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Enormous FPS drop when scoped in grass...

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This only affects me when object detail is set to 'high' or 'very high'. Zooming in around grass decimates my FPS. From 30ish to less than 5. The higher the zoom of the scope, the worse it is. The AMR is unplayable without turning grass down.

I assume this is something to do with the 'zoom' function suddenly trying to draw grass out as far as the scope is set...?

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I have the same problem. Vegetation really kills my performance, sometimes unplayble.

I remember this from ArmA1. What did you do BIS? Revival of old bugs?

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I asked a similar question a while back.

This thread may help you:


I found BloodRaiden's post the most helpful:

BAHA Rabbit! Hullo.

It may be a smaller field of view, but ArmA2 is rendering everything up to 1000m in full detail(when scoped in - ever notice an SVD sight has a higher FPS?) , whereas up to 50-100m is full then it starts LODing everything down.

And turn PP back on! I don't understand peoples issues with it...

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when i zoom, i loose a few frames at first then i usually gain 10fps... and then if spin around it will godown then back up...

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Chernarus is a big and diverse map, its a shame that performance isnt consistent everywhere.

For example i open the editor and place myself around Stary sobor, notice good frame rates and decided to up the settings, lets have some AA and high shadows in there, ok now it looks pretty and is still running well.. untill i run into the forest or red trees, then it goes down to 20 fps, ok so now lets turn the shadows off and disable AA in order to get ~40 fps again :( ..

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Chernarus is a big and diverse map, its a shame that performance isnt consistent everywhere.

For example i open the editor and place myself around Stary sobor, notice good frame rates and decided to up the settings, lets have some AA and high shadows in there, ok now it looks pretty and is still running well.. untill i run into the forest or red trees, then it goes down to 20 fps, ok so now lets turn the shadows off and disable AA in order to get ~40 fps again :( ..

yeah if you dont run 3.8 CPu and atleast 285sli/4980cf you will always have that...(well maybe 1.03 or 1.0x will improve it), or run the game at 1400/900 or less.

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Vegetation really kills my performance.

Eat meat instead

But yes, sudden FPS drop while using scope sucks almost as much as the bulletproof leaves on the trees.

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Try turning off Adaptive AA for ATI cards or Transparency AA for NVIDIA cards. It helps a lot for my rig.

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yeah if you dont run 3.8 CPu and atleast 285sli/4980cf you will always have that...(well maybe 1.03 or 1.0x will improve it), or run the game at 1400/900 or less.

I had in in ArmA1 with my 7600GT and 1600XT. When i moved on to a 4870 it was gone and i havent experienced it in ArmA2 at all.

And my CPU is still a crappy x2 4200+ :p

(Running in 1027x748, rendering in 1280xsomething, everything on high)

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Eat meat instead

But yes, sudden FPS drop while using scope sucks almost as much as the bulletproof leaves on the trees.

Yes, the BP trees are a little lame. Branches etc could well stop/deflect the first bullet (depending on the type of ammunition) but I emptied 30 rounds into a branch that the AI was hiding behind and after the tree had stopped all 30 rounds, he casually stepped out from behind the tree and popped me in the head :(

Edited by BangTail

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