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Patch 1.02 makes image blurry

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Okay this is weird:

Loading the game with PP deactivated (no mods, no other stuff changed) in 1.02 gives me blurry graphics. PP to LOW then back to OFF resets the situation and the graphics are as clear as in 1.01

My config file isn't write-protected, the setting stick. But next loading of the game, the blurry landscape is back again until I set PP to LOW once.

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I have experienced this also, going to video options and then back to the main game results in the full screen becoming blurred, like there's an error with the post-processing.

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I'm having a similar but possibly different issue, but I think it might be related to a change in handling of render buffers and stuff...

Are either of you guys "fillrate optimiser" settings automatically changing to 50% by any chance - automatically resulting in Blurry Graphics.....??


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Need to check fillrate, it should be at 100% and is set that way in the config file also. But possible it jumps.

BTW, for me this only happens ONCE after game is loaded. If you switch mission, island, relaunch anything, it doesn't return. But after a fresh game start, I need to set options at least once to get a clear image.

Okay, just checked: for me it's not the fillrate resetting.

So to recap:

Same settings as in 1.01, 100% fillrate for 1920x1200 (config file has the info too) - load the game up, initially everthing is quite blurry unless PP is set to "LOW" and then back to "OFF".

Certainly not a problem with my system, since 1.01 had no such behaviour. It almost seems as if PostProcessing is not correctly initialized when game launches, setting graphic options sets it up correctly then.

Please someone registered there throw it at the official bug tracker.

Edited by Helmut_AUT

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Anyone else with this problem yet?

Some more testing: The blurryness looks like what you get using high or very high PP settings, related to Depth of Field. When the game is loaded with PP LOW or PP OFF, these kind of DOF seem to be used. Setting the graphics back fixes it until the next time the game is re-launched.

Edited by Helmut_AUT

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I put on the pp today to see how it was and omfg i set to high first and it was like 100ft in front of me was a wash of blur..

I thought shit this aint decent Pp/bloom at all, some reason it does not at all anymore look like it did with 1.01. I dont mind a little bloom I think it can look nice, but now high or low etc on pp setting all I see is blured textures at a rather disturbing close range...

For now it stays disabled cause then everything is crisp again.

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Today I launched the game once without this error. No clue why it happened. Next launch it was there again.

Is there a way to ensure this gets looked at by the dev team and doesn't vanish here?

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My game was blurred befor the 1.02 patch, now its clear and crisp to behold. All the bushes look better, no longer blurry undifined.

I dont have a fill rate tab any more, only AA that wont work unless i do it in config.

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I get blurry textures too.. this is how I fixed my issue:

for some reason I have to turn my vid memory and textures down to High instead of very high.

for some reason with both of these at very high my textures go blurry. For instance the grass looks very unrealistic and "blocky" or "blurry" but once I move these two options down to high they were "purdy" again lol


i7 920 @ 4.0 6gigs corsair 1600mhz 4870x2 2xraptors 150gig

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For me it is clearly caused by post processing, running at something else than "deactivated".

My vid memory is set to normal, textures too.

Lets try to separate the causes in this thread:

1) Who has the same issue with PostProcessing (can be diagnosed by loading the game, loading a map, then in game reset PP to deactivated - textures should now be crisp)

2) Who has blurry textures due to tex memory?

Everyone has fillrate at 100% or better of course?

Von Paulus, yours is the very same with the PP effect? I'm running an Nvidia 9600GT with 185 drivers, yours?

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For me it is clearly caused by post processing, running at something else than "deactivated".

My vid memory is set to normal, textures too.

Lets try to separate the causes in this thread:

1) Who has the same issue with PostProcessing (can be diagnosed by loading the game, loading a map, then in game reset PP to deactivated - textures should now be crisp)

2) Who has blurry textures due to tex memory?

Everyone has fillrate at 100% or better of course?

Von Paulus, yours is the very same with the PP effect? I'm running an Nvidia 9600GT with 185 drivers, yours?

178.13 drivers. I've PP deactivated by default. When I load the first map the screen is blurry. I call video options menu and change PP to low the blur disappears. Then I switch off PP and no blurry. Only when I start the game and load my first map. I thinks it's the same problem you have only the other way around. I use PP off, you use with a value.

---------- Post added at 08:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:43 PM ----------

I've done a couple of tests.

When I start the game I've always blurry image. When I change any of these video options, (Texture Details, Video Memory, PP and 3D resolution) the video is reseted and blur disappears. Only to appear each time I start the game.

This never happened before 1.02.

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Thanks, that is exactly what I have. I too start with PP OFF, then go PP LOW and PP OFF to reset the "blurry" image.

The fact that you are using much older drivers than me seems to confirm it's not any particular system setup or driver related. Which I didn't think anyway since the blurry image looks a lot like high post processing - my assumption is that the render engine loads an incorrect config at start, with an incorrect shader for Depth of Field, not the one defined by the PP settings box. This error has little to no relation to any driver settings I'd say.

BTW, the 185 might give you about 10% more performance, they did so for me as I went from 178 (both tested in A2).

I hope the Devs see this, since it doesn't seem like an issue we as users can fix. And it might get very annoying long-term.

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Hello all

I too have suffered from this today (the post processing blur), it was like putting Mr Magoo glasses.

I fiddled with all of my vid settings and i did get it back to crispy goodness through trial and error.

Now I've found this thread I'll try to test what works to rid us of this unfortunate effect.

Oh, Im using the German Digital Download version patched to 1.02



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Since there are several people with the same issue I created a issue reporting this bug in "Arma 2 Community Issue Tracker".

People with the same problem should register at the tracker and vote on the issue.

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I have the same problem it's worst than it was with 1.01 (it's like a sudden case of short-sightedness). I initially thought it was my crap cpu, but since you guys reported it too, it's got to be a patch problem.

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HAL, r3pent, orlok: If you are having the same problem as Von_Paulus and me, then the game will only be blurry once after each game start, until you change graphic options (easiest is to just set PP once to LOW and then to DEACTIVATED). It should then be not blurry again, and stay that way until you exit and launch the game next time.

If you are running with PP set to High or Very High, you automatically get the same (at least very similar) kind of blur as it's meant to simulate Depth of Field. The error we're looking at here is for people running LOW or deactivated post processing who still get the blur.

Von_Paulus, do you have a link handy? I'll register there and vote for it. Thanks for the effort, I'm just not familiar with the system.

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thats wierd, do you guys still use kegetys noblur mod? it might cause some trouble with 1.02.

helmut link is in my sig.

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Nope, the mod has been disabled (and even deleted).

Thanks, I registered, voted and commented there.

Can someone else try this? Basically when you launch the game with PP set to DEACTIVATED, you should see the same kind of distant blurryness you see when using PP HIGH. It should go away as you set PP to LOW and then back to DEACTIVATED.

I'm tempted to believe this happens for everyone (maybe just Nvidia cards, but unlikely only specific systems), but people using HIGH or VERy HIGH won't notice.

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your right helmut, it does go back to normal, or disabled once you set it to low, then back to off again.

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If your image feels blurry then open up ArmA2.cfg (My Documents\ArmA2\ArmA2.cfg) and try to set FSAA=2 (4,8 or 16). Helped for me on 8, my scopes were always blurry to hell.

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I'm also getting this bug when I try and change brightness or gamma settings.

Found a simple fix though, just hit save and the blurryness goes away. Strangely, setting PP to low and off again as described by others in this thread has no effect for me.

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I've discovered also if I press ALT-TAB and exit game to desktop and then press ALT-TAB again and exit desktop to game the blur disappears.

With Blur:


Without Blur:


Edited by Von_Paulus
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