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L118 light gun HELP.

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Mornin all,

im trying to model the L118 light field gun and the plant that tows it and subsequent help in this area when then the mod tools, are release would be greatly appreciated, but firstly i want to know if it is possible to make a script that like the GRJ Sight Adjustment allows the gunner to manually dial the direction and elevation of the gun by using the arrow keys; This would be attached to the M119 if that helps.

Thanks for any help in advance

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isnt the L118 and the M119 the same gun just used by different countries? (GB vs USA)

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Aye, L118 was a british design subsequently adopted by the US and made under license in the USA as M119A1.


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L118's not exactly the same as the L119/M119.

The L118 has a longer barrel and different muzzle brake because it fires rounds with a separate propellant cartridge rather than 'one-piece' M1-type percussion cartridges used on the M119. British L118s also have a digital gun-laying system like the M777, which would make the sight-adjustment feature a bit of a waste of time.

I assume from his username though that the OP is doing the one used by NZ, which AFAIK is the Aussie-made L119 "Hamel Gun", not the L118; so subsequently still has manual adjustment to the optics.

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could you explain the digital gun-laying system im not up on that and any reference material relating to that would also be greatly appropriated.

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The system on L118 is the SELEX Laser Inertial Artillery Pointing System (LINAPS).

Its two main components are a touch-screen control unit that features a ballistic computer and GPS/INS to locate the gun, and the Inertial Navigation Unit which measures the elevation, azimuth and roll of the gun. The INU is basically a box of ring-laser gyros mounted above the gun and an odometer attached to the wheels.

Data from the INS is output to the control unit and used to calculate the trajectory of the round.


If you want a better description you'd have to ask a gunner. I don't know what the gun-laying procedure is, just how the thing works.

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With the digital gunlaying system, you punch in the Elev and azimuth you want in mils, rotate the entire gun by hand till you're +/- 100 mils, then manually correct via hand with a turning wheel. It displays both the mils heading the gun is on and the heading you want (same with elev) on the screen, so it's just a matter of matching numbers.

The entire process is alot more complicated (like working out what elev you need for the round to hit, for example, and thats before you start considering altitudes, etc) but those are the basics.

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Question should i wait for the new modding tools to just use the oxygen tool from arma 1. Btw i have no modeling experience at all

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Old OFP Mod 1982: Flashpoint in the Falklands had BOTH L118 and M119 modelled (I know as I have originals!!), hard to tell diff unless put together M119 has a slightly shorter barrel to allow use of existing stocks of 105mm ammunition, consequenrly has a much reduced range compared with the L118

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