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BIS, please include v-sync on/off in video options

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Give us option to disable v-sync in game. It drastically will reduce post count on forums about bad performance and mouse lags.

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Bohemia Interactive does not need to do this, you just need to know how to use Triple buffering properly. :)

You can also drop 'max pre-rendered frames' to 0 to further smooth out the mouse lag. But test this last part with your hardware, you may want it slightly higher.

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Bohemia Interactive does not need to do this, you just need to know how to use Triple buffering properly. :)

You can also drop 'max pre-rendered frames' to 0 to further smooth out the mouse lag. But test this last part with your hardware, you may want it slightly higher.

Isnt triple buffering OpenGL only?

There was an option called triple buffering in CoD4 though, but i suffered terrible lag when using it on my 7600GS.

Novsync+render frames ahead/Flip queue size to 1 works the best for me.

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Bohemia Interactive does not need to do this, you just need to know how to use Triple buffering properly. :)

You can also drop 'max pre-rendered frames' to 0 to further smooth out the mouse lag. But test this last part with your hardware, you may want it slightly higher.

hmm so how do you use Triple buffering properly?You dont have a option in your vidcard CP... thats only for OGL, not DX, there are Apps that can set it up , but Bis already does there "Triple buffering " there way, and the apps dont work right.

Vysnc on is a vista, rc7 windows issue.

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'Vsync OFF' in the GFX options doesn't seem to work with either my Vista or newly acquired RC7. I've tried Rivatuner as well but my 4870's FPS always seems capped in Arma2.

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is there vsync on xp? if so how do you turn it off in nvidia. im getting 20 fps with my powerful rig and i need help

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Xp has the option.

Rc7 doesnt, and it a MS issue not your vidcard drivers. Maybe it will be easy when its retail...

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ArmA2 forces both Vsync and tripplebuffering - so no one need to "learn how to use tripplebuffering".

Besides, tripplebuffering adds to lag so this is pointless.

ATi users cannot change "max frames to render ahead" without installing third party software, wich could conflict with the regular control panel.

Since Vista (means Vista and Windows 7), microsoft decided that games must have control over vsync. Therfore, forcing vsync off in ATi cards does nothing for ArmA2. Nvidia are better in this and with hacks allow the disabling of vsync, even in Vista+7 (set to force off). Still, this is only ONE brand of cards.

All this means Bohemia Interactive MUST make this possible. They must add this as a choise in options, some people hate tearing, some hate mouselag.. but it is still OUR choise and not Bohemias.

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Bohemia Interactive does not need to do this, you just need to know how to use Triple buffering properly. :)

You need to learn about about graphics tech before misinforming other gamers. Triple buffering is only available via most drivers for OGL, not DX.

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Yeah.. doesn't work at all in this OS. There used to be this d3doverride utility that worked amazingly well in the past, oh well. :blush:

That's what's great about the internet.. a million people there to correct you, in the nicest way possible. :D

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That's what's great about the internet.. a million people there to correct you, in the nicest way possible. :D

Sorry mate, I came across as a bit harsh. Just bear in mind that whenever you give technical advice, you could cause 100 readers to go on a wild goose chase if that info is incorrect.:)

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Wiz, goto nVidia control panel (right-click desktop, choose nvidia control panel) then goto "manage 3d settings"

From there you can force V-Sync off, play with triple buffering, do all this funky stuff.

Oh.. as a side note, if you're gonna ask BIS to allow V-sync disable, put it in the suggestion forums (maybe already there, haven't looked myself)

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Sorry mate, I came across as a bit harsh. Just bear in mind that whenever you give technical advice, you could cause 100 readers to go on a wild goose chase if that info is incorrect.:)

True true.. There is a ton of that already here, probably largely rooted in frustration. I'm sorry to have contributed to the FUD without first checking it out on Vista/7. Bleh.. :(

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I have xp and and turning of V-sync makes no difference, Other games get a good boost and is why I never have it enabled.

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