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Waterhiro's Cheytac - first one for all Snipers :-)

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Waterhiro's Cheytac, see download link at:


Almost wetted myself, great job!

Hum, can't seem to get it in the game, init I used was:

this addWeapon 'cheytac'; this addMagazine '408cheytac'

Anyone managed?

Edited by p75

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Only via placing it. It has its own class CheytacSniper and its own unit which you can find in the list. Havent tried adding it via the init yet.

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this addWeapon "cheytac"; this addMagazine "408cheytac"

Does that start with the weapon loaded? In ArmA1 you added the magazine first and weapon last - that way it was loaded on start.


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Only via placing it. It has its own class CheytacSniper and its own unit which you can find in the list. Havent tried adding it via the init yet.

Yes you're right, mate, my bad. Gun and sound are good, one minor complaint is the scope, which is not really my type of scope I'd like to see. And the animation is not totally fluid when pulling back the bolt. I haven't checked the M24 to see if it lacks there also. Shoots like a beast.

I'd give it an 8, could use some more high res textures.

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on that pic, the hand placement is off, the front hand goes through the ammo clip.

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on that pic, the hand placement is off, the front hand goes through the ammo clip.

Not a lot that can be done about that until BIS release some sample models so we can see how to set up inverse kinematic weapon grips (assuming that it's based on a property within the models).

For the time being the default grip will inevitably clip through most weapon models that aren't assault rifles like it did in ArmA 1.

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This weapon was just on the "Military Channel" (Future Weapons) last week. I'm glad it's in game but there are some small errors. The suppressor sound is off, it should make a light crack sound because the round is still going supersonic and its a big projectile. The scope reticle is off too. The bolt should be the same color as the rifle or darker. Make the rifle also available without the supressor. Cheytac likes the Night Force scopes. This video should help. http://www.cheytac.com/MilChSniperRifleUTube2.asp Here's Night Force's website. http://www.nightforceoptics.com Click on the scopes and reticles. Great detail on the reticles if your looking for close-up shot of their reticles. Hope this helps to make this mod even better. :thumb:

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Does anybody know the muzzle classname of the cheytac weapon? I want to add it to the bullet cam script of Big Dawg KS but it doesn't work. Seems to be another muzzle classname than "cheytac".

Any suggestions?

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Does anybody know the muzzle classname of the cheytac weapon? I want to add it to the bullet cam script of Big Dawg KS but it doesn't work. Seems to be another muzzle classname than "cheytac".

Any suggestions?

I second that. cheyatc or Cheytac or 408Cheytac, 408Cheytac. Try a few and update if it works, will have a look at it also.


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Loved the whole look and feel of this weapon.

I don't know if the sound it makes is vanilla or not, but that silenced THUMP is awesome to listen to.

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It is either:

"CHEYTACsniper" or "CHEYTAC" (I added them both). It works.

I have an error loading some texture, though:

Can not load texture type 89\m4_co_nohq.pac, when I place the CHEYTAC sniper on the map, the map loads I receive the error, hit preview again and it loads? Anyone a clue?

---------- Post added at 08:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:49 PM ----------

The script works, but it is below the map level (I see the sea), anyone an idea?

Can someone else test this also and provide feedback fix?

---------- Post added at 08:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:52 PM ----------

Ok, it is "CHEYTAC", on Utes it works as it should. On Cheranus (or whatever it calls) I get the below sea error?

---------- Post added at 09:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:57 PM ----------

Can someone else test this also and provide feedback fix?

Edited by p75

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loads up with a error cant see no map when press m have to press preview twice to for it to work but thought was pretty cool when had a look just needs a fix:o

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loads up with a error cant see no map when press m have to press preview twice to for it to work but thought was pretty cool when had a look just needs a fix:o

Yeah, it needs a fix. Would also like a normal scope, maybe someone can give us a hand?

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My addon-rate: 3/10. Seriously, if you check out the model you will know.

Stuff to be fixed to make it more optimized and a quality model:

-17323 poly/20062 tris (WTF, my Cheytac model was around 2k).

-Tons and tons (really) of flows in the model. Unneeded polys, polys that don't make sense, screwed up shapes.....on big mess imho.

-588 sections!!! Nice one (new record?).

-Resolution lods are a wast of effort and use. Only the scope (M107 scope i suppose?) was copy/pasted, he even managed to copy/past it and have it in different cords, two scope lods used.

- LOD 2 : 17323poly, LOD 16 : 15738 (at least that lod has only 583 sections...).

- One of the bipods are mirrored but inversed.

- Shadowvolume lod 0: M107 model (someone has been lazy).

- Shadowvolume lod 10: Same M107 model, same amount of faces.

- 23 textures, of witch 'only' 12 were used in the actual model.

- No smdi or nohq files, but still there are materials in the folder (un-used).

- Tons of ST errors, 66 isolated vertexes.

Sofar the model rating.

I suppose Waterhiro isn't a member on this forum, no offence to him but he needs to have a good look at his work. It is a good example of how you should NOT make and release your model. Sorry, but fact.

Edited by DaSquade

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My addon-rate: 3/10. Seriously, if you check out the model you will know.

Stuff to be fixed to make it more optimized and a quality model:

-17323 poly/20062 tris (WTF, my Cheytac model was around 2k).

-Tons and tons (really) of flows in the model. Unneeded polys, polys that don't make sense, screwed up shapes.....on big mess imho.

-588 sections!!! Nice one (new record?).

-Resolution lods are a wast of effort and use. Only the scope (M107 scope i suppose?) was copy/pasted, he even managed to copy/past it and have it in different cords, two scope lods used.

- LOD 2 : 17323poly, LOD 16 : 15738 (at least that lod has only 583 sections...).

- One of the bipods are mirrored but inversed.

- Shadowvolume lod 0: M107 model (someone has been lazy).

- Shadowvolume lod 10: Same M107 model, same amount of faces.

- 23 textures, of witch 'only' 12 were used in the actual model.

- No smdi or nohq files, but still there are materials in the folder (un-used).

- Tons of ST errors, 66 isolated vertexes.

Sofar the model rating.

I suppose Waterhiro isn't a member on this forum, no offence to him but he needs to have a good look at his work. It is a good example of how you should make and release your model. Sorry, but fact.

I think the model could look alot better, but still, it is better than nothing :-)

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My addon-rate: 3/10. Seriously, if you check out the model you will know.

Well as you seem to be such an expert why dont you release a better Cheytac mod for all Arma 2 players ? :o

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@thales100: A day has 24h. I'm 30 years old and have a job.

My Cheytac model (not the super best looking one but at least it is pretty optimized and for once the polycount fits most stock weapons :p). The folder where i created the cheytac for dates: 23 may 2007. That was around the end of OFP, beginning ArmA if i'm not mistaken and was on of my first unwraps i ever did (the above addon isn't unwrapped i think..can't be bodered to check, i already deleted it). All in all i was pretty happy with the result. It has a temp texture aswell.

If i'm not mistaken i have posted it in the WIP topic somewhere and once even officially posted if anyone wants to continue, he/she should contact me.

Anyway, it is more or less on the long washlist of to do things and might end up in ACE if done.

*Did you ever made something?

*Did you ever made something that wasn't a 10 sec copy/past thingy?

*Did you ever got board of something you started and decided to make something else to make someone happy?

*Did you ever decided to try a new approche by making a high poly model of your low poly model just to have the normal map slightly better instead of converting a bumpmap?

*Did you ever....nevermind.

Keep in mind there are a lot of modellers who take their pride in mind and don't release stuff that is better deleted? Might sound harsh, my previous post wasn't meant to be offended, i consider it a help if he wants to make some 'these-days' standard quality. His model seams to be some sort of crappy CS port/free download model/wannebee higher poly count model witch got screwed up somehow.

But yeah, some prefure to have something (for free and by sitting on their ass untill someone else makes something that looks like their super doober weapon).

And no, i don't want to be seen as an expert as i still have a long road to go and i don't want him or others be demotivated by this....i just want to point out one needs to have some pride and think before releasing something (next thing you know people ask why their game is lagging).

Maybe this is a good example why many others take weeks-months-years before they release something. So think twice before you attack someone who puts some love into his work ;) .

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@thales100: A day has 24h. I'm 30 years old and have a job.

So what ? Im 40, i have a job too and the day has the same 24h here - these arent excuses for just keep talking and attacking.

Talk is cheap, fast and easy, isnt it ? :D Yeah, you know it too.

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*find more posts by thales100:

-TrackIR 5 ArmA2 Thread

-ArmA II Photography I - No images over 100kb - Pictures only NO comments.

-Full Screen NVG (commenting).

-Latest ArmA2 Press Coverage

-patch 1.02 breaks Triplehead, ultrawide support

-Widescreen / Multi-monitor set up

-ArmA II is #1!

-ArmA 2 Demo feedback

-ArmA2 Demo Release Today - 2PM GMT - 3PM CET - 6:00 AM PST

That more or less sums up your contribution to this community and how you pass your 24h.

Now go back to your game and give my 5 minutes back :p.

Didn't want to attack mate, but have some respect.

PS: And i do have some respect for Waterhiro's work. At least he tried...

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Anyone can fix the texture error?

Can not load texture type 89\m4_co_nohq.pac, when I place the CHEYTAC sniper on the map, the map loads I receive the error, hit preview again and it loads? Anyone a clue?

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From what i have seen, he didn't even use:







so the error might be gone when you delete those textures and repack the addon. Bit strange though....

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From what i have seen, he didn't even use:







so the error might be gone when you delete those textures and repack the addon. Bit strange though....

Ah, ok, thanks, mate.

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Hmmm too many Cheytacs already, I have one almost done, and DaSquade has one already too. :D

Edited by USSRsniper

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Hmmm too many Cheytacs already, I have one almost done, and DaSquade has one already too. :D

Do share, I hope we can get a bit better modelled one with a normal scope.

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at least u had a go same mr his got a job aint put his one up yawn

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