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GLT Missilebox (IAWS compatible)

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Përhaps you should consider making a Euro-Us-Russian Merged Pack (with french, uk, german + soviet & us stuff)

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Përhaps you should consider making a Euro-Us-Russian Merged Pack (with french, uk, german + soviet & us stuff)

People like to suggest lots of these cooperative projects but few ever happen. Especially when the "proposed partners" have different goals.

Myke and I have a very good working relationship as he's already said. There will be some (if not a lot) of cross over and duplication. But we have different visions for our packs. So yes, we are already cooperating. It may not seem like it from the outside looking in. But we help each other out quite a bit.

The RKSL Air Weapons is really intended for use with RKSL projects. It will eventually include anything that our projects need. That includes some scripted systems that others may not like/want/need. While Myke's pack is servicing a wider audience in the community.

Personally I dont see a problem. Just two possible solutions. I'm told choice is a good thing.

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Always appreciate the contact with you, Rock. Always helpful. And while we're talking about working together, here's something where i had help from RKSL-Rock, creating TI textures:


It is the BIS Su34 with several Missilepack loadouts and Takistani Insignia aswell as Russian desert and generic (no insignia). Expect release this week.

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Myke, this stuff is great! I hope to see this and other work like it become a standard for all future aircraft. Its such a great system.

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While Myke's pack is servicing a wider audience in the community.

Yep! Thanks Myke ! :yay:

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