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moaning and groaning

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not sure which forums to post this in but...

has any one else noticed that your squad (or maybe even you yourself) sometimes make strange groaning/moaning noises ?

it is a bit confusing cause at first i thought it meant that we are under fire and some one is getting hit (silencers maybe??).

any one know if i can disable this?

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It does mean that you are hurt but I have had this from the start of the mission. I mean from joining a brand new server through the lobby then getting into the game. Before I sometimes even see anything I hear "urgh!".

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yea i think they make those noises after running for a while but seriously. it is very confusing.

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Beware when joining a server on a waiting AI, you don't know what happened to it before you joined. It probably stayed there in the camp waiting, if any player rolled over it or camp was bombed or something, it can be hurt quite fast, and you join an already hurt unit :)

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i m talking about SP mainly. noticed it in MP as well but i can say for sure that at the start of the mission i m defo not damaged/injured yet still the groaning. i think it is a matter of using the same sound files for injury as well as exhaustion and as an idle sound.

the clunking of the equipment is very well done though but please stop the groaning :D

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If the moaning and swearing is coming from you, then you're injured. If you command the squad, you can see who's wounded--their icon will be red instead of the usual green. You can order someone to provide first aid, if the option is available. One of the first aid game logics has to be active in the mission for that to work.

You can be injured by more than just bullets too; reckless driving causes injuries in Arma 2, pretty often now in fact. And a mission designer can set any unit to start any mission with any level of injury. So the moaning is not a bug--somenone's either starting out injured because the mission designer wrote it that way for that mission, or a bad driver is injuring passengers before reaching the combat area.

Edited by Xenios

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I like the moaning and groaning and the fact that you can't sprint forever. It adds ambiance and immersion to the game.

I hope that Wolfrug will update his spectacular voice addon for ArmA2! The radio chatter is great, but adding shouted commands that are heard in the environment would be spectacular!

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Hi all

To report your injury and trigger an AI medic if available to help you press key:

[5], [4]

To find out the status of a team under your command

[`], [5], [5]

You can then order the specific soldier to get aid from a Medic if one is available.

[F#] #is whatever the number of the wounded soldier then, [6] and what ever action is the heal action listed in the radio dialogue.

Note the medic does not have to be in your squad but you or the wounded soldier may have to be aware of the medic usualy by line of sight.

Kind Regards walker

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not sure which forums to post this in but...

has any one else noticed that your squad (or maybe even you yourself) sometimes make strange groaning/moaning noises ?

Sure its not someone in the room next to yours?

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Hi all

To report your injury and trigger an AI medic if available to help you press key:

[5], [4]

To find out the status of a team under your command

[`], [5], [5]

You can then order the specific soldier to get aid from a Medic if one is available.

[F#] #is whatever the number of the wounded soldier then, [6] and what ever action is the heal action listed in the radio dialogue.

Note the medic does not have to be in your squad but you or the wounded soldier may have to be aware of the medic usualy by line of sight.

Kind Regards walker

what does that have to do with anything?

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what does that have to do with anything?

If you get a medic to heal you, you stop groaning.

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well i am not injured though.

which i said.

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well i am not injured though.

which i said.

The only times I've ever heard those sounds is when either I myself or someone around me was injured. A quick call for a medic remedied that. (Or if it was an enemy, a quick bullet in the head.)

If you are sure you're hearing those sounds in other circumstances, maybe you should see if you can reproduce it. Could be a bug.

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If you groan, you're hurt, period. If AI groans, it is hurt ;) As simple as that

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will try to reproduce and report back. i suppose if just running can injure you than i might be injured. it does happen even at mission start though.

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I think you can be injured when running on too steep hills and such (in fact, you fall a little bit)

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not sure which forums to post this in but...

has any one else noticed that your squad (or maybe even you yourself) sometimes make strange groaning/moaning noises ?

it is a bit confusing cause at first i thought it meant that we are under fire and some one is getting hit (silencers maybe??).

any one know if i can disable this?

you need the washroom, most likely constipation :-), be very sensitive with the character you're controlling, it has feelings.

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Hi all

To report your injury and trigger an AI medic if available to help you press key:

[5], [4]


Keep forgetting to post this, but when I hit 5,4 when I'm injured, it says the 'I'm low on fuel'. Can't get it to say 'Injured' in 1.01 final. Bugtracker, here I come.

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I have a problem with this moaning and groaning. :(

Most of the time I have to lower the volume, or else my girlfriend starts to think I am watching some pr0n. :rolleyes:

the voices sound like part of some p-p-p- act sometimes when you close your monitor and just listen.

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you guys were right it is only injury. however you get injured so easily its not funny. jump from a helicopter from 1-2m and you are guranteed to get injured. run up a hill.. injured.

that is reproduceable.

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Doesn't the fact that they say things like "F**k that hurts" or "My f**king legs" while moaning make it obvious?

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I have this weird issue where I hear a muted moan / groan sound although I have 0 injury and am just sitting (no stress / breathing). It's like someone is standing 50m behind me and is groaning out of pain, but it even occurs when in SP or in a vehicle far away from anyone elese.

Mods used: CBA3, TFR, STHud, have tried deactivating these mods and it still occurs, so I do not know where it is coming from.

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I hear this also in A3, using only CBA and Weapon Resting mods. I have no idea what it is.

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