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I only wish I new how to mod, too stupid probably..........

But is anyone planning to bring some winter maps into Arma 2?

With the new engine, is it possible to create a blizzard effect?

Add some crunchy underfoot snow sounds, and howling wind.

It would be great to see a really good winter mod up and running, with full winter units and vehicals.

Mod one of the chickens into a penguin (only kidding).

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The NIM Mod worked extremely well for ArmA, most of that was done via scripting. I'm not aware of any broad changes to the "drop" function in ArmA2, so it should be extremely straightforward.

Add the following *.sqs file to a mission:

[b]; dynamic snowing 1.41 by Sentinel[/b]
; resource from Kegetys
; [logic,obj,density] for constant non-changing snow
; [logic,obj,ChangeTime,[Range]] for changing snowing density
; density: 0 - no snow, 5 - max value
; Range is densityvalue [min,max]

_logic = _this select 0
_server = false
_snow = true
?(local _logic):_server = true; _snow = false
?((missionstart select 0) == 0):_snow = true
_obj = player
NIM_SnowDens = _this select 1

_ChgTime = 0

?(count _this > 2):_ChgTime = (_this select 1) * 60; _dMin = (_this select 2) select 0; _dMax = (_this select 2) select 1; NIM_SnowDens = _dMin + (random (_dMax - _dMin + 1))
?(_server):publicvariable "NIM_SnowDens"
_i = 1


_d = 35
_h = 15
_ai = 0
_wait = 0.001

?(!_snow):_ai = 100; _wait = 10

_pos = position player

10 setfog (0.54 * (NIM_SnowDens/15))

_a = _ai

while { _a < NIM_SnowDens } do	{ _dpos = [((_pos select 0) + (_d - (random (2*_d))) + ((velocity vehicle _obj select 0)*6)),((_pos select 1) + (_d - (random (2*_d))) + ((velocity vehicle _obj select 1)*6)),((_pos select 2) + _h)];	drop ["\ca\data\cl_water", "", "Billboard", 1, 8, _dpos, [0,0,-1], 1, 0.000001, 0.000, 0.7, [0.07], [[1,1,1,0], [1,1,1,1], [1,1,1,1], [1,1,1,1]], [0,0], 0.2, 1.2, "", "", ""];	_a = _a + 1; }

?( (_ChgTime > 0) && (_time > (_i * _ChgTime) && !_server) ):_i = _i + 1
?( (_ChgTime > 0) && (_time > (_i * _ChgTime) && _server) ):_i = _i + 1; NIM_SnowDens = _dMin + (random (_dMax - _dMin + 1)); NIM_SnowDens = NIM_SnowDens - (NIM_SnowDens % 1); publicvariable "NIM_SnowDens"
?(NIM_SnowDens < 16):_wait = 0.001
goto "top"

Then add a logic with:

[this,0] exec "NIM_Snow.sqs";

Then alter the snowing amount by changing NIM_SnowDens (0 to 4 for amount of snow).

The NIM guys did some fantastic work, I'd recommend downing their full NIM weather mod and trying it out in ArmA2. My copy hasn't arrived yet, but I'll be doing this when it does.

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Im not sure i know what im doing, but ill give it a try, let us know if you can get it to work.

Just dl the mod, but I dont really understand what to do with the code above, the sqs life and the logic.

---------- Post added at 12:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:05 AM ----------

I got the sqs file made up in notepad, and i guess this go's into the mission folder, but wot about the logic?

---------- Post added at 12:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:24 PM ----------

Update, yep it works I got snow in arma 2 ;)

Thanx for the advice, never tried this mod b4.

Still got a problem with the script for the logic, comes up saying it cant fin Nim snow, but still it snows and blizzards so nice ;)

Edited by Balgorg

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quality is poor, so sorry, im new to this uploading lark.

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But is anyone planning to bring some winter maps into Arma 2?

With the new engine, is it possible to create a blizzard effect?

Add some crunchy underfoot snow sounds, and howling wind.

Well...After the release of tools (new Visitor, o2)

I will be ported and modified Klurs Island :)

It will be more bigger and contain many new locations:)

(Eg. Radioactive Forest, Ancient Base)

Edited by SenChi

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I only wish I new how to mod, too stupid probably..........

But is anyone planning to bring some winter maps into Arma 2?

With the new engine, is it possible to create a blizzard effect?

Add some crunchy underfoot snow sounds, and howling wind.

It would be great to see a really good winter mod up and running, with full winter units and vehicals.

Mod one of the chickens into a penguin (only kidding).

I made a beta version Watkins Island for Arma 1. That map i will go make final in Arma 2 including all the fun stuff it gives.

I also still have snowtracks.pbo made for it but never published.

Anyway, as soon as we got decent tools i get into it also agian.

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I'm in the same boat as Balgorg.

I have the sqs file made up, but I don't know where/how the other part fits in. I've copied the sqs to my missions folder, where do I put the logic?

Do I go into game and place a general game logic, and put this in the init area?

[this,0] exec "NIM_Snow.sqs";

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UPDATE: I got it to work...

1. Place the .sqs file into the mission folder of choice.

2. Inside the mission editor, place a game logic, it should go like this....

Units > Game Logic > Objects

3. Inside the init line, place [this,0] exec "NIM_Snow.sqs";

4. You're good to go.

I've found that placing about 4 of these gets a nice amount of snow. Even on the highest setting, not a lot of snow comes down with just one.

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UPDATE: I got it to work...

1. Place the .sqs file into the mission folder of choice.

2. Inside the mission editor, place a game logic, it should go like this....

Units > Game Logic > Objects

3. Inside the init line, place [this,0] exec "NIM_Snow.sqs";

4. You're good to go.

I've found that placing about 4 of these gets a nice amount of snow. Even on the highest setting, not a lot of snow comes down with just one.

did you read the second post by rocket?

Can't be to hard to read the first few posts while you are still on page 1 ONE!! :j:

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Damn I just remembered how nice winter Kolguyev was back into OFP days.

A retextured Chernarus wil simply be amazing,imagine those villages,woods and hills covered in snow with frozen lakes.Indeed,such a nice addition to A2 would be great.

I mean I wouldn't even fight anymore,just staying by the fire with some roasted meat and some vodka with fellow chernarussians.

Sure Namalsk is a fine piece of art regarding the snow but that island scares the crap out of me(always expecting a bloodsucker jumping from shadows).:p

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did you read the second post by rocket?

Can't be to hard to read the first few posts while you are still on page 1 ONE!! :j:

Yes sir I did, and since I'm not familiar with placing game logics, I had to find out the hard way. Now move along to troll another thread so I look for more constructive posts.

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