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ArmaEdit ArmA2 dat files

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I was hoping I'd be able to use ArmA Edit with ArmA 2 so I went ahead and updated the dat files so it would know of the new commands and infantry weapons/ammo. Vehicle weapons/ammo are now included as well.

Same as you can do via Tools.. Edit... but I've saved you the immense hassle! :)

Just download the new dat files, backup your old ones, and drop commands.dat and units.dat in your ArmA Edit folder.

Tada! Things like attachTo will light up correctly now and CrateBuilder and UnitBuilder will be ArmA2 compatible!

Hope this helps!

Edited by kylania
Added vehicles and vehicle weapons.

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Thanks a lot, I've only just found ArmA Edit and a Google for "commands.dat" and "arma edit" led me here.

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thanks for the update kylania. Anyone seen Chris Henderson lately? His website is nonexistant any more, and I was hoping for an update to the briefing wizard for arma2.

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I've updated this file to include ArmA2 vehicles and vehicle weapons now. This does however remove ArmA1 unique vehicles from the program.

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Is there NO way of contacting Chris? I have scoured the web, but he seems to work for the CIA or NSA, can't find him anywhere (unless he also is a musician).

I know this might not sound nice, but if we can't contact Chris, is there a way to reverse engineer the software to update the wizards, too?

Oh, and what would be really nice is an update for ACE2 items.

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Great job guys i was just this minute looking though armaholic editer/tools downloads and found this.

Then i was searching though members trying see if Chris is still about then found this thread:D

Arma edit is amazing tool the whole thing needs to be fully ported Arma2/OA hope some one can get hold of him this really helps noobs like me out.

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I'll probably make new files soon. For vanilla Arma 2 I've released this:


It includes some limited support for the unit wizard.

Txs for that. Looking forward to your further updates.

I know it's a hell of a lot of time consuming work...greatly appreciated.

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