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OFP Addon request thread

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so yeah i've recently downloaded a single player mission but i have a problem, though heres the details

I've downloaded the SEB NAM PACK 2 Addon by Seb                            


which was supposed to include the COC mine pack addon. BUT THE MINE PACK IS NOT THERE AND THE CHAIN OF COMMAND website is up for sale as a domain and all sources point to that for-sale website.

now im looking for another way to get the COC mine pack but really, i've already tried. so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help me with this problem by either leaving a link or a suggestion down bellow 

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also on that note

if you find this post defective on the that this forum page is supposed to be used. then please give me link that i'm supposed to be putting this problem in and then close the forum for further comments. 

either way, thank you and sorry.

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3 minutes ago, secondlt2 said:

also on that note

if you find this post defective on the that this forum page is supposed to be used. then please give me link that i'm supposed to be putting this problem in and then close the forum for further comments. 

either way, thank you and sorry.

moved your posts to correct thread, which is the addon request thread.

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8 minutes ago, R0adki11 said:

moved your posts to correct thread, which is the addon request thread.

Thank you T.T and sorry again because this is my first time making a thread. also thats one fast reaction. Good job :D

Edited by secondlt2
wanted to add more stuff in
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1 minute ago, secondlt2 said:

Thank you T.T and sorry again because this is my first time making a thread

Oh and for the COC mines you can find them at this URL - ftp://ftp.ofpr.info/ofpd/unofaddons2/COC_Mines.zip


OFP Info - is still one of the best places for OFP Addon Resources - http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?sekce=news

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Battleship Addons for OFP/CWA please.

Speedboats - West, East, Independent 

Warship - West, East, independent 

Aircraft Carrier - West, East

Anti-ship battery - West, East , Independent


idea's for when your planning to make a warship mod


Speedboat idea's

Missile Speedboat(2-4 missile system fast movement)

Mine speedboat(Anti-ship/anti-sub minelaying with 1-2 light MG, fast movement)

Cannon speedboat(2-4 light cannons fast movement

AA to AAA speedboat(Complete with heavy Anti-Air presence on-board) - how ever many AA you want on-board

-your own idea here-


Warship idea's

Heavy warship(5-10 or more AA 2-4 heavy Cannon 4-6 light cannon presence in the ship but slow movement)

light warship(2-4 AA and 3-6 light cannon presence in the ship, medium movement)

medium warship(put anything you want i ran out of ideas)

-your own idea here-

Aircraft Carrier idea's

Aircraft carrier with how ever many air units onboard with 4-8 light to heavy cannons and 6 or more AA and AAA weapons


and good-luck if you do plan on making a modpack with this much content in it.

and if theres already a battleship modpack then please leave a working link down bellow 


Note: you dont have to totally make a warship modpack and include all of my idea's in it since i know that making one of my suggestions will already take a week or so to finish. so feel free to take an idea from my idea's list and turn it into reality instead of picking all of the idea's above and spend almost a year or so to finish.

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Anyone got the Footmunch F-16 roundel pack?

I already have the Footmunch F-16s (work perfect) but lost the roundel pack over the years, anyone?

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On 26/01/2017 at 7:16 AM, Tango56 said:

Anyone got the Footmunch F-16 roundel pack?

I already have the Footmunch F-16s (work perfect) but lost the roundel pack over the years, anyone?

Tried OFP.info?

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On ‎27‎-‎1‎-‎2017 at 0:41 PM, R0adki11 said:

Tried OFP.info?

'Nada' over there!


Got almost all addons from that site... regarding the F-16, in the readme-file i'm being directed to: www.footmunch.org.uk (because of the roundels)

That site is down... so that's no option. Other links that I found are all down...


Thanks anyway!

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2 hours ago, Tango56 said:

'Nada' over there!


Got almost all addons from that site... regarding the F-16, in the readme-file i'm being directed to: www.footmunch.org.uk (because of the roundels)

That site is down... so that's no option. Other links that I found are all down...


Thanks anyway!

I can't recall there ever been a F-16 roundel pack, there was a normal roundel pack made by footmunch made as i used when played OFP.

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31 minutes ago, R0adki11 said:

I can't recall there ever been a F-16 roundel pack, there was a normal roundel pack made by footmunch made as i used when played OFP.

This is what I can find in the readme-file of the F-16 pack (by footmunch):



These planes are able to be assigned to different countries
by changing the roundel shown on the plane during gameplay.
The roundel is changed by inserting the line:

this setobjecttexture[0, "\rktroundels\r_denmark.paa"]

into the initialisation box in the mission editor. The latter
parameter should point to a 512x256 PAA or PAC texture
file. The plane will then appear with, in this case,
Danish markings.

There is a set of roundel images conatined in the
RKTRoundels.pbo file found at www.footmunch.org.uk"


Because of this text, I thought maybe someone has this rktroundels.pbo file. So I can assign F-16s to different countries.


I'm still played OFP v1.86, because I don't like the visual changes of v1.99... and I tried ARMA and ARMA 2, but didn't like the roundness of alle the units in ARMA and my laptop is to slow to handle ARMA 2 with acceptable quality of visiual effects... .

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8 hours ago, Tango56 said:

'Nada' over there!


Wrong :hehe:




Not sure if it is the right version. I assume it's all the same file for all of the aircraft he made since roundels are really only a partially transparent texture with a logo on it and so can be used on all aircraft that are made to use the roundels.

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On ‎29‎-‎1‎-‎2017 at 5:49 PM, JdB said:


Wrong :hehe:




Not sure if it is the right version. I assume it's all the same file for all of the aircraft he made since roundels are really only a partially transparent texture with a logo on it and so can be used on all aircraft that are made to use the roundels.


THIS IS IT!! I needed this (can use the roundels for F-16C and MiG-21 addons). I'm very happy with this file...

Only question left... WHERE DID YOU FIND IT? Because I have been trough all the addons on the "ofp.info"-site... I even searched on that site on the roundels, rkt, f-16, footmunch etc. All these searchoptions didn't gave me the right file. You found it!

What did I miss??


THX again!


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2 hours ago, Tango56 said:

Only question left... WHERE DID YOU FIND IT? Because I have been trough all the addons on the "ofp.info"-site... I even searched on that site on the roundels, rkt, f-16, footmunch etc. All these searchoptions didn't gave me the right file. You found it!



I searched my backup of the fileserver, it's not mentioned on the website anywhere :f:


I am guessing he wanted to keep control of the file (it's secondary and mostly optional) himself so he could update it more frequently without having to push every news site to update their file as well each and every time. Of course that only works if you assume that you and your site will be around forever ...

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Does anyone have Inquisitor's G36a? I've looked everywhere and have found not a single working link. The same is true for the replacement weapons pack. 


Thanks in advance! 



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1 hour ago, swillis12931 said:

Does anyone have Inquisitor's G36a? I've looked everywhere and have found not a single working link. The same is true for the replacement weapons pack. 


Thanks in advance! 




Not sure about the G36a (it may be located in ECP REDUX's pack if I remember correctly). This may be the weapon replacement pack you're looking for though.

Just scroll down to noob1's post. Maybe get an updated copy from ofp.cz.

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the original source for the battleship lenux isnt working anymore. can someone give me a mirror?


and can someone give me a mirror for COC unified artillery as well?

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Is it possible that was an unreleased asset? It's not unusual for modders to work on things without actually completing them. The only sisu xa-360 I've seen for the arma series was done by the FDF mod. But that was for Armed assault.

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I look for an addon  ; Newire


and  training mission for the following addons:



leclerq tank




thank you

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