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Huge frame rate drops when looking THAT way

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i recently got an issue that doesnt happen all the time but it does happen.

i get specific points on the map that gives my a huge frame rate drops (to around 5 or 8) when i look at their direction. when im looking anywhere else on the map the FPS is fine (above 30) but when i look at very specific points it drops all the way down.

now there are no huge details in the frame when i look there. nothing special.

anyone has a guess of what causes this or how to solve this?

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Unless a forest is down that line or village/city i have no clue.

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I get the same issue when certain buildings are in my view.

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So far the only time my FPS drop is when I am looking at the ocean since there seems to be no option to reduce the water quality.

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Fraps (google it) is used for showing fps. I get ocassional spikes of fps drop be at 40 or so and get a split second spike to 10 video card ATI 4770.

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well , i see other with the same issue :( yet no solution.

it's really weird. is that a known issue or am is it something very small that only know came up?

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I have the exact same issue too. Sometimes in an open field with nothing special within view distance, looking in a certain direction cripples my fps.

Maybe its a memory leak? Weird...

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If there are any specific buildings that give you the drops take screenshots of them - maybe the BIS guys can take a look on the LODs :)

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Now, honestly - postpics.gif

The thread title implicates that some screenies are in here, either to help BIS solve the problem or to help players to avoid / reproduce this phenomenon. But w/o pics... well, you get the idea.

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Hi all

As Deadfast said.

At the very least you need Location (grid ref or getpos) + direction.

Ideal is you insert a single player in the map in the place where the frame rate drop occurs; via the editor. Test that you get frame rate drop. Hit save, then get the mission from your:

My Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\ArmA User name\missions

Zip it up and make it available as a download

Lodge it in the community issue tracker along with your machine specs


Machine specs are important as different cards treat textures differently, by telling BIS what the spec is they can zero in on the bug more quickly. It may well be that BIS already tested the location but on a different machine specification and did not see a problem. By telling BIS what spec you have they can better fix the problem.

Lets deal in solutions people.

Kind Regards walker

Edited by walker

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well, i kept testing this but with no success in realizing what is it.

i re-did the same mission i created in the editor and still had the slow down BUT it was in a different area towards a different object. it's hard to tell what is it that im looking at that causes this tremendous laggy gameplay but it's something that the game probably tries to draw since i have to face at a certain direction.

it doesnt seem to happen in small skirmished of less than 40 men, but where it's about 40 vs 40 than this weirdness happens and it makes the game unplayable.

it useless to send the mission and try to pin point the object at which i was looking cuz every time it's a different object.

all i can say that, for example, it happens in VYBOR when i throw about 40vs40 men. i roam around the village and get this issue.

i dont know if it's a LOD issue but when this thing happens all calculations come to a crawl and soldiers (and many times objects too) im looking at are rendered without textures for a while and low LOD. when i look elsewhere and get smooth framerate back than the loading times of the textures and models become normal again as well.

my specs -

HD4870 512mb (latest driver - 9.6 catalyst)

2gb ram

Q6600 at 2.4ghz (not OCed)

win XP sp3

Edited by topeira

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Yes your last paragraph explains it. This is an old bug I had in Amra1 where an object that was waiting for a texture to be applied to it would cut the FPS by at least half and chug the game while its waiting to load. Try different -maxmem= settings, and temporarily put textures to lowest to see if it helps. I don't know why streaming textures has to cut performance so drastically, its pretty bad.

Edited by -=seany=-

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it's not that i see missing textures, seany. everything looks great but laggy as hell. also it's not an issue that disappears after a few seconds that the texture is loaded. it remains laggy untill i end the mission.

p.s. - what is -maxmem? how do i edit it and to what values?

remind u that my rig is 2gb ram and 512mb i the GPU

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bumping to get others who have the same issue speak their minds.

if this is a true issue than it should be heard.

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i only played the demo. What it appears to be is the shaders settings which isnt adjustable. It gives depth into the water with the waves and the lighting and the detialed textures on buildings. It really kills the frame rate.

If Crysis you had the option to adjust and it would make the biggest significance in FPS.

If you want to, you can try the lower the scenecomplexiety (only thing you can do for now). Basically its the object detail of everything. Go to your documents and there should be a file named Arma 2. then there should be 2 notepad documents, click the one that has your name on it, scrol all the way down till you see this











your scenecomplexiety should be higher, i just lowered mine to experiment, if you go too low it will make units/buildings into very low polygon models.

Hopefully Arma 2 will have the function for model detail for water/buildings/characters/vehicles or shaders

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Hi all, @topeira-maybe you need to check your blood-seettings, i read in a german forum that high settings may cause massive fps drop if there were dead bodys lying around bleeding, hope it helps chears link: http://www.g-g-c.de/forum/showthread.php?t=10690

Edited by =ZERO=

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Yeah, I remember checking out a large pool of blood on the ground. While looking at it my frame rate just about ground to a halt. seems strange that a red circle can make such a hit on fps.

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What is the command to get a console or how do we get FPS to display in this game?

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Notice this in obvious large city areas in distance, but in forests it seems the red/yellow trees are an issue.

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Sometimes i have this pretty extreme with certain buildings like the industrial complexes.

I look away game runs fast and smooth, i look in the direction of the factory and frames drop by nearly 80%

Very weird...

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Quite a few of the ArmA2 models have "holes" in them. If you run a FPS script and scan over most models it's fine. But occasionally you will get severe slowdown on some P3Ds that are simply broken. It doesn't have much to do with complexity, just completeness.

Try looking over the length of a BLUFOR destroyer model. It'll disappear at certain points even though it should be on the screen.

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