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ArmA2; Windows 7 64x bit. Failure.

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I have recently installed Windows 7 64x bit to a spare hard drive. Many games work on it. Even the ones that are not supported with 64bit. Yet on Windows 7 Machines, you may change the Preferred Operating machine you want to run the game. Which works with some games that don't support 64bit or Win7. [Windows 7 has all previous Operating Machines on one]. So anyways... The game always gets this message on every Operating Machine Win7 can display. Even the Windows XP Service Pack 2. [32 bit]. So here is the Error Message.

"The version of this file is not compatible with the version of Windows you're running. Check your computer's system information to see whether you need an x86 (32-bit) or x64 (64-bit) version of the program, and then contact the software publisher."

[btw, if its possible... can someone come out with a 64-bit version that works with vista + windows 7... please ^,^]

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That happens if it didn't install correctly. Make sure you run it in compatibility mode when installing and make sure it installed the correct registry key location : HKLM->Software->Wow6432node-bohemia interactive studio->Arma 2

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That happens if it didn't install correctly. Make sure you run it in compatibility mode when installing and make sure it installed the correct registry key location : HKLM->Software->Wow6432node-bohemia interactive studio->Arma 2

Can it only run in 32-bit?

---------- Post added at 05:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:13 AM ----------

Doesn't work, and where do i go to find the registry key?

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Where did it install? I'm on Win 7 64 bit and it installed in the regular Program Files (not the x86 one) and I have no trouble.

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Where did it install? I'm on Win 7 64 bit and it installed in the regular Program Files (not the x86 one) and I have no trouble.

Well i have installed the game 2 times... first time under regular program files... then the second time under x86. Neither work... Also, i got mine from the internet... uhm... my dad however... burned the installation to a disk. But the installation folder was probably made for 32 bit... maybe thats what wrong... Man, i am so disappointed :[

---------- Post added at 05:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:39 AM ----------

Let me wait another day befor i settle it over... uh, im gonna re download the game from Direct2Drive.com... instead of using the files off of the disk my dad did. It would probably work that way...

Edited by DeclaredEvol

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Oh you're not the first person I've seen who tried the Direct2Drive burned CD method. Another guy on GameFAQs tried the same thing and was having problems.

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Yeah I installed win 7 64 bit on a fresh drive because I was sick of all the issues I had on my old XP installation. What a difference, works like a charm, not one single crash no matter how hard I try. This si the boxed version not a downloaded version, don't trust those things.

If anyone with XP or Vista is reading this I can't recommend Win 7 enough and I only have 2gb ram.

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Hello community.

well ive just read about your problem with your x64 Windows 7 Installation.

what build are you using?

i don't know if this helps, but since the RC, there have been numerous builds leaked to the web, with some considerable improvements in game compatibility and performance.

i am using build 7232 x64 ( pre RTM ) and i have no problems what so ever.

iam not even using my vista ultimate x64 anymore ( dualboot ) .

If you need links, or more info, just let me know.

Windows 7 x64 rules :-)

Edited by markushaze

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Can it only run in 32-bit?

---------- Post added at 05:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:13 AM ----------

Doesn't work, and where do i go to find the registry key?

Honestly, if you're not familiar with the registry then you should not venture in there. It's an extremely dangerous place for someone who does not know what they're doing to be in. He told you where you could find the registry key and you didn't even realize it, so I know your experience in the registry is somewhere between zero and none. I strongly advise against doing anything in the registry at all, and just reinstalling ArmA II. I'm not trying to be a jerk here, I'm trying to help, seriously.

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Where did it install? I'm on Win 7 64 bit and it installed in the regular Program Files (not the x86 one) and I have no trouble.

Same here

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Get the official retail from MSDN and it runs fine!

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I have both the german download version and the steam version on 2 computers running win7 64 with no problems.

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Hello community.

well ive just read about your problem with your x64 Windows 7 Installation.

what build are you using?

i don't know if this helps, but since the RC, there have been numerous builds leaked to the web, with some considerable improvements in game compatibility and performance.

i am using build 7232 x64 ( pre RTM ) and i have no problems what so ever.

iam not even using my vista ultimate x64 anymore ( dualboot ) .

If you need links, or more info, just let me know.

Windows 7 x64 rules :-)

Hmm, where do I find my build? And yes, please do send me links... this might be the problem.

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well, as you might imagine, sharing window 7 builds is probably not allowed on these forums. Eaven though its not yet released, the builds were never officially given to the public except Build 7000 Beta and 7100 RC.

The other builds are all leaked, and might contain viruses and other harmful stuff.

I would not advise using any leaked builds unless you know what you are doing .

you can find out what build you have by typing: "winver" without quotes in the search box under "Start"

Edited by markushaze

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Get the official retail from MSDN and it runs fine!
(Thought technically isn't it not retail yet aka RTM :) )


If you have a valid copy, have your tried right clicking the install and "running as administrator"?

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I have the Steam version of ArmA 2 running on 64-bit Windows 7. So far I have had no problems. In fact, the game runs smoother now than it ever did on my Vista 64 OS.

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It dosnt matter where you install it to, Ive installed it too D:\games\Arma2 on Win7, and it runs excellent, after I disabled HT in BIOS because i have an I7.

Ive got download version from nexway, which i backed up to dvd, and it installed and runs.

So something is wrong with your install, try again?

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I don't quite understand how this problem has happened... You say you installed windows 7 to a spare hard drive... Does this mean you still have xp installed on another drive within the same machine? If so, you did reinstall arma2 under windows 7 right?

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