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I made a little tool that makes A2 textures compatible with texView2. This way you dont need Photoshop and Kegetys PAA Plugin.

Here the Readme:

PAADecompressor v1.2 by T_D


This little tool is for people that can't or dont want to use PAA Plugin for Photoshop by Kegetys

to view and edit A2 textures. It decompresses A2 textures back to the A1 format. This way you can easily

use TexView2 for the textures.

For v1.2 PAACompressor.exe was added to produce compressed textures, which can be used in ArmA2

but use lesser diskspace.



PAADecompressor.exe [source [destination]]

If no parameters are given a dialog appears where you can choose the file that should be decompressed.

Decompressed files are ending with "_decompressed.paa" if destination name wasn't specified.

PAACompressor.exe is used the same way.

Shell extension:


This package contains a PAAD.reg (thx to kju) file that register the tool, so that you can quickly decompress paa

files by rightclicking on them. You just have to edit the path in it.

PAAC.reg for adding PAACompressor to shell.




ADDED: PAACompressor.exe for compressing textures

FIXED: fixed other crashes

FIXED: some uncompressed textures couldn't be read by TexView2


FIXED: crash on certain files (due to wrong compression threshold size)



E-Mail: [email protected]

Skype: braini01



I take no responsibility for (im)possible damage to your game/system that may be caused

by installation of this tool.



ADDED: PAACompressor.exe for compressing textures

FIXED: fixed other crashes

FIXED: some uncompressed textures couldn't be read by TexView2

Version 1.2:

Download @ DevHeaven.net (.NET 3.5 Framework required)

Edited by T_D
v1.2 released

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I made a little tool that makes A2 textures compatible with texView2. This way you dont need Photoshop and Kegetys PAA Plugin.

Excellent small utility, great contribution to the editing community. Thank you.

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Once again. Fabulous job T_D :)

Here is a shell extension.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="\"T:\\PAADecompressor\\PAADecompressor.exe\" \"%1\""

Adapt path, save to PAAD.reg and execute.

Via RMB you can easily convert a PAA via the explorer (also mass convert). :bounce3:

Edit: doh - already part of it. :)

Edited by kju

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Big thanks for this invention :)

Seems that I am having a little issue (Wundows XP SP2):

>PAADecompressor_x.exe ak47s_as.paa

Unhandled Exception: System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'System.String System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog.get_SafeFileName()'.   at PAADecompressor.Program.Main(String[] args)

I have not tested it on Wundows 2k, yet...

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modEmMaik, install the latest MS .NET runtime.


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Version 1.1 released that fixes crashes on certain textures.

See first post for link.

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sry, should work now ;)

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Definatly a good and helpful tool ;)

I i got a wish for free i would wish a speedy viewer function for this compressed pictures (including zoom), or a recursive directory mode including an overwrite of the compressed textures so that Alttexview can manage that. ;)

I've got nearly all pbos open and it would be nice to page through the pictures in the original pathes. :D

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I'm struggling editing the reg file to get the RMB shortcuts

my EXE is located in the folder structure as follows (note it's a custom desktop folder)


...and the edited REG file looks as follows:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


@="\"C:\\Desktop\\ArmA2_Editing_Tools\\TexView2\\Tools\\PAA_Decompressor\\PAA_Decompressor.exe\" \"%1\""

...but I'm not getting the RMB shortcut when clicking on an extracted PAA file, anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

Edited by cptwhite

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There is a wrong space:

@="\"C:\\Desktop\\ArmA2_Editing_Tools\\TexView2\\PSPACEAA_Decompressor\\PAA_Decompressor.exe\" \"%1\""

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I don't understand there's no space in either the reg or the the file structure (I just checked both on my system?)

Ahh I found the space, you meant in 'tools'. It's just a typo on the forum, not in my reg :P

Edited by cptwhite

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Check if you have .paa as type.

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Okay I have it working in the shortcuts menu, but now it just produces an error report whenever I try and use it.

I'm on a Q6600 / 4Gb RAM and running Windows XP Pro 32bit with Service Pack 3, any ideas?

See error report below:


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Can you send me the "contents of the error report" please? Maybe this helps me to track down the problem.

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Sure, I can bring the report up onscreen but can't find a way to copy / paste it (even with keyboard shortcuts) how do I get it into a text file? I can't copy it into clipboard to paste anywhere...

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Take a picture of it

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its a massive error message, in a tiny box (literally dozens of boxes long....) but here's the top part:


As you see by the scroll bar at the bottom its very long....

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