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server member teamkills me then kicks ME?

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what is going on?

anybody else experience things like this.

I must have got in his way.....:rolleyes:

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Even server admins can be retards sometimes, don't worry about it.

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hello there

Unfortunatley, even idiots can host servers.

Yesterday, I tried to join a game in progress and got kicked and banned almost instantly.

May have been automatic, but tis a bit diturbing to be banned without ever playing on the server!

Ive also noticed the tolerance of admins has also dropped concidereably due to the "rise of the idiots" meaning people are getting banned/kicked for lesser offences. Obviously this isnt ALL admins, but it's a trend Ive noticed.

Lets hope things start to level out soon.



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i like to say not all admins are the same i run our server with a hard hand but a warning does the job more or less

Edited by Lightninguk

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The problem is that there are currently a lot of idiots that try the MP part of A2.

I can fully understand those admins that react like that.

The problem is that the A2 server is at the same level as the A1 server.

That means:

- no admin console to reach the game from the outside (you have to be actually on the server ingame)

- nothing done regarding team killers

- no build in admin spectate (for logged in admins)

- etc.

Things like for example that the pilot of a blackhawk gets blamed if the gunner shoots another player doesn't improve the whole situation or that when a player drives with a car over another player and kills him you have no idea who it was.

Now you have two choices if you want to play on your own server (if it is public):

Either make it password protected or do it the no tolerance way.

When we open our server once every two weeks for public without a password one guy will sit the whole evening at base doing the kick/ban job (really cool if you just want to play the game but it doesn't work without it).

I know that in a few months those retards are gone and the overall player number will drop to a max of 1000-1200 players again which are still interested in the game (though that is really sad).

It's allready to late to add such things like I mentioned above.


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on our server if im on, i will usually kick people that dont say sorry, and yes i give them ample time to reply. I will also co-ordinate with other members on our Ventrilo.. As i had to kick someone called Rasputin the other day for TK'ing people

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The problem is that there are currently a lot of idiots that try the MP part of A2.

I can fully understand those admins that react like that.

The problem is that the A2 server is at the same level as the A1 server.

That means:

- no admin console to reach the game from the outside (you have to be actually on the server ingame)

- nothing done regarding team killers

- no build in admin spectate (for logged in admins)

- etc.

Things like for example that the pilot of a blackhawk gets blamed if the gunner shoots another player doesn't improve the whole situation or that when a player drives with a car over another player and kills him you have no idea who it was.

Now you have two choices if you want to play on your own server (if it is public):

Either make it password protected or do it the no tolerance way.

When we open our server once every two weeks for public without a password one guy will sit the whole evening at base doing the kick/ban job (really cool if you just want to play the game but it doesn't work without it).

I know that in a few months those retards are gone and the overall player number will drop to a max of 1000-1200 players again which are still interested in the game (though that is really sad).

It's allready to late to add such things like I mentioned above.


Then support and vote for this :


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Then support and vote for this :


No need to vote. It's allready to late in my opinion. It will take months before we get such a feature (if we ever get it).

It was allready asked for A1 and was never implemented.


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It's never too late. But you're right, it's better whining

Happy ranting

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hello there

Unfortunatley, even idiots can host servers.

Yesterday, I tried to join a game in progress and got kicked and banned almost instantly.

May have been automatic, but tis a bit diturbing to be banned without ever playing on the server!

Ive also noticed the tolerance of admins has also dropped concidereably due to the "rise of the idiots" meaning people are getting banned/kicked for lesser offences. Obviously this isnt ALL admins, but it's a trend Ive noticed.

Lets hope things start to level out soon.



Do you have the language fix? I noticed on my server it kicked someone for having the language fix. so I disabled the kick on bad verification for now. You can re patch to revert to stock .pbo's then add the language patch as a -mod it works ok

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hello there

Unfortunatley, even idiots can host servers.

Yesterday, I tried to join a game in progress and got kicked and banned almost instantly.

May have been automatic, but tis a bit diturbing to be banned without ever playing on the server!

Ive also noticed the tolerance of admins has also dropped concidereably due to the "rise of the idiots" meaning people are getting banned/kicked for lesser offences. Obviously this isnt ALL admins, but it's a trend Ive noticed.

Lets hope things start to level out soon.



On my server, if I see a guy shoot at our helo cause he didn't get it? BANNED.

Shoot someone intentionally in our Base - BANNED.

Basically doing anything to intentionally disrupt other peoples enjoyment. Banned.


Unfortunatly these kids ( and I know they are kids by their inability to form a sentence, try to play this like Quake Wars, get frustrated cause nobody holds their hands. Picks up a gun and starts shooting others or assets. They have NO patience and this game is about patience.

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On my server, if I see a guy shoot at our helo cause he didn't get it? BANNED.

Shoot someone intentionally in our Base - BANNED.

Basically doing anything to intentionally disrupt other peoples enjoyment. Banned.


Unfortunatly these kids ( and I know they are kids by their inability to form a sentence, try to play this like Quake Wars, get frustrated cause nobody holds their hands. Picks up a gun and starts shooting others or assets. They have NO patience and this game is about patience.

I'd give them a bit of warning, But the strict policy is a good method to not divert new people who really want to play it properly from the game.

I'm sure many have been put off very quickly be such behavior.

The line in my start up note is..


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Any server admin is in his rights to do what he wants as he or his clan are the ones paying hundreds of ££££ every month to rent that server so if some retard comes on starts shooting stuff he shouldnt/ not following the mission they are doing and goes off and not working as a team and generaly anything else that would spoil the paying members of that servers gaming fun then they are totaly entitled to kick/ban the said player. end off!

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Hello there

Just to re clarify, I'm all for Banning and Kicking, Just I had noticed an increase in *some* admins being so peed off that they have got to the stage of kicking without the usual warnings for mistakes, which on hindsight probably were not that bad an infraction.

Ie boarding the wrong helo in a Domination match (as cargo not pilot), or hanging around near the osprey.

I havn't been kicked/banned (to my knowledge, excluding the above reference and if im going to be banned before I've even played on that server, its probably not a place I'd want to be anyway :) ) but If i was acting like a fool or not following server "rules" Id be quite happy, so to speak to get kicked and would indeed expect it. (oh thinking about I have also been kicked to make space for a clan member, but the admin warned me and apologised in advance.)

I have voluntarially left sessions, which I had had a great time on due to the fact they wanted players on Teamspeak, and that's fine too, as Its their server.

I can comppletely understand the lashback, though as 99pc of my online games have been ruined/hassled by team murderers and Base wreckers.

I, as most players, would like to see a great system implemented to alter the way players and admins can vote off offenders.

Anyhoo, the majority of admins are cool and groovy, just letting you know what ive noticed :)



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Can it be done with the mission? Something in the lines of:

d_serveradmins = ["xxx","yyy"];

Playersetup and spawn:

if ((getPlayerUID vehicle player) not in d_serveradmins then {

hintC "This is a restricted slot for admins only. Change slot. You will be killed in 5 seconds";

sleep 5;

player setdammage 1;


Not perfect solution, but...?

"Without a sleep statement hintC will not suspend the script it has been called from."

So maybe a repeating hintC would be annoying enough to make him leave?

Edited by CarlGustaffa

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The MOTD on our server clearly states what to do IF you want to be banned

Failure to follow these simple rules = instant BAN

On a average night about 20+ will be kicked ( stuff like pissing about with choppers , TKing without saying sorry , ramboing into a town when we are sneaking in)

About 4 or 5 gets perm banned per night for wrecking the base etc , mad amounts of tk or generally being a dick

Domination is fun to play when people work together

Its a nightmare if they dont

Now if there was some sort of TK and the person TKed gets to either forgive



That would be nice

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