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ArmA II Random Lockup

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Hi there, i just recently have gotten the demo of ArmA II off of steam, through playing most of it i am receiving a very odd issue i cant seem to find anywhere else, When i got to load the game it loads fine, i get to the main menu fine, i got and load one of the training missions fine. I get to the map and hit begin and works loads fine, now when i get to any of the levels it works for the first few minutes and then the Game just Freezes with the sound still going, i wait and it just clicks off, does not crash to the desktop, nothing. so i am forced to restart my pc.:confused:

Edited by rusky25

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I did update my graphics card drivers, and tried again and gotten the same result

---------- Post added at 07:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:12 PM ----------

Now looking through this Forum a few other people have this problem, Anyone got anything?? I am extremely bummed out here over this, i hope someone can come up with something..

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Well, i installed new drivers, and i could play for 2 hours, not 30 minutes. But it DID freezed after 2 hours. WTF is wrong?

EDIT: No, actually updating drivers didn't gave a shit. It worked in the editor, but not in normal scenarios etc.

Edited by Nickos

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This problem is so LAME. why doesn't Bohemia FIX THIS!!!:mad:

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Let's write them a letter. While other thank, we can just complain!

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anyone know when a new upate will come out?

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i so agree, i just bought the game today and i just got a horrible OS failure. the game froze during training and stuttered a Minuit and i got the blue screen of death. and my os failed to boot after, so i just reset my pc and i got it going. This is horrible. Honestly has no one have a solution?

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still no solution..

the game is great, but it's impossible to play with these problems!

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Agree with all the comments.

BIS have really ballsed this up. Why release a game that they know DOESNT WORK. I used to be a software tester for a UK company and if I had allowed a program to go to release with this amount of trouble I'd have been fired. Simple.

BIS, if you are listening. Guys you really need to fix this without blaming the users systems. Ok systems need to meet minimum specs but having read a few CTD threads it is abundantly clear that the problem is Arma 2 having more code problems than a beta release. You got away with it in Arma 1 beacuse people had faith in you after the Codemasters split.

The fact you have done it again with a game you have supposedly "Been developing for 10 years" is simply piss poor program management and bad coding. Also, you should fire all your testers, they obviously cant do their jobs.

Rant over - A very dissapointed OFP/ARMA/ARMA2 fan.

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Has anyone noticed just how many errors are being produced in the log, no wonder they don't want them showing up on screen anymore.

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That's good you added it to bugtracker. I would've done it too, but i don't know how to report stuff in it :confused:

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That's good you added it to bugtracker. I would've done it too, but i don't know how to report stuff in it :confused:

you must be registered in it, then from the upper menu try to find the way to "report" (didn't remember how i've done it cause i tryed many times)

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I'd suggest reading through the crash thread but honestly, most of what I'm hearing here sounds like a hardware issue.

BSOD is most commonly caused by a hardware issue (sometimes drivers). If the game crashes to BSOD then you can't start your com then it's definitely not arma related.

I'd suggest for everyone here to run 3dmark, or another intensive benchmarking program and monitor the temps on your graphics card and CPU.

If you are still getting BSOD or crashes in 3dmark, and your temps are staying relatively low (below 70 deg C) then I'd suggest taking your machines apart, removing all cards and placing them back.

Whilst doing that, make sure all the standoffs (small copper/rubber things your screws go into) have been installed under your motherboard. This is a common issue when people don't concentrate while putting a computer together. The standoffs prevent the MB from touching the case and shorting out, plus if they aren't in enough places your MB could bend and your cards (graphics, Network, Sound, etc) won't make full contact making your computer run oddly.

Although this is just one issue, there are many other causes, but running intensive stress tests like 3dmark and CpuZ should help locate if it's a hardware issue.

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the problema is that with this freeze we haven't the 2 files



that the game write when it crashes.

the game write these two files ONLY when it crash TO DESKTOP, but in this case, it completely freeze our computer...

However i hope that the next patch will fix that, we'll wait ..

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I can Run Crysis,Stalker any Driving Sim,Amra and as many 3Dmarks as you like but it dosn't crash or freeze my PC.

With ArmaII it can crash with just the player unit on the small Island after just 1 minute or it can work for an hour or two with a full blown battle. It is totally random the amount of units or the intensity of the battle have no impact on my system and the freezing issue.

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Could be several things.

It may be accessing a shader on your graphics card that's either damaged or the drivers can't read.

It may be corruption in the installation files.

It may be a write protect issue preventing the game from writing to a certain file.

or maybe something else.

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I can Run Crysis,Stalker any Driving Sim,Amra and as many 3Dmarks as you like but it dosn't crash or freeze my PC.

With ArmaII it can crash with just the player unit on the small Island after just 1 minute or it can work for an hour or two with a full blown battle. It is totally random the amount of units or the intensity of the battle have no impact on my system and the freezing issue.

Yea exactly i appreciate the suggestions bulldogs and i did do all that, i have built my own PC so i know it in and out and all the ends with my eyes closed, i did do what you say pop it all apart and do a twice over, but nothing, i also took the liberty of updating all drivers but still nothing, i can see what you mean by what it may seem like a hardware problem and i would agree with you but there is simply nothing wrong with it in this instance. I can run many games a bit more demanding in ARMA II and i don't get anything like it, yes i do get stress on the hardware but like i said, i don't believe its a hardware issue in this particular case because 1. what i just said, 2. Multiple people are having the same issue. but i do thank you for any input and suggestions i am willing to try anything at this point, in the mean time i think only a revised patch will help us here.

---------- Post added at 11:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:33 AM ----------

Agree with all the comments.

BIS have really ballsed this up. Why release a game that they know DOESNT WORK. I used to be a software tester for a UK company and if I had allowed a program to go to release with this amount of trouble I'd have been fired. Simple.

BIS, if you are listening. Guys you really need to fix this without blaming the users systems. Ok systems need to meet minimum specs but having read a few CTD threads it is abundantly clear that the problem is Arma 2 having more code problems than a beta release. You got away with it in Arma 1 beacuse people had faith in you after the Codemasters split.

The fact you have done it again with a game you have supposedly "Been developing for 10 years" is simply piss poor program management and bad coding. Also, you should fire all your testers, they obviously cant do their jobs.

Rant over - A very dissapointed OFP/ARMA/ARMA2 fan.

Hmm well said sir, i have played all the OFP,ARMA games out so far, (Besides ArMA 2 :mad:). and i can agree with you they need to step it up quite i a bit.

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This is just plain ARMA(geddon)

Edited by Nickos

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