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Player looking for squad (not for squads to post looking for players!)

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Name: Mike

Age: 22

Location: Yokota Air Base, Japan

Microphone & teamspeak: Yes

Languages:English, bits and pieces of Japanese..

User name: nemesis656 (my steam is also nemesis656)

Roles preferred:Any, I can adapt to any role.

Experience:I started with Operation Flashpoint long ago, and I got hooked since then. I'm a huge fan of this series! I mainly play shooters and RPG's.

ArmA 2 & OA: Yes

Looking for: Since I'm in the military in real life, I'm not looking for a squad/clan that does the whole "yes sir, no sir" deal. I can be serious whenever needed, but I am mostly about having fun. I can be an asset to any team.

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Soldier name: Blockade



Games: Arma X (box set) and tons of other games


Location: Saskatoon Canada


Experience: Im new to Arma but its love at 1st play.. I only play realistic shooters.. been gaming more then 20 years..

Roles preferred: Well im new to the game so hand me a rifle and point me to the way of danger!! im no run and gunning rambo ether i like tactical play!!

Looking for:

-mature players to invest my time in

-Tactical game play with teamwork and a plan before the assault


-Realism is essential

-Training and Operations once a week








i also have mumble and teamspeak3 ventrillo as well as skype so im sure we will have no problems on that front :D

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im a pretty well rounded soilder in my opinion. i can drive alot of the vehicles, theres only a few im bad at, and im not a bad marksman. the only thing i lack is competent stealth and multiplayer expeirience. i was hopeing that there may be a squad out there that does role play missions and would allow a noob in terms of multiplayer (not game or rp) to join there squad. it would also be a huge plus if there was not to much swearing (if not none whatso ever excluding automated voices in game) also i DO have a mic, but im very hesitant to use it.

if anyones intrested, please, consider me as a potential candidate. also i REALLY love playing on the independant faction

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Ive bought Arma 2 about a year ago and got tired of playing in public servers where there only was the "lone wolf" kinda style... But i started playing again about a month ago and i would like to find a clan to join. I prefer infantry but i got some experience in heli´s

Regards insanity. Ingame name DraftBravo

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Name: Insanity

Soldier name: DraftBravo


Language: Danish/English

Games: Arma 2 CO

Timezone: GMT+1

Location: Vejle, Denmark


Experience: Ive been playing arma 2 for about a year now but had a couple of months of break. So i started up again about 1 month ago

Roles preferred: Infantry or Aviation as either gunship pilot/Gunner or flying transport

I got Teamspeak and Ventrillo

Edited by insanity

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Name: Mat

Solder name: Tahoe

Age: 21

Location: San Diego, California

Microphone & teamspeak: Yes

Languages:English, learning German

User name: Tahoe

Roles preferred: Im a well rounded fighter with a knack for aircraft, but Im interested in SF infantry roles.

Experience: I got ArmA about a year ago and played with the First2Fight (under a different name) for a while. But after my trans-state move I didn't have time to keep playing. Im finally at a point where I have some leisure time and can get back into the game.

ArmA 2 & OA: Yes

Looking for: Not looking for anything too firm. I like to joke and talk casual, but I also like to get into my role when the time comes. Im pretty easy to get along with and I can fill many roles in the game so I'd enjoy a group of people who don't mind allowing me to substitute for say a pilot, even though I've been assigned to infantry. Just looking to have fun.

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Name: William

Solder name: Cool Breeze

Age: 25

Location: Ontario Canada

Microphone & teamspeak: Yes


User name: WillPal1 (Steam)

Roles preferred: Infantry

ArmA 2 & OA: Yes (as well as the other expansions)

Looking for:

Short term- A group of people who enjoy the single campaigns as I would like to complete them all before playing multiplayer.

Long term- An organized group who plays ALOT, I work full time about 8 months of the year and when I'm laid off I put full time hours into games so I would like to be in a group that has active players around the clock.

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Thought i'd up date this.

Name: Cross

Age: 23

Location: Manchester / London / Catterick - UK

Experience: Played OFP from CWC to OFPR VBS1 - VBS2. Arma1, Arma2.

XDF: A year. Razors Edge: 2 Years (Group disolved when i got back from ops) Took a gap year of a few years when arma came out cus it was dog shit. Been playing Arma 2 for 2 years with TF86 (They recently tanked) Now i'm playing part time with a new group. But I'd like to drive tanks and shit aswell so thats why i'm on here.

Looking for:

- British Isles based squad

- Very organised & structured play, humans V AI or Humans. preferbly Coop AI.

- Teamwork oriented squad with tactics & strategies

- Preferbully Infantry or Armour Orientated i like the idea of being Armored infantry or doing formation recon in CVRT's

- Guns I like the Jimpy and HMG and i like rallying around in either wmiks or CVRT i think its fun :)

Not looking for:

- Forced 1st person is a No No sends me dizzy.

- Rank structures.

- Milsim (I don't mind orbats and sops and all that jazz, But sitting on a server for hours staggin on or doing OP's can fuck off)

- Walts.

Other: I'm a rockape "RAF REGT" say what you like about the capbadge im not in to that my badge is better then yours jazz. I like to play games of arma that are fun and realistic to a degree but with out the bollocks. Idealy i'd like to join a group that has serving or ex members of her majestys armed forces. :)



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Name: Alex

Age: 19

Location: Klamath Falls, Oregon

Microphone & teamspeak: Yes

Languages: English; Conversational French

User name: Arma; Nike619

Roles preferred: 68 Whiskey ( Real MOS/ US Army ) Combat medic. Aviator ( Private Pilots Licence ) 11B Infantry.

Experience: General "Sim" nut. Been flying DCS Series since it's release, Been flying sims since 1999.

ArmA 2 & OA: Yes

Looking for:

A squad with advanced realism ( If you expect me to say yes sir to some little 17 year old prick that has been in the squad for 3 years but has never actually served. I will come kick your teeth in. ) I mean realistic tactics. Good covering fire systems in place etc.

General activity; Not the full squad every night. But a few 3-5 members regularly.

Not looking for:

Read above. I'm not talking pleasant kick. I'll dragon kick them out.

Clarifying: I am a 68 Whiskey In the real world. So whatever squad reading this must know that I'm gonna have times to work around.

Edited by Nike619
People are idiots sometimes.

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Name: Carl

Age: 24

Location: South Carolina

Mic and Team speak: yes

Language: English

Roles preferred: Armor

Experience: Long time Red Orchestra Tanker, Arma, and now Arma 2 tanker

Arma 2 & OA: yes

Multiplayer type: primarily Coop but some PvP as well

Looking for:

I'm looking for a position playing armor, both tanks and IFV's. I would like to play with a squad that effectively uses modern armor tactics (hull down, bounding advance). I'm willing to play IFV's and provide transport and support to mounted and dismounted infantry as well as heavy armor. Primary interest would be playing MBTs.

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Hi all,

I've been playing ARMA 2 CO for about a year now, I have experience with soldering, squad leading, flying, vehicle crewing and overall mission planning; I may not be best compared to the more experienced players, but I'm sure I can be of help.

Currently I am playing with 3 other friends and we are keen (yes this one comes with three more players for whom I can vouch for their competency) to join a squad. We are based in the Australia-NZ region and would like to join a clan for some serious (but still casual ARMAing).


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I'm new to Arma and I can't really find anyone to play with. I have only found a few games and I didn't really know what was going on. I'm in some serious need to help. so I was hoping to find some cool nice laid back people to play with and hopefully teach me something. The only thing I know how to do in Arma is drive around in jeeps and shoot random things. "I don't think that's going to get me anywhere" so yeah. If you are willing to help me out please message me or add me on one of these accounts:

MSN: ShannonHadaki@live.com

skype: ShannonHadaki

E-mail: ShannonHadaki@gmail.com

Blog: Pixyluna.tumblr.com/ask

Hope to hear from someone.



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Hi all,

I'm looking for a position in a squad. My credentials being:

Retired Para Trooper with real-life combat experience,

good pilot, preferring to fly transport choppers,

Able to fight effectively in CQC environments,

Able to fulfill infiltration, night ops and support roles,

Played Arma for a year now.

Teamspeak: Yes

Language: English

Preferred roles: Paratroop, Support or pilot

Multiplayer: Co-op or PVP

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Name: Nikita (Beast)

Age: 20

Location: Israel

Microphone & teamspeak: Yes

Languages: English, Russian, Hebrew< German as soon as posibble

Game name: Beast

Roles preferred: Pilot (main role), Heli gunner, Artelery strike squad, heavy-vehicle squad, infantry unit or sniper

Experience: got 1-2 years behind my back of Arma 2 CO with Ace

ArmA 2 & OA: Yes

Looking for: A squad with ( If you are expect from me that "yes sir" to 16 old guy so dont write to me.

General activity: Not the full squad every night. But a few 3-5 members regularly.

Not looking for: non-squad play, team under 18 years old, or just some nationalizm

P.S I am studying hard so cant play every day but I am home in the evening

so I just want some "free squad"

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Hello everyone,

I am looking for a serious and realistic playing squad.

I would like to play with people who have the same opinion about realism in Arma 2, throughout Europe, preferably.

I will give you some examples:


- Infantry !

- clear and effective language in combat (direct and radio traffic)

- radio drill

- training is necessary to obtain a high level of fun/flow

- no 3rd person outside of vehicles, no cursor of everymans position in the map

- no green diamonds or STHUD

- no use of the ingame chat ( Anti Chat Mod )

- realistic combat load of around 20 to 27 kg with exceptions of course

- clear squad structure ( 8-men, 10 men, 12 men ) whatever army it is related to.

- not one thousand ranks and everyone is a lieutenant. ( 5 should be enough, depending on the size of the clan )

- realistic / fast tactics, particuarly very aggressive like : run while being covered, fire and manouver.

take rather more time for deciding about the proper tactic than using a slow and risky tactic.

- no use of superior firepower, like going with a squad on a hill, putting visibility on 10 k and attack with javelines.

- matured atmosphare, this means you do something to be helped by someone else

( does not mean you ask for help to be helped )

- I want critism about the used tactics.

I played with several clans/ communities in the A.C.E. community and every group has its good sides.

with some groups like US SOCOM I had incredible massive battles on public e.g., but it is only a few who

maintain that level. With one group I reached a reality level judges one after your personality in a "combat situation"

more than after any other skill, a bit too realistic for me.

I am looking for a group or people who agree with me, because I dont want to go on a public server

and play with people who came by from Battlefield 2 just for vacation or who are 18 years old,

got an 1LT in front of their nick and played a bit too much counterstrike.

feel free to contact me as a clan or clanless gamer


Edited by kOepi

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Name: Nikita (Beast)

Age: 20

Location: Israel

Microphone & teamspeak: Yes

Languages: English, Russian, Hebrew< German as soon as posibble

Game name: Beast

Roles preferred: Pilot (main role), Heli gunner, Artelery strike squad, heavy-vehicle squad, infantry unit or sniper

Experience: got 1-2 years behind my back of Arma 2 CO with Ace

ArmA 2 & OA: Yes

Looking for: A squad with ( If you are expect from me that "yes sir" to 16 old guy so dont write to me.

General activity: Not the full squad every night. But a few 3-5 members regularly.

Not looking for: non-squad play, team under 18 years old, or just some nationalizm

P.S I am studying hard so cant play every day but I am home in the evening

so I just want some "free squad"

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Name: Allan

Age: 25

Location: Edinburgh, UK

Microphone & teamspeak: Yes

Languages: English, Turkish

User name: Steam- asinclar

Experience: I'm pretty new to Arma have been playing since around Christmas (2011) I have a friend who plays on a regular basis so he was kind enough to show me some of the basics. Have been playing PR mod for BF2 for a few years so have experience within a sim focused game.

Looking for: A clan/community/squad who are very active. Somewhere I can be taught more about Arma, preferably training programmes. Large community where I can take part in large ops as part of an organised group of people.

General activity: Must be very active, I like to play most evenings and looking for groups of people who also play on a regular basis.

I own all the expansions and also have the PR mod. If you think I would fit in to your group add me on steam or send me a message here on the forums!

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Looking for a professional unit. Basically this is what I consider a professional unit. I know that this may make me sound like a jerk, maybe I am, but I'm not joining another unit only to be disappointed again. I work offshore so I'm gone 2 weeks then home for 2 weeks. When I'm home, I have nothing but time.

- SOCOM or PMC based prefferably in the US. I'm central US and I like a fast connection. :)

- Work close as a team where there is a designated leader (no calling sir because the value of everyone on the team is equal)

- Has some variety in the missions. Sick and tired of Takistan... EVERYONE is there.

- No Call of Duty wannabe's

- No kids unless they are exceptionally mature!

- Ex-military is a HUGE bonus

- Family comes first

- No getting kicked out of the unit because I "didn't check in in a week" but of course appreciated for periods of absence

- Flexibility of loadouts, players get to pick kits and their uniforms, but if you use a M107 to clear rooms, don't bother. :)

- OPORD's before missions. Tired of jumping into a mission that everyone else has done and not knowing what the hell is going on due to lack of a brief.

- No endless jabbering on TS when in the middle of a mission. Tired of trying to tell someone enemy locations while listening to people coughing, eating potato chips, or talking about their day at school.

- Screw rank, it's all about your position on the team. Medics should be medics, snipers should be snipers. Personnel should be trained enough to essentially write their own section of the OPORD and brief the team what they will be doing. ei Snipers will explain where they will be set up and what they will be looking for.

- Talking about Snipers, using them right! Haven't run into a unit that knew how to use snipers. I use to be one, I know.

- Laugh, have fun, enjoy each other's company, but take the missions seriously.

- 90% of missions should be done at night, they normally are. We're not patrolling the streets of Iraq. Night vision is a huge advantage the US has on most enemies.

- For the love of God, come up with something other than taking down a terrorist cell in a takistan compound.

- Of all these things I'm asking for, I am willing to help. If there are weaknesses in the unit that I happen to be strong on, I would be more then happy to help. I not asking to be catered to my every need here. :)

Sorry for being blunt. Not trying to be a jerk, just don't want to lose interest again. Just happens all to easy now.

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I have had arma 2 CO for a couple months. Have only just been messing around with SP and editor. Would like to find a small group of players that want to do coop missions as none of my gaming friends have this game. Prefer mature players that can work together and play the right way, but still have fun (cause it is a game after all). I don't want to fill out recruitment papers and read pages of rules and complete training to be a part of game. I just want to meet a group of other gamers who want to have fun and play some coop on a regular basis.

About me:

Age: 29

Location: Utah, USA

Occupation: Student, computer science

Microphone: I have a mic and will download any software needed (teamspeak, vent)

Languages: english

Steam Username: velouriam

Experience: As stated above, only a couple months. I have installed ace2, acex and a couple other mods. I know what i'm doing, but by no means am an expert at the game.

Roles preferred: I would prefer a general combat infantry position, but will fill in where needed.

Anyways, if i seem like a fit for your group let me know.

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Name: Liam

Soldier name: Boehm


Language: English

Games: Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead

Timezone: PST -7

Location: Vancouver, Canada

Mic: Yes (and headset)

Experience: I've been playing Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead for about three weeks now, really the only shooter game I play as I am joining the Military it offers quality entertainment.

Roles preferred: Infantry, Scout Sniper.

I have Teamspeak, Ventrillo and Skype.

** I only play Operation Arrowhead.

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Name: Chad

Age: 19

Location: Australia, can play EU and US times.

Microphone & teamspeak: Yes

Languages: English

Game name: Chaddles

Roles preferred: Infantry or aviation

Experience: Been playing since OFP, was with a reputable group for 3 years, 2 years as the CO of the infantry company.

I've assisted developing RATEL and arma infantry SOP's.

ArmA 2 & OA: Yes

Willing to download mods: Yes

Looking for: A group that uses SOP's developed for platform and play COOP regularly on at least platoon scale. I've had enough leading and I'm content with just being a rifleman

Not looking for: Run&Gun or 24/7 Domination(occasionally is fine)

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Looking for a team/squad to play missions with in the evenings. I have a little ArmA experience, though not much.

Name: Julius

Age: 16

Location: Estonia (GMT +2 ;))

Microphone & Teamspeak: Yes

Languages: English, quite fluent

Game name: JuliusEST

Roles preferred: Any, except chopper gunner because i ram hills. :D Transport chopper pilot is fine ;)

Experience: A little, i have been in a casual squad, but they stopped playing. I can do all the basic things and have common sense (check corners, constantly scanning area, taking cover when under fire etc.) and i can do most tasks.

Arma 2 & OA: No, only Arma 2 Free

Willing to download mods: Yes

Looking for: A group that focuses on missions, uses tactics/strategy.

Not looking for: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, No domination.

Steam: juliusest33

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Name: Nikita(Niko)

Soldier name: Beast

Age: 20

Language: English, Russian, Hebrew, German as soon as posible

Games: Arma 2 and Arma2 Operation Arrowhead

Timezone: GMT+2

Location: Israel((CAN PLAY ONLY EU TIME)

Mic: Yes (and headset)

Experience: @ years of expirience on the plane, infantry and etc.

Roles preferred: Pilot(main),Heavy venicles, Sniper, artilery strike unit, infantry.

I have Teamspeak, Ventrillo and Skype.


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