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Nice_Boat Tank Damage System

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So Nice_Boat hasnt updated the first post since 2009, so I'm curious how this thread is still active. How well does this mod currently do and how does it work with ACE? I can't really be arsed with looking through 23 pages.

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Newest update and some info about addon's situation (seems, that first page will be never updated):


Shortly - author of the mod left community (at least is inactive very long time), but never officially renounced own author's rights to this project.

It handles vanilla, A2 + OA equipment. Of course anyone can add own entries with custom made equipment, vehicles and anti armor effective ammo, if only have very basic knowledge about scripting (as few posts above). Of course each additional entry makes code a bit heavier. As such script needs to be quick, and is launched every hit, this is important factor. Can't tell however, how many added new entries will have real impact on effectivenes. Probably many.

Anyway it uses mostly values used also in ACE's damage system (more complex and config-based, so only for ACE equipment), so I think, that ACE simply do not need TDS.

How well it works? This is a question for users. As for me - quite well, despite some difficulties (AI will not take into consideration armor and penetration parameters from this addon, so eg will not turn own tank front towards threat).

Edited by Rydygier

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Thanks for the update Rydygier!

It will work a tad better after next patch when AI stop using it's coax MG to engage other tanks. Anyone found a way to stop AI using HE ammo when engaging other tanks?

Try it with latest beta patch and latest version of A2CCP...


Edit: I in A2CCP roadmap that AI use of HE is WIP so crossing my fingers that Santa brings this fix in coming days.



Edited by KeyCat

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Noticed that the eventhandler is still active after target is destroyed, maybe can save some CPU cycles if removed...


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Good point. So here is such version (+ some minor changes, in general, I hope, this version has slightly improved performance, not sure, if noticeable though):

NBT_TDS 2.09

Edited by Rydygier

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I have an idea for hull/turret armor difference. There would be two values for front, and the script would choose between them based on a preset chance. For example 2/3 - 1/3 chance for turret and hull hit. I know almost nothing about scripts, so I dont know if it would be possible to implement. What do you think?

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It is possible.

More - now, when I think about it, it is possible to make it quite exact, by checking name of hit selection. At least teoretically, beacuse there may be a problem (or problems): not only exact hits in turret will return this selection. Usually each hit returns several selections (all affected by any damage, direct and indirect, I guess, so nearly every hit eventhandler is launched several times, one per affected selection). There also will be troubles with assigning overall damage for turret penetrations. So, hmm, I think, that exact way may prove too complex and yours idea may be more doable.

Here the only problem is - current lack of time. Time is needed mainly for re-check all armor RHA values again, also for implementation necessary code changes. And seems, that awaits me very busy Winter... Can't promise anything right now, if I get some free time, will do some tests about this, if I get more free time, I'll be able to check separate values for hull/turret.

Edited by Rydygier

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New version:



1. Improved "toward enemy system" - still not so reliable for tanks on the move (will not launch if tank is moving, unless very slow, as I can't determine, when is better to stop and turn, and when to continue movement eg. towards cover), but usually does good job for not moving tanks. A bit intrusive (can force limited or 0 speed temporarily), so still switchable, but now turned on by default;

2. As Archbishop Lazarus suggested, I added hull/turret armor difference (values again near same, as in ACE, except M1 (+10%), T-90 (-10%) and Strykers, as ACE's seems not have SLAT (at least armor config says so, added because of that 600 RHA against HEAT, not sure, if value is good)). But detemining, what was hit - hull or turret, is not statistical. Found better way. At hit code checks tank's closest vicinity for some short living objects, that appear at exact hit spot ("#crateronvehicle" for bullets or "#explosion" for shells). This way I have exact impact position. Comparing Z value (height) with hardcoded for each type of armored vehicle data about "at what height (level) turret begins" I'm able to determine, what was hit. Quite accurate, not perfect - if some hull parts, as "tail" of Abrams, reaches higher, than lower edge of the turret, hit in these spots will return turret hit.

I'm poor in 3D vector/geometry math, and did not found good enough way to take into account slant, when tank is placed on the slope (obviously height levels are disturbed then, and hardcoded "turret begin level" is no longer vertically exact). Error is not so big, but for steep slopes makes noticeable difference sometimes.

Now consequently turret direction must be calculated separatelly from the hull - it is done.

Please, report any spotted issues or improvement ideas. I'm rarely working on this, but it is still alive and I want to continue improving TDS as far, as needed/possible.

Edited by Rydygier

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Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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Wow, Thats great! Thanks Foxhound! Didn't expected, that it would be possible.

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How did I miss this before? Thanks Rydygier!

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Next version:

NBT_TDS 2.11


- fixed typo in rear CE armor calculation causing it as thick, as frontal;

- fixed typo in T-34 bottom armor value (far too thick);

- restored armor RHA values for T-34 (90/90) and T-55 (250/250) from 2.09 version.

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Good work ! Thanks for the update ! :bounce3:

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Glad i came across this little gem, thanks to Nice_Boat and especially Rydygier for keeping it going. Appreciated mate! ;)

Edited by Law-Giver
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Hi mate, when implementing the script version into my edited version of Nateos Warfare i become bullet proof when playing on the East team. So when i'm trying to take a town i'm INVINCIBLE!!!!!!!!! When i remove/disable the scripts i can be killed again.

If i remember right it was fine when playing on the West side.

LG ;)

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OK, thanks for report. It is something, I rarely saw too in some heavy scripted missions. Was curious, if anyone else will encounter that. There was other mods/scripts running? Many of them? There were some particular circumstacies, after which you became bullet proof?

I'm after this ghost-issue long time, no success for now.

As for source - it is something with crew damage handler. It is supposed to keep crew proof to normal damage, that passes through each vehicle hit in vanilla mechanics. Without it even if there wasn't any penetration tank is swiftly full of dead crewmen even, if intact by itself. So instead this, damage (and risk of it) for them is each penetration calculated and applied manually, via script.

So, each time crew/cargo is disembarking/are visible in the open hatches this invicibility should be taken off from them (and given back, when they close hatches/embarking), and usually is, but for some unknown reason, sometimes isn't. If only I could determine, in what exactly circumstancies this happens...

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OK, thanks for report. It is something, I rarely saw too in some heavy scripted missions. Was curious, if anyone else will encounter that. There was other mods/scripts running? Many of them? There were some particular circumstacies, after which you became bullet proof?

I'm after this ghost-issue long time, no success for now.

As for source - it is something with crew damage handler. It is supposed to keep crew proof to normal damage, that passes through each vehicle hit in vanilla mechanics. Without it even if there wasn't any penetration tank is swiftly full of dead crewmen even, if intact by itself. So instead this, damage (and risk of it) for them is each penetration calculated and applied manually, via script.

So, each time crew/cargo is disembarking/are visible in the open hatches this invicibility should be taken off from them (and given back, when they close hatches/embarking), and usually is, but for some unknown reason, sometimes isn't. If only I could determine, in what exactly circumstancies this happens...

Yeah me and my son was inside a M113 Ambulance [uNO] and i didn't realse straight away that i was invincible. But we became frustrated when shooting the gunner in a BTR-40 (DshKM) and the f*cker wouldn't die lol!

So........, i think i'll leave that with you Rydygier, if that's okay with you? Hope you can fix it at some point as it's a cool bunch of scripts to add to a mission. ;)

Edited by Law-Giver
Addition junk!

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OK. I'll try to reproduce this once again soon, perhaps something from yours info will be helpful. :)

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Version 2.12:

Nice Boat's TDS 2.12


- fixed some "bulletproof" infantry/exposed crew issues;

- fixed dividing by 0 issues with armor thickness calculations for some tanks.

Edited by Rydygier

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Version 2.12:


- fixed some "bulletproof" infantry/exposed crew issues;

- fixed dividing by 0 issues with armor thickness calculations for some tanks.

Although i should be going back to bed as i have work tonight i just gotta give this a try. Will let you know asap Rydygier, thanks for the update buddy! ;)


I finally died after 25 mins, seems to be good so far Rydygier. Did exactly as i did in previous version, Got in M113 Ambulance [uNO] etc and got shot and died. Just got to test the BTR-40 (DshKM) gunner and then i'm happy if he dies. Just got to find one.........lol!

Right i'm off to bed........:D

Thx again for your time Rydygier and such a quick fix. Appreciated!

Edited by Law-Giver

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Glad to hear. Some work still to do. There are few vehicles, that are troublemaking, and M113 Ambulance is one of them. Troubles are, because currently the only known to me way to determine, if crew is exposed, or not, is comparing their "animation state" names. For a few sits of a few vehicles (LAV-25 (driver, commander), T-55, M113 (driver)) for some reason animation state stays same for hidden and exposed crew, so even, when exposed, for a code it is hidden. Thus, I'm affraid, driver of M113 ambulance is bulletproof still and can be harm only via penetrating vehicle's armor... BTW for that only vehicle propably in 2.13 will be slightly changed armor values.


Actually... Why wait? :) Done some minor fixes for M113 alone, and replaced above link with improved 2.12 file. M113 ambulance driver vulnerable now with small unavoidable issue - when vehicle is on "safe" or "careless" behaviour, driver is vulnerable no matter, exposed, or no, in vanilla manner, so can be wounded like usual, even without penetration. Similar is for T-55 BTW. Issue is small, as after enemy spotted, behaviour should change to "combat" (and hatches closed), and affects only human driver, as for safe or careless AI is always exposed, and that's the point of this workaround. Plus - M113 armor is thin, so in most cases penetration will occur anyway. Same way commander's and driver's of LAV-25 vulnerability is vanilla...

Edited by Rydygier

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Thanks for informing us about the new release :cool:

Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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The sendspace link is dead, is that the same as the version hosted at armaholic? Also, it seems most tanks explode after the fire shot. Is this normal, or is the addon still highly experimental?

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Use version hosted on Armaholic. Is newest.

Also, it seems most tanks explode after the fire shot. Is this normal, or is the addon still highly experimental?

It is not experimental now. Result depends on multiple factors, eg. what is firing on what with what ammo, from which direction... Chances for penetration are based on real RHA values as much, as possible and slightly randomized in certain range. Chances for one shot - one kill also vary dependent on penetrated vehicle type. See included readme for special init variables, that allows you to see detailed logs each hit, so you'll know why there was such effect of the shot, variable to change chance for surviving penetration etc.

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Thanks for the explanation, I will continue to use this addon then. Btw where can I find schaefsky's script for A2? I did a search to remedy the AI driver's tendency to expose the rear to the enemy, but only came across the news page that his script was incroporated into i44.

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