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Dropping a Ammobox from Airplane ?

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Hi there. is there a way to drop a filles Ammobox from a Airplane ?

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Hi there. is there a way to drop a filles Ammobox from a Airplane ?

I do not know how to but it is possible. The secop thing has it as a support request. Its called Supply Drop or something.

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Place the Functions module, create a C130 called c1, have it fly past a trigger with this in it's OnAct:

[c1,"Reammobox"] call BIS_fnc_supplyDrop;

Use "LAND" for an M2 HMMVW, or "reammobox" for an ammobox.

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Thanks.. will this Work in Multiplayer ?

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Works creat ! Big thanks ! but.. how can i fill the ammobox ? i know how i fill a ammobox but whats the name of the box ?

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hmmm but i will fill the box by myself.. is there no way ?

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hmmm but i will fill the box by myself.. is there no way ?

Just edit some of the files in the AmmoBox Filler Scripts (Armaholic) with your own weapons.

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??? Here are some lines from my ammobox script:

clearweaponcargo _this; 
clearmagazinecargo _this;

_this addMagazineCargo ["TimeBomb",4];
_this addMagazineCargo ["pipebomb",4];
_this addMagazineCargo ["mine",4];
_this addMagazineCargo ["Stinger",2];
_this addMagazineCargo ["JAVELIN",2];

BUT WHAT I MUST USE FOR: _THIS (wich name ? wich Object ? )

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Reaper, in that case _this it would be whatever object called the script. You'd save that script as ammo.sqf then have the item call the script via init field.

My one line of code solution to this problem is designed to be quick and easy. It'll drop a standard ammo box, with ammo in it. If that's not enough for you you start to enter the realm of having to hand code every little thing. If it matters to you which items are in the ammobox instead of, ya know, just ammo, then complexity will start to rise greatly. There are countless other ammo drop or resupply scripts around which cover how to do that.

Since the BIS fnc supply drop doesn't assign a global name to the item, you'll need to do something like use a trigger to detect which ammobox is closest to the landing area then run the script on that. Or something.

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Yea I dont think it's possible to run a script on the box that gets dropped from the function, since it isn't assigned a name and there's no way of sending a custom script to the stuff you send to the function. As kylania said, you'd have to detect the thing via something like nearestObject and run the script on it from there.

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Ok i got it to work... i have modified the BIS Functions.

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I hope no one minds me bumping and asking for an answer again..

Reaper, what did you do? Or can anyone tell me how to fill up the crate? I know how to script my crates, I just need to know how to do it with the crate coming out of the plane/heli.

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how did yall get this to work ive done everything but its not dropping anything

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I dont know what he did but for a workaround you may try detecting the dropped box via nearestObject command, than naming it yourself and then to pack whatever you like to. Im at work and dont have my command syntax reference here so i cant paste here the correct way to do it but you should be able to do it somehow

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I've installed the beta patch and this function is reporting a lot of null errors, is anyone else having a problem with this.

In fact if I go back to 1.03 patch that now also gives an error about a sleep command.

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