know of with this exact problem. It is just weird, I can get into the server but it is like I am not there. I cant pick a spot and i cant login as admin.

My other clan mate cant even get on the server. He starts to connect and then it disconnects him immediately. We have about 40 people in my clan that play this game and at least 15 of them cant play the game for some reason or another. Kinda sucks

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decap are you able come to IRC or contact me on STEAM friends ?

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If worse comes to worse I would just suggest to delete local content and redownload Arma 2 again.

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  Dwarden said:
decap are you able come to IRC or contact me on STEAM friends ?

If you want to add me on Steam friends my user name is mgreardon

Server is up to date. Others are able to join without problem.

I have tried 3 servers with no joy

I download at a slow rate, so re downloading is a very last resort. It took me 4 days straight downloading it this time

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Please help with this issue. Arma2 has been down for a week now with this issue. I can connect, but two of friends cannot. Thus, dead game. waaa! Please help, Im going to go into convulsions.

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Did a complete uninstall and reinstall...Zippo, nothing, nadda, no joy.......Maybe another patch will come out and magically fix it. Guess i am just screwed. Another 50 bucks blown on a game that doesnt work....great

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well it sounds pretty obvious to me that it's something with your Windows settings, firewall, network, settings; otherwise I'm sure this forum would be flooded with the same issue.

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  No Use For A Name said:
well it sounds pretty obvious to me that it's something with your Windows settings, firewall, network, settings; otherwise I'm sure this forum would be flooded with the same issue.


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vaguley related - problem since updating to 1.04 - I game generally with 2 other gamers - one in another city - the other in the same house with the same cable modem through a router - since 1.04, only 1 of us in the same house can connect to a internet game at same time (LAN no problems) - either of us can connect to with other city gamer but when the 2nd in same house tries - you can connect then after about 30 sec - you are disconnected

this worked no probs before 1.04 and on other games still OK - looking at router/windows logs to see if it's decided to do something "new" - so far nothing

just in case others have had this prob

annoying !! (all copies of game are legit - mine is steam the other 2 are DVD versions)

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  No Use For A Name said:
well it sounds pretty obvious to me that it's something with your Windows settings, firewall, network, settings; otherwise I'm sure this forum would be flooded with the same issue.

I didnt change anything...Just steam updated to the new version and it is broken. I can host a listen server and play with other people no problem. It is only when I try to connect to a dedicated server that I have this problem. I do not run a firewall, my router is a DMZ host and I have no weird network settings. It is def a problem with something in my game

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Only other thing I can think of is maybe reinstall Steam from scratch. I know it's given me problems a couple times (not quite the same) and after a fresh install everything worked again.

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Since the patch I have been unable to stay connected to any server. It connects me and then disconnects me immediately. Not a firewall issue, not an install issue...steam auto updates. I have tried our server and other servers and I cannot get into anything. My server log just say that I connect and then that I disconnect. I am up to date and so is the server.

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Since the patch it always asks to open up the port. When i go online with the latest patch 1.04 i have to click OK to Windows Firewall.

Maybe thats the problem you guys have.

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Seems like when your firewall notices changes in certain (exe) files, due to the update, and doesn't allow them network access.

I have Steam version too and everytime when a prog is updated i have to allow access in my firewall.

Also, try the latest arma2 beta, see if that works for you. It's a small download so worth a shot.

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I've tried everything. Firewall, re-installed twice now through steam...posting here and no real success in any of it. I loved this game but I can't play it since the last patch and I'm not getting anywhere here either.

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I'd confuse that many people that used 1.04 patch had many trouble than before or yes maybe it is solved some issues but it makes another one...:confused:

How do u think ? Is this patch really worthy for us to download or shall we wait till bohemia release 1.05 ?

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