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Why am I so bad?

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Yep i can also slow crawl behind and around enemy AI in high grass without they noticing me. They start turning to me when i get too close - wich is as it should as they can hear in this game.

That covers that issue. Whatever other issue there is where for example AI have been reported with yout position and they know EXACTLLY where you are even though your hiding isnt good ofcourse. But i dont know if that is an issue in ARMA2. Maybe. And there might be some other issues wich im not aware of.

But so far i can sneak up pretty close to AI without they know im there. I think those who fail dont SLOW CRAWL. Remember that doing the normal crawl (pretty fast) would alarm anyone in reality as it sounds pretty much with gear and you breathing heavy.


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Really? Ive never, ever seen this happen by itself. I just tried on Utes by letting 2 squads (east and west) fight on one side of the island and placing 3 east squads on the other side of the island. While the east squad was getting is ass kicked the other 3 squads didnt move a step.

EDIT: I should have tested their knowsabout, brb

EDIT: I just did a quick not 100% test but their knowsabout stays at 0. Then again, it also stays at 0 when i give all east squads a guard waypoint but they still react. :p

Odd. I was looking for the post where I read it but I couldn't find it. It was in some thread where group link 3 was mentioned aswell. I wish I could locate it. I don't really remember the context, either, so it's hard to know what was meant.

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I think it's brilliant how challenging ArmA2 can be at times. Sure you can readily turn features off but just the fact that they are there and can be further developed gives this game a life measured in many years.

Thanks BIS for yet another brilliant product!!

Agreed. The game's hard because it's a military simulator. War is hard (or so I imagine). Like many people have said "This is not CoD".

I play the game on 'normal' with the AIskill turned down to 0.50. Makes it a little bit easier for me. A good balance between 'realistic milsim and enjoyable game'.

To the OP - I was seriously struggling too in the same way. Still do at times. Still die a lot. I've started using trees and rocks a lot as cover and like another poster said, move a lot. Don't stay in the same place for too long whilst in a fire-fight, & put fire on the enemy whilst moving between cover points (trees and rocks are best since the AI can see you go behind bushes and fire into the bush and kill you).

& advance (as someone else said earlier) so the AI isn't the one advancing towards you. It's incredible the way they will even often retreat if you are aggressor. Then you get to decide whether to shoot them in the back or let them regroup so you can shoot them in the face later on!!!

Be safe but agressive is the only advice I can give you :)

You're going to die. War is about death. Isn't it nice how when it's just a computer game we get to use the 'save game' option and re-try when we fail :D


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The original poster speaks of being in an area and getting shot without knowing where it came from and in places teaming with enemy.

All I can say is if your are not aware even roughly where the enemy are you shouldn't be in that position in the first place.

Scout the area via flanks, use hills and other elevated places to scan the area, use a team mate to scan horizon prone and send some facing different directions, use binoculars and scope the area. Quite simply try to get a fix on positions before you even begin to go into an area, and even then use flanks to move in slowly.

Everyone can get caught out its true, but the idea is to be one up on the AI if possible. Use better cover than simply grass anyway, grass is too open and wont stop a bullet. use trees in overgrowth and bushes, small walls, rocks, but grass should be for prone to scoot across far from enemy to get "to" a better position of cover in my book. if you are in grass and get spotted (which I have in A1/2) I always expect to be dead pretty soon, unless you have teams flanking to draw fire or you roll out of the position and can make a run for it too some cover and then shift away from that spotted position pretty quickly.

The whole grass debate is true, I would rather see slightly lowered grass but "view block" somehow used to be honest.

Although to be honest I don't have the issue here but I have been playing (not as long as some) but since 2007 in Arma1.

Edited by mrcash2009

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As a user new to Arma II without any experience in earlier Arma editions, I share a lot of the feelings of the original poster. I do have quite some experience in flight simulators, the usual tool there to learn from your errors is some way to review what you have doen, including what the enemy did. In flight simulators this ranges from full-blown ACMI simulation to "track" recording with at least the possibility to review your actions from another perspective later.

Up till now I have not seen anything like that for ARMA II; there is not even a message telling you who actually killed you. Am I missing something or is it simply not there? I would imagine that in real life military simulators the instructors also want to review missions with their students, so I would expect something like that also in ARMA.

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Grass is a real pain, almost makes me not want to play as infantry at all.. :(

Suggest BIS a new units in the next patch.....

A lawn mower

Or give us an option to drastically shorten/ remove the the grass

A lawn mower is the soldiers worst enemy, takes food and cover.

BTW LOOOL take the grass i cant see olololol flame

so harder it is so much more fun it makes ;-)

take binoculars and NEVER enter area what looks suspisos(every area is supisos)lay down and watch, watch watch watch and if you think you have recon every spot and its safe move 100 meter further not 1000 not 500, take a distance of 100 as a maximum and their goes the game again watch watch watch.Never crawl such a distance, when you get under firer dont hit the dirt(make a plan before you move; my position their i wona go cover between.When you get under firer run to the next cover dont lay down than think again from where the firer coud come and NEVER TAKE the same way twice.When you get under fier from long distances, crouch and run in zick zack, fier from short distances asap to cover or you are dead.

If you have ai and dont wont wait and dont like our ai send them first in small jumps in, and watch what happens

never open fire when you are not sure, this gives your position away and makes you a target.Stay stealth and when you are sure it has to be a 100% hit and dead shoot ore payback comes fast and hard.

What you cant see you cant shoot.

Counts on you and the enemy.

my help for you

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A grass where you can't hide and where you can't shoot from is a serious design error, not only annoying but also useless.

For the sake of the game play it should be two types of grass, short where you can shoot from and provide some partial cover and long, only for hidding (kinda long grass in Avghani). The rest of them are only making lag... really.

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A grass where you can't hide and where you can't shoot from is a serious design error, not only annoying but also useless.

For the sake of the game play it should be two types of grass, short where you can shoot from and provide some partial cover and long, only for hidding (kinda long grass in Avghani). The rest of them are only making lag... really.

for sake, tell this mother nature or captain planet or both. The world is not a well gardet British backyard with 1 cm tall grass every where thats life.Thats one of things that are good in ARMA 2, Grass.Dont take it. (fu Arrowhead, fu desert, fu dust infection first cs know arma)

get higegorund and shoot down, or let the enemy attack over higround down so he makes a form upfront of the horizon, if you cant hold a area retreat.

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Too much tall grass in the game imo. The short grass mod makes life a little easier, especially for singleplayer (since mods seems to be generally disallowed on public servers).

However, I think grass is important for the gameplay. Do you approach the town in tall cornfields or from the road? My guess would be open road so that you can lay down an effective base of fire in an attempt on supressing the enemy. However, the enemy also knows this, and have put their best defenses along this axis. If they are aware that high vegetation will cause a visibility problem for an attacking foe that is. That's why they have elevated watch towers :) It becomes a matter of the tactics you eventually go with. It shouldn't be as easy as it becomes when you just turn off the grass and can use any terrain without thought about what you're doing.

But I still want the old 'floating grass layer' like in Arma1, even if it doesn't look all that great.

Slaving grass setting to the terrain grid resolution is a bad game design mistake, as I really can't live with the lowest setting (enemies will float over an invisible barrier), and at the same time I might want to play without the grass. That being said, grass no longer cause the same performance impact that certain trees does, or what it was like in Arma1.

To OP:

1) Get the Low Grass addon or turn off grass completely (which ruins the terrain grid smoothing and removes an important tactical aspect from the game).

2) Biggest mistake you do is staying at same location. Moving about is the smartest tactics against AI, as long as you put yourself in a situation where you can move from cover to cover eventually into the unknown (for the enemy). Grass is not cover. It is also a bad concealment once you've been made. The enemy will attempt to flank your last known or expected position, not your actual one.

3) Let your friendly AI cover these flanking avenues, and put them on hold fire. When enemy AI gets close enough to spot your AI and open fire, it will already be to late for them. Your AI will cancel hold fire if they think they have been made or feel threatened by an enemy AI getting too close.

4) This is a fairly realistic game. Ask yourself how successful you think you would be on taking on multiple 'trained' enemies in real life and get away with it. While staying put in the same location ;)

5) The AI most definately have an advantage during 'grass fighting', but there is really nothing wrong with 'using alternatives'. Lob a grenade. Throw smoke (not in 1.03 though). Fire blindly in general direction under pressure is better than not firing at all.

Edited by CarlGustaffa

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for sake, tell this mother nature or captain planet or both. The world is not a well gardet British backyard with 1 cm tall grass every where thats life.Thats one of things that are good in ARMA 2, Grass.Dont take it. (fu Arrowhead, fu desert, fu dust infection first cs know arma)

get higegorund and shoot down, or let the enemy attack over higround down so he makes a form upfront of the horizon, if you cant hold a area retreat.

Its not that, the problem is that in real you can rise your head above a lot of "tall" grass when proned while in the game you can't. To balance this at the game level, the "tall" grass shouldn't be that much around the game.

Edited by afp

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You can mow the grass by going prone moving forward, backwards and roll around at one place until you get a good overview of the situation. ;) Or you just avoid tall grass on fields or plain land.

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