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SP Mission: Morning Assault (my first)

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So I have been playing around with the editor for some days (completly new to it), and finally got my first SP mission done. It's pretty simple not much scripting or advanced stuff like that. It's more focused on just combat. I spent alot of the time trying to balance it so it would be fun to play, so I hope I accomplished something decent!

Mission info

You start out in the woods and together with Bravo you are going to attack the small town to seize control. Just be ready for the counter attack, because the enemy really need this town too...


Download here:

*UPDATE* Morning Assault on ArmaHolic

Morning Assault on MediaFire

Feedback for future projects would be much appriciated! :cool:

Edited by critanda

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Hi Critanda,

Was a fun small mission. Good work for being the first one. :) Thats the beauty of ARMA though that even simple missions can be very fun. The idea of capture and defend is a good old setup and works good. The location was well picked as well.

Keep it up.


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Good mission!only thing i couldnt do was finish it,i killed all the enemy & did a sweep of the woods the counter attack came from,then returned to the town but the mission didnt end,have i missed something?

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this mission was excellent i enjoyed every aspect of it, the only problem was the end to the mission because there is no end. i made a sweep through the woods and returned to the town but no mission end. i can help you with this problem if youd like. email me at [email protected]

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Yep its hard to finish this mission.

I think you need to set it so that even if there is some enemies left (around 5-10) then you win the mission. I dont know how you do that but its doable. I was looking several times after the "last guy" but never found him/them so the mission never ended. Maybe the SURRENDER module works for this? I remember reading that ARMA2 you will never have to look for the last guy and i think this has to do with that module. I will do some tests.

About COOP. Im not sure what needs to be added apart from making the other units in your team "PLAYABLE". That could work. Also if you want it COOP and dont want it hardcore without respawn or first aid you have to add that as well. I made another version of this mission with first aid modules plus ACM module to be able to revive eachtother and to get some more random enemies in the area.


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It was cool when the counter attack starts & my troops were firing from that hill towards the woods, all the tracer fire in low light :cool:

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Thanks for all the response! Really motivated to learn more about the editor and make more missions! About the ending, I know there is a problem with the enemy AI fleeing from the combat zone. I looked for solutions, but the best I got is to make a timeout, where you win if you are still alive. But on the other hand you could be losing the battle and still get a win if done like that.

I would love to get a solution on how to make a trigger recognize "fleeing" enemy so they does not count as alive. Maybe someone knows how to do this?

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Look :this = no flee.

I'm sorry to be so vague but there is a solution out there some where.


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Critanda, you did this in a few days !!! - Im stuggling with the editor since OFP ;) - seriously love this mission, more than the BIS ones....lots of combat, simple goal - cant finish, too hard ....How can I open this mission up in the editor and see how you did it.

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Ive just played it again,great mission!Love being able to equip the javelin at the beginning & wipe that truck out as it heads into the town :D

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Thanks for all the response! Really motivated to learn more about the editor and make more missions! About the ending, I know there is a problem with the enemy AI fleeing from the combat zone. I looked for solutions, but the best I got is to make a timeout, where you win if you are still alive. But on the other hand you could be losing the battle and still get a win if done like that.

I would love to get a solution on how to make a trigger recognize "fleeing" enemy so they does not count as alive. Maybe someone knows how to do this?


it's very easy to do. Put a trigger, covering the area, activable by the enemy side, once, and put this in the condition line (replacing "this")

{not fleeing _x} count thislist == 0

For better security, replace 0 by 5 so that the mission ends when only 5 non fleeing enemies are there, cause they may hide somewhere.

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Thanks, I really liked this mission. Keep it simple I say, although I've not yet been able to survive the counter attack.

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That was great. The counter attack was deadly we got chewed to shreds by the enemy armor.

Is there a thread around on how to make missions from the editor...it's kinda opaque to the newb.

Edited by Cadmium77

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Really fun simple mission. I enjoy it very much. Thank you. Very straight to the point... still cant survive the counter-attack though.

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i get this error when i try to run this mission "no entry 'bin\config.bin/cfgworlds.o[1]'"

any ideas?

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Mate..I just played your mission a few times. Good stuff, good stuff. Looking forward to your next release.

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Thanks for this mission, I just enjoyed playing it.

I also had trouble finishing, must be one more hiding out there somewhere.

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Really enjoyed this one, had a problem with my snipers not wanting to follow move orders until I had a wee chat with them! another bug in the game and nowt to do with your superb mission.

By the way does anyone know how to get a full squad to rearm with out having to tell each grunt individually?

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We need Victor Farbau's scripts for the rearm !! Where are you Victor ?

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...By the way does anyone know how to get a full squad to rearm with out having to tell each grunt individually?

I'd like to know this also. I wanted to 'all - rearm - at truck'.

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