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[Alpha] RTE for ArmA II

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Solved the second one. Seems like the third one isn't blocking that much. At least I can handle the four squads again. And all of those three scripts are active again :)

To speak with the words of a red car: "Yeah, I am Speed!"

Hope that others can report the same :)

To update the RTE simply run an manual update in RTE Capture.

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Good job. :)

Any rough details about the problem and how you improved it?

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I just wanted to say that I couldn't figure out how to get this to work. I followed everything and when I hit escape I never saw the editor. Then I figured it out. I always go to multiplayer mode when using the editor. If I go to singleplayer then it works. Just wanted to point that out if anyone had the same problem.

Also how can I move a unit up and down? I want to set up some soldiers inside a 3 story building and they only get placed on ground level. I take it I have to add setpos in the init line to change the height? Was hoping there was a way to raise them up and down with a key.

EDIT: Found it had to hold down the ctrl key.

Edited by shanawa

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The first script was more than simple since it was already called from an event handler. So I just needed to replace the spawn with call and make sure that no sleep or waitUntil is within.

The second one was more tricky: the script requires to run every frame but triggers will get checked every half a second, so way to slow.

Xeno brought the solution: FSM. Their conditions will get checked every frame, so I simple run the script from the condition.

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Cant help but think I'm doing something wrong as no one else has spoken about it, I only have mines available under empty objects??

Everything else seems to work ok (and impressively I might add) but I lose empty objects list as soon as I hit esc then into RTE. Pity as I had initialy installed it specifically to place same buildings.

Using ArmA2 1.04 and RTE v5


didn't think to dig at the blank boxes, OUT A SIGHT !

Edited by Pafetik Bazerka

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Have you looked under factions?

There are two non named factions containing mines and sounds (which shouldn't be visible :x ), then USMC etc. and Others. You can find the empty objects in those factions. So obstacles in Others, a HMMW in USMC...

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hmm, have a little issue with this.

When I place an object like a wall on a slope, the objects gets put down fine, tilted to match the ground. When I export the object, merge with sqm, load the mission and preview it, the tilt is gone. Is this fixable?

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Can you make images so that I can reproduce it?

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I Can't get it work with arma II , I start RTE capture , click on launch ARMA (II) , i got an error message : 'ION_RTEV' requires 1.14 version. I launch the Gamemaster mission (that I've put in my MPmission directory) and I got an error message on activating of RTE "Variable 'ion_dsm2_cm_curctrl' does not support serialization and should be stored in the mission namespace."

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hendrix, please show me the [ArmA] and [ArmA2] sections from %APPDATA%\RTE Capture\Options.ini

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[bug Report]

Name=Arno Nym




ArmAScript=C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\RTE Capture\ArmAScript.xml

BugReport=C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\RTE Capture\BugReport

Database=C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\RTE Capture\RTE.db

Templates=C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\RTE Capture\Templates




Path=C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\RTE Capture\Profile.xml





directory=C:\Program files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2



LastUpdate=3/10/2009 10:29:18





















But It's working now , what I did I dowloaded the .rar of the mod and took the .pbo in ARMA II folder , put it in my @RTEditor folder and launched ARMA II with -mod=@RTEditor.

It's really a great mod , awesome.But I have a question : could it work in Gamemaster mod on a dedicated server ? and then who needs the mod installed ?

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Hmm, looks all right. Seems to be Vista or Windows 7 issue :(

In game master mode, only the game master needs the RTE.

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Hi,got a problem here.If i try to export things with Real Time Editor it says "RTE Capture" not active.But i monitored it and did the things from the tutorial.Can someone help plese?

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here are the ss you asked for.

So, I placed on wall with the arma editor (on the left). I opened up the RTE, placed another wall (on the right). Here is what I see while in the RTE:


the RTE wall is tilted along with the terrain (altough a bit high maybe)

I export it, and the SQF says this

	[0, ["Base_WarfareBBarrier10xTall", [2266.22, 15436.7, 0.], -83.1311, "NONE", "UNLOCKED", 1, 1, 1, "", ""]]
] call ION_RTE_fRestore;

I merge this with the sqm of the mission, and I reload the map. This is the result:

arma2200910041518568724.jpg w960.png

As you can see, the RTE wall is no longer tilted along the ground.

This is the code that gets put into the sqm:

class Item1
		init="this setPos [2266.22, 15436.7, 0.]; this setPos [2266.22, 15436.7, 0.]; this setDir -83.1311; ";

As you can see, there are two setpos for some reason, which is strange. I can get the objects placement to be correct by simply deleting the setpos.

For objects on a height (a machinegun in a tower bunker, for example) using relative setpos values is the way:

this setpos [getPos this select 0, getPos this select 1, 3]

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@Himmelsfeuer: Make sure to have checked "Use RTE Capture DLL" within the profile section of RTE Capture. The status should switch to "active" as soon as ArmA will get launched and it will switch to "connected" when ArmA is loaded.


Within RTE Capture, the wall is aligned well:


Didn't tested the sqm, but the two setPos are there on purpose.

The engine will create the object on the position, then move it a little to minimise collisions. Those two setPos are there to set it to the origin position. But they should still align since setPos is aligning....

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Fact remains, it doesn't align until I remove the setpos or replace it with my own relative value one.

I realised that it's the setdir part of the init that makes it go bad.

I don't see why setpos and setdir are int here, these are both described in the sqm in a seperate field.

Edited by Rasa-be

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Can someone please tell me how to make "<obj> allowDamage <true/flase>" work with RTE?

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Ionos,for courtesy,can you tell me if I need advanced knowledge to use your creation or can I use it just to play after download?I ask cos it is very interesting,but is it also accessible to "normal"humans?

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allowDamage is used by RTE. So each time you select the unit, the RTE will set it and unset it. So all your changes are lost.


What you mean with "normal" human?

You should know what mod folders are. But that's a thing everyone should know.

When it comes to export, you should know the basic of scripting.

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I found RTE also works well together with this. Instead of saving out RTE templates you can create standard BIS compositions. I've already used RTE to edit and fix the default BIS compositions and make a dozen or so new ones.

As the BIS compositions are used in Domination and a large number of other missions this is an easy way to improve and extend those missions.

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my next plan would be to extend the RTE with compositions. So that you can place them as simple as an unit and that you can create them. It's basically a template, but I just need to modify RTE Capture to create a composition out of it.

Binesi, if you're interested in helping, or if anyone is interested in helping, feel free to contact me.

Myself is currently on ArmA Script, so I don't my full time for RTE.

One note about RTE Capture:

I just got note that the "Activate monitoring" feature is broken. This means that you have to create a profile within RTE Capture and check "Use RTE Capture DLL" for it.

Then run this profile to use the RTE. I'm sorry, this is not a purpose, just a bug.

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Hey bro can you import missions that you previously made with the stock 2D editor into this no problem?

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In the action menu on the bottom-right, you can select to add existing units to the RTE.

But only catches units and vehicles, no buildings, marker or trigger.

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Hey bro can you import missions that you previously made with the stock 2D editor into this no problem?

You can also import some layouts with this. You cannot import a full map you have made but if you have some particular pieces of it - for example, maybe you configured a tent with tables and objects on top of them, etc - you can import that into RTE. Just read that thread and you will see I've given two tips on how to do this.

i0n0s, I'm definitely interested in helping with development if I can. You have my email address from my earlier bug report ([email protected])

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