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SP Mission: Gatekeeper

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Ok so somewhat desperate here just cuz it's been holding me back from finishing/releasing this again for a while, and my friend who said he would always has somethin keeping him from doing it or so he says lol.

Anyway, I need 2 more voices.

1st voice - 14 short lines total over 2 missions including this one, if anyone is interested. Male, "american english" (as opposed to english english lol). I can always edit it if it's too high/low. Preferably someone who might be up for a little more in the future if I make more missions following Cobra team.

2nd voice - A nice chunk of dialogue in my second mission. Same reqs as above. Preferably a little older sounding, but not necessary.

So PM me if you're up for it please, thanks, wanna get this done with so I can release my 2nd mission too, which is a direct continuation of Gatekeeper.

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Jdog, I just sent you the last two of the ones you needed from me.

If you need me to do another character aswell, I can do that (I can do it in another voice or you can just edit my voice with a editing program,etc..).

Let me know if you need more! (also check your email today hehe)

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i tried this mission, is great, thank at you for it. I'm have too a missing object jd01, can you change the game over and not finish mission when a member cobra team die, is it possible to continue mission when a member die, this arma's finish is not good and have a really game over when the player die in SP.

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This mission does'nt seem to work for me.

I have copied the PBO file into the missions folder but it doesn't show up in game. I am running the normal 1.03 .exe and Beta .exe file and if I switch between them the mission doesn't show in the missions list in game.

I also installed another mission (Cipher) and this mission doesn't show up either. i will try to install some more missions to see if they don't show as well.


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You're sure you're putting it in the Mission folder in the main ArmA 2 directory (under program files?). It won't show up in the SP missions in-game if you put it in the My Documents area (that's the place where your created missions go, for use with the editor).


I think the missing object is just from the last update, and I haven't released a version of after that update yet. Will upload the final version soon hopefully. As for the thing about team members dying... if it was just one random mission with no importance about the characters, sure. But since I have another mission (taking place immediately after this one) with the same characters... can't allow you to finish the mission with one of them dead and magically reappearing haha!

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Finally came back to playing this one!Im up to the part where your voice acting comes in (well done :cool: ) & I have to take out the AA sites, but I managed to blow myself up with the artillery gun!

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Blow yourself up with the artillery gun lol? What did you do, shoot the sandbags in front of it? Don't think that counts as a bug but human... umm... lack-of-something (no nice way to put it) haha. Especially since you don't even have to use it.

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Final version is up :) Woohoo for more than 1 voice-over!

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how long am I supposed to wait for the Russian counter-attack?

I already performed all tasks :confused:. Nice mission :)

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No more than a minute, make sure you go to the waypoint. Once you've "performed all tasks" you get extracted.

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A great mission, I'm re-downloading to play again.

Whose side is that frigate supposed to be on, though. It's rather conspicuous, and seems like it would sort of dominate the engagement if it weren't a static object.

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No more than a minute, make sure you go to the waypoint. Once you've "performed all tasks" you get extracted.

I awaited 15 minutes and nothing happened :j:

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Cool maturin, glad you like it, hopefully you'll like my second one I'll probably put out tomorrow or monday.

Kristofer... really lol, it works. Maybe it just glitched on you that once or something, but if you go where the waypoint tells you to, on the road, the mission will progress. Try it again, I guarantee the mission continues.

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this one looks good. but how do i get the zodiac to go to the beach at the start?

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the driver of the zodiac tells you to "Radio in" :) that way you have proper time to change you team's weapons in the boat if you want

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haha have you never used the radio in the game? :P press 0-0-1

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pete10 you have a glorious time ahead of you discovering the depth of ARMA2. There is much under the hood in this game. The SOM module for example have an arsenal of support wich you radio in to get so i guess you never done that either. :)

Either as JDog says 0-0-1 (or 0-0 really. There can be multiple radios) or you can call the radio when your using the map "M". You see a radio there wich has titles in its window. just click on the title(s).

OnTopic: will test this mission out now. Looks good. Thanks JDog.


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Nice!! Going to try this again right now! Will be funny to hear my voice on some of it hehe.

THe mission was fun before, but with new voices in the game it should be even better (:

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Cool Alex let me know what you think :)

Hey Kozzy, I just sent you the 2nd mission, email me back w/ thoughts :)

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Cool Alex let me know what you think :)

Hey Kozzy, I just sent you the 2nd mission, email me back w/ thoughts :)

Sounds good bud, I will email you in a few hours with my thoughts :D :yay:

**Next mission is awesome hehe**

Edited by kozzy420

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This was a good mission! Thank you! It worked great for me, no problems at all, and I enjoyed it.

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This mission is extremely hard with ACE and zeus AI, and it doesn't even seem to use UPS/UPSMON. Good concept though.

Things you way want to fix:

- Objective location is randomized before saving, so once you revert the location will be the same every time.

- Patrols (some or all) go to the same places every time, at least after the save.

- There are some script errors at the start of the missions as well as (what seems to be) in one of the triggers. Try run the game with -showScriptErrors parameter in your command line to see where those errors are and/or check out the RPT file to find out exactly what you're trying to do that isn't working.

And overall, ACE/Zeus AI support (mostly difficulty-wise but also gear-wise) would be very nice.

Edited by galzohar

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Hey JDog,

Great mission, great voice acting.


Extraction...................where? After SADRAMS do their thing, I'm told of another "important" task. I have no idea where to go..


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