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About Cellus

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  1. Cellus


    RM Jingle is right. Won't have any time for that school nonsense once you become a hardcore gaming junkie. Best do away with it now, move into the basement, and resign yourself to living off your parents.
  2. Cellus

    ennemy shooted me right through trees

    The enemy doesn't need line of sight. They are a hive mind, and if one has seen you, the mounted .50cal a mile away can shoot you regardless of concealing vegetation. If they're not synced, AI can ignore a huge battle raging less than fifty metres away.
  3. Perhaps side is not recorded on disconnect? How are they spawned? If units are named, and groups are made depending on that named unit, you could deleteVehicle the group connected to said name in a similar manner to the 'side' method outlined.
  4. Or when you respawn I bet. Have to remove the exec from killed handler I gather. Happened to me, but confused me a long while because I get this intermittent problem with editor where it doesn't save, though everything appears to have done so, and I need a re-boot...
  5. ID change in patch. Amongst other problems
  6. Files doesn't follow? Copy them manually? It should be a .pbo, so you can't see what files are there, really. And don't do it manually - more than likely give you errors. Didn't save it under a new name, did you? You'll have to copy all the scripts across to document folder, load it up, then export it to multi. New .pbo is is not in doco folder, but game folder.
  7. Like this? Or this? This? This? Followed this? Otherwise, tell us what you have done, because 'it doesn't work' is awfully vague.
  8. You can use Norrin's revive script to make it available to certain units or not. Very easily modified, but I don't know how you'd make that into an admin option, which I think is what you're getting at. Ask Norrin if it fits what you want - and get him to post in this forum if he has an answer ;)
  9. TG is Co-op. Co-op is not TG. TG is not PvP. WHAT ARE YOU ON ABOUT? Ed:If I go to TG, and see them playing tactical co-op, and if I can then get them to play a TvT mission, will their minds regress to drooling imbeciles on mission load?
  10. Cellus

    Thank you for nothing.

    Check out the Securom site about how to revoke an installation. It's something simple like adding /revoke to the launch line then following prompts. I'd search here but threads that mention Securom for any reason tend to get locked. Not saying you should re-install...
  11. How does having an unthinking opponent promote teamplay? THAT'S INSANE. In-game voice has been very unreliable in my experience.
  12. Same folder on server? Tried saving it under a new name? Just copy/pasted it? No third party programs? What error message? Do other user missions (from armaholic, for instance) work?
  13. Cellus

    c130 ammobox

    http://www.armatechsquad.com/ArmA2Class/ Use the file names there.
  14. Game folder? Not document folder.
  15. Cellus

    c130 ammobox

    You can drop anything at all from that, just by changing what's between the quotes. As was said in all the other supply drop threads.