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Geez I'm feeling hung this morning. :803:

@Gnarls - check this post here mate: http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1431479&postcount=209

@jmkkk - didn't you send me a mission that I fixed and sent back - I guess that was someone else - anyway try

_ammo = objNull;
switch (playerSide) do 
case west: 		 {_ammo = "USSpecialWeaponsBox" createVehicle [(_pos_vcl select 0) + (4 * sin (_dir_vcl - 90)), (_pos_vcl select 1) + (4 * cos (_dir_vcl - 90)) , 0];};
case east: 		 {_ammo = "RUBasicAmmunitionBox" createVehicle [(_pos_vcl select 0) + (4 * sin (_dir_vcl - 90)), (_pos_vcl select 1) + (4 * cos (_dir_vcl - 90)) , 0];};
case resistance: {_ammo = "GuerillaCacheBox" 	 createVehicle [(_pos_vcl select 0) + (4 * sin (_dir_vcl - 90)), (_pos_vcl select 1) + (4 * cos (_dir_vcl - 90)) , 0];};

_ammo setVehicleInit "nul = [this] execVM 'ammo.sqf'";

Then make sure in your ammo.sqf that the first line says something like

_crate = _this select 0;

and then add your ammo to _crate in this script.

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Geez I'm feeling hung this morning. :803:

@Gnarls - check this post here mate: http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1431479&postcount=209

You're not alone there Norrin, 3:30am I think a little bunch of ZSU guys finished...

And I thought you were taking a break from directly supporting your script??? :)

Cheers mate for that!

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Can anyone tell me howto configure revive script so when revive timer runs out you die wether you have lives left or not?

I have tried many settings but i can't seem to get it right :(

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Can anyone tell me howto configure revive script so when revive timer runs out you die wether you have lives left or not?

I have tried many settings but i can't seem to get it right :(

Check these parameters

_revive_timer = 1; //array no.7 - Whether you want to limit the amount of timer a player has while unconscious

_revive_time_limit = 300; //array no.27 - Amount of time a player remains unconscious before respawning or dying

_respawn_position = 2; //array no.28 - 0 - respawn at base_1; 1 - the closest enemy free respawn point; 2 - players choice; and 3 - dies

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Check these parameters

_revive_timer = 1; //array no.7 - Whether you want to limit the amount of timer a player has while unconscious

_revive_time_limit = 300; //array no.27 - Amount of time a player remains unconscious before respawning or dying

_respawn_position = 2; //array no.28 - 0 - respawn at base_1; 1 - the closest enemy free respawn point; 2 - players choice; and 3 - dies

Thanks m8, actually just got it working by:

_respawn_position = 3;

Should it be 2 instead ?

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No I was just pointing you in the direction of parameters.

Rgr, thanks appreciated :)

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These are the planned bug fixes for the next version.

1. Enemy AI shooting at unconscious units

2. Fix for having call-out voices disabled and correct unconscious animations

3. Fix for base marker dependency when using the mobile spawn scripts

Note at this point I'm not interested in new feature requests but are there any other bugs I've forgotten?

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Hi guys,

How would I go about configuring the script so you can only revive someone once they are inside the Warfare Field Hospital.

I see the option in the script, i have turned that on, i see you also have to define something after turning it on, is this simply a name for the field hospital, or does it have to be the name of a marker over the field hospital.

Also how would I go about making that the ONLY way to revive someone.

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Hi guys,

How would I go about configuring the script so you can only revive someone once they are inside the Warfare Field Hospital.

I see the option in the script, i have turned that on, i see you also have to define something after turning it on, is this simply a name for the field hospital, or does it have to be the name of a marker over the field hospital.

Also how would I go about making that the ONLY way to revive someone.

It is put on as stanard that u can revive people by putting them in the MASH tent, though you can just add the warfare hospital in the array and it should work the same way.

as for only having tents and such for revive just remove "soldierWB" in array18 (can_revive)

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Revive Script 0.3f Update


http://norrin.org/downloads/ArmA2/revive/AI_enabled/Revive_TEST_03f.utes.rar - if you're updating just replace the revive_sqf folder with the one in the test mission


There's very little change really just attempted fixes for a couple of lingering bugs:

1. AI no longer target unconscious units

2. Animations work correctly now if call-out is disabled

3. When using the mobile spawn option the script automatically uses _base_2 as the starting point for the mobile spawn marker - there is no longer a need to create a "base" marker on the map for mobile spawn. - Note: updated the readMe to reflect this change

If you get a chance to try it let me know if you run into any problems.

Many thanks,


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Thanks so much for continuing the updates.


If you now don't need "base" marker when using Mobile Spawn and we update missions do we need to make any changes.

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It is put on as stanard that u can revive people by putting them in the MASH tent, though you can just add the warfare hospital in the array and it should work the same way.

as for only having tents and such for revive just remove "soldierWB" in array18 (can_revive)

ah sounds logical, I will try it out:)

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Thanks so much for continuing the updates.


If you now don't need "base" marker when using Mobile Spawn and we update missions do we need to make any changes.

The short answer is no - as long as you have 2 markers in your mission set-up in the revive_init.sqf then it should work fine eg.

_base_1 = "mobile"; 
_base_2 = "mission_start";

There's also no need to delete the "base marker", just replace the revive_sqf folder with the new one and you should be good to go - but let me know if you run into any problems when you try this vengeance.

Revive 0.3f: http://norrin.org/downloads/ArmA2/revive/AI_enabled/Revive_TEST_03f.utes.rar

XDF DESCAM units: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=7793

Edited by norrin

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Mobile bug stays ...

Mission in MP Editor local all is fine including Mobile

Dedicated Server fails mostly

Where is the differnece between local mp and dedicated ?

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Hi MC,

There really hasn't been much of a change in the mobile spawn code since the previous version so I'm not surprised if you were having it before that the problem is still occurring.

Thing is I'm having a great deal of trouble replicating this error. The only times I have been able to do so is when using addons that use extended eventhandlers (apparently these are incompatible with version 1.04 and Sickboy is working on a fix: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=78622&page=13 ) and when there was a problem with an older version of SLX's ragdoll addon. In my own missions on a dedicated server I've never had a problem nor do a couple of groups that I know of who routinely use the mobile spawn revive in their missions since the release of 1.04 (I'll check again and make sure though) - that doesn't mean there isn't a problem just that I'm having trouble narrowing down. Anyway you'll see my PM.


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Hi Norrin

I'm using your superb revive script in my MP mission I've found just a little problem which I try to fix with no luck.

It's possibile to leave the GEAR action while the "deadbody" is waiting to be revived?

I really need this feature because in MP mission sometimes BLUEs need to take some object back to base but if some REDs shot at the BLUE soldier who is carring the object after that the RED soldier couldnt take it.

One more info... we use only revive no respawn :)

thank you


Edited by Dasca

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Thanks for the script norrin, its awesome.

Now, im having a bit of a trouble when implementing the revive to my mission. Im not sure what the problem is.

Anyway, im using US Army 2009 units as the playable units, named them and all that stuff, and gave the option only to the medic to revive, but instead of going unconcious they just respawn to base. Im a bit new to using your script, so if you could help me out a bit, it would be great.

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I'm sorry guys, I'm busy working on other projects at the moment so I won't be adding any new features to the revive scripts or doing one off modifications - so there's no point in asking. However, I will be fixing bugs, optimising the existing code (just got a new one today from barmyarmy) and also updating the scripts to make them compatible with new ArmA patches. Some time in the future I will come back to this as there is a lot I'd like to add (a more sophisticated wound system for instance) but its going to have to wait for now.

Once again my apologies,


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Revive Script 0.3f Update


http://norrin.org/downloads/ArmA2/re...T_03f.utes.rar - if you're updating just replace the revive_sqf folder with the one in the test mission


thx alot norrin, for your great work and 4 continuing in updating the script to make it compatible with new arma patches in the future!

your the man, good luck and all the best 4 your other projects!!

Edited by Chaostika7-17th

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FYI the latest version of Norrin's Revive Script (0.3f) is now integrated with the latest build of F2 (v2-1-2). Norrin dropped me the updated files a few days ago, apologies I was not able to upload the new build earlier.

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I have a stupid question: What does this script do, and why would I want to use it instead of the built-in First Aid Modules? Assume I'm not interested in any respawn functionality, just revive.

I wasn't able to find a feature list on the first page of this thread, in the F2 docs, or in this PDF file: http://www.ferstaberinde.com/f2/downloads/revive_readMe.pdf.

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not sure if it been ask but here goes at thestart of a mult player mission i get s1/s2 player is unconscious please return to start of missions and pick again but if i pick s3 it work any ideai why i get this error thanks for your time in this matter

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Not sure if I get you right.. but have you double checked the unit names in the editor and the script itselfs... I think I had that error once I didn't name the units right...


in the sript you called your units P1,P2 and P3..

but in the editor you named them S1,S2 and P3.. so if you play with S1 or S2 the script can't find them and say the are unconscious...

Not totally sure, but I'd double check that..

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