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OFP Addon request thread

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The one in the video is mine.

I still have it in an unfinished state.It functions,as in,it flys and the weapons work.But I didn't get around to tackling the APC loading/unloading.I also restarted the texturing in some areas,as the geometry was changed to make it look more accurate.For various reasons the project just wasn't finished.

The one in the pics was from another project.I think Nephilim and a few others worked on that.But there weren't any releases,so don't go searching for them.


Ehrm are you still working on it, or have you abandoned it? If so, I would really appreciate a release of the version you've got now. After my SA-2 "Samson" if finished I originally wanted to move on to the "Cheyenne", but discovered there were several projects already floating around.

If you are still on it, please check the sci-fi mod "3148 Apocalypse" here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1556129&postcount=253

They have the "Pelican" Dropship from Halo, with a detachable "Warthog" Jeep. So you can check on how its done...

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Eh.....Actually that was me as well.I was thinking about applying it to the dropship,but I've since gotten involved in other things.Anyway,it's a bit trickier with the ramp and roadway lod.The pelican,by design didn't have those issues.If you want to get anymore info on it,just send me a pm or leave a message on my profile page.No point in adding anymore to the thread.

Edited by Macser

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Wow, nice looking Dropship! Really hope, it will be continued. But my question is related to a completely other theme:

Im on the search for the very very first version (1.0) of the BAS-Tonal Island. I know there are some versions to download, but not the very first one, which I desire. Reason is, the first release contained some buildings, which are NOT included in the later releases of Tonal (in the BAS_o.pbo). E. g. basapartment2, basapartment3, bas_factory1 (only to name a few) are completely different to the following versions. Links I have found, leads on empty sites or non working/non existing download-locations. So if anyone could support me with a link, I would be happy :).

The first release of BAS-tonal - containing the desired buildings - was in the first half of 2003 I think. Thanks for reading and regards


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The first release of BAS-tonal - containing the desired buildings - was in the first half of 2003 I think.

Probably the oldest available today version of BAS Tonal is on Comrades in Arms OFP clan site: here.

But I'm not sure if it is the-very-first-release of Tonal...

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Thanks for your effort, krzychuzokecia.

But this is version 1.20. I'm still looking for version 1.0.


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I have it on my computer unfortunately its too big for upload for me.:icon_frown:


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I have it on my computer unfortunately its too big for upload for me.:icon_frown:


The only thing I would need is the BAS_O.pbo file (with the buildings and objects), not the whole Island. Anyway, thanks for info. :)

Info: Inside the BAS_O.pbo is the file "version.txt". The lowest number I have is 1.1. So should anybody find a older version of BAS_O.pbo (1.0 or maybe 0.xy), let me know where to download if possible.

Edited by marcomio

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1.0 doesn't seem to have one.


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Okay, thanks to all for help. Found it. I didn't know, that they was again included in the newest version of Tonal "Tonal Redux"- pack by Ebud. :D


Edited by marcomio

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Have you had a look on OFP.info?There's an avia bus(converted truck),as well as some small,volkswagen van size buses.

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An example of how to do it yourself :

Take 2 vte04 music ogg files, rename both of them to :



Create a new folder, name this folder exactly :


Put the files nameofmusic1.ogg and nameofmusic2.ogg inside of it

Create a new folder, name it by example


Put the "music" folder inside of the PBONAME folder.

So the ogg music files will be in


In the PBONAME folder, create a new text file, inside copy paste this :

// some basic defines
#define TWest 0
#define TWest 1
#define TGuerrila 2
#define TCivilian 3
#define TSideUnknown 4
#define TEnemy 5
#define TFriendly 6
#define TLogic 7

#define true 1
#define false 0

// type scope
#define private 0
#define protected 1
#define public 2

#define WeaponNoSlot				0// dummy weapons
#define WeaponSlotPrimary		1// primary weapons
#define WeaponSlotSecondary	16// secondary weapons
#define WeaponSlotItem			256// items
#define WeaponSlotBinocular	4096// binocular
#define WeaponHardMounted		65536

class CfgPatches
class VTE04_testMusic
	requiredAddons[]= {};

class CfgMusic
class VTE04_Music1
	name="Music 1 VTE04";

class VTE04_Music2
	name="Music 2 VTE04";

Close the new text file and save the changes.

Rename this new text file into exactly :


Now , with MakePBO by example, select the folder PBONAME and transform it into PBONAME.pbo

Drop PBONAME.pbo into \anymodfolder\addons\

That's all, ingame you will see in the triggers 2 new music in the list : "Music 1 VTE04" and "Music 2 VTE04".

Now if you change some folder names or music files names, change their corresponding entry accordingly in the config.cpp.

To add a 3rd music, add the class

class VTE04_Music3
	name="Music 3 VTE04";

just after

	class VTE04_Music2
	name="Music 2 VTE04";

And drop nameofmusic3.ogg in the \PBONAME\music\ folder

Etc... for adding more music

i tried this and it donesn't work

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Hey there

I was wondering if someone could direct me to some mods such as a desert maps/IEDS/desert camo units/insurgent units/etc

Anything additional you think i may be interested in is very welcome

Thanks in advance!

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You could try Tonal Redux. It's an African civil war themed mod. There's a lot of desert too along with the savanna. Another good option might be DMA Toyota Wars, Chad/Libyan conflict themed mod.

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Thanks, Zulu1! I found out, that these buildings are implemented again in Tonal Redux by Ebud. All other version, despite the very first untitled release (may have been a beta also), didn't contained these houses.

Thanks again to all for help :)



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Macser and Lamentin made an update of the unfinished Stryker, look on ofp.info

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I could only find it in the news section,using the search. Stryker

I wouldn't call it finished,but it was prettied up a bit. :)

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Thanks guys, i'll test it out, hopefully it's not too unfinished, i would really like to use this vehicle.

It's a shame nobody completes this mod, imo it's pretty essential to OFP.

EDIT: I tested it in a hurry and it seems pretty decent, the only thing i noticed is that when going in turret mode it doesn't give you a sight but instead you see the inside of the Stryker.

It's really a shame if you want to gun.. Is it that hard to implement? I mean it's a vanilla feature isn't it?

EDIT2: Does anyone know a mod that adds IED's and such to OFP?

Or what about desert camo attack choppers?

Edited by Sneeper

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RE:The Stryker

I'm afraid you're stuck with using the weapon in 3rd person view.At least for that version.

The stryker is based on the car class.So no sights is a limitation for the gunner.It could have been cured by changing it to a tank class,but that would in turn change the handling of the vehicle.I didn't think the trade off was worth it.But Thunderbird changed it to tank class for the 2007 version of FFur.So try that out.

As far as I'm concerned,it's as finished as it's going to get.I've no plans to re-visit it. :)

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Does anyone know of a mod that adds HMMWV with the "shield" at the front of the .50 cal?

Picture of what i'm talking about: http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/5/4338/m998_hmmwv01.jpg

EDIT: Also does anyone know where i can get a Challenger 2 mod?

I know there is one which seems very good at http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=6510

but the first link does not work and the second one asks for a username and password..

Thanks in advance

Edited by Sneeper

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Awesome stuff right there, thanks mate!

Oh do you perhaps know a Brit infrantry pack to supplement these vehicles?

Is there any mod with which you can make a US military base?

Does anyone know of a mod that adds a ammunition type of which the explodes could represent the detonation of an IED?

Why does the squadleader or commander always tell me to target civilian buildings on afghaneveron?

Edited by Sneeper

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SEF Marine HMMWVs have shields, they are slightly bugged though.


For british troops I recommend UKF's DPM pack and Blackblood's desert troops.


And for a military base I guess you could check out Mapfact's Baracks pack.


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