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I´ll be back - Terminator stuff in ARMA II

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can some body help me with my config for the gatling gun?

Have some entries about Barrelrotation and tracers that dont want to work.

I cant find the mistake.


class CfgAmmo


class BulletBase;

class MMS_GatlingGunPlasma500: BulletBase


hit = 100;

indirectHit = 25;

indirectHitRange = 1.0;

airFriction = -0.001425;

caliber = 0.5;

cost = 1;

model = "\ca\Weapons\Data\bullettracer\tracer_red";

tracerScale = 1;

tracerStartTime = 0.01;

tracerEndTime = 1;

explosive = 0.1;

explosionEffects = "ExploAmmoExplosion";




class CfgSkeletons


class MMS_GatlingGun_Skeleton


skeletonInherit = "";

skeletonBones[] =






class CfgModels


class Weapon;

class MMS_GatlingGun : Weapon


sectionsInherit = "";

sections[] =




skeletonName = "MMS_GatlingGun_Skeleton";

class Animations


class barrels


type = "rotation";

source = "revolving";

selection = "barrels";

axis = "barrels_axis";

animPeriod = 0,25;

angle0 = 0;

angle1 = rad -360;





thats nice...thanks in advance

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Hello Marcoom :)

can you help me to import my grey alien in A2 ?

you give me the method already but can't find soldier.cfg in my ama2 folder , is it in ca.pbo , characters.pbo or characters2.pdo ?

need help :greetings:

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wait...i will take a look

it is in characters2.pbo...

take a look in the different folders (BLUFOR,...) there you will find the different soldier.p3d

use the extractmodelcfg-tool to split the soldier.cfg out and open it with the wineditor.

when youre still searching for the skeletonbones for anim use this:

class CfgSkeletons


class default;

class Head : default


isDiscrete = 1;

skeletonInherit = "";


class OFP2_ManSkeleton : default


isDiscrete = 1;

skeletonInherit = "Head";









































































































































class Flag {};

class FlagCarrier


skeletonBones[] = {"stozar","vlajka",};

skeletonInherit = "";



and this

class CfgModels


class default


sections[] = {""};



class flag_vojak


sections[] = {"latka"};



class Head


skeletonName = "Head";


sections[] = {"swap_hhl","hide_eyewear"};


class *modelname*


skeletonName = "OFP2_ManSkeleton";


sections[] =








































































































































class OFP2_ManSkeleton: *Modelname*{};


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thank for help I try it now

*modelname* is it my addon .pbo name or the p3d file name ? error message


Edited by colonel well

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Hi again,

yes thats the name of the *.pbo (without stars "*")

in my sit it is f.e. "MMS_T800H"



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I try this imediately :619:

testing but game crash afther mission loading in editor , but find my alien in editor , put it on the map , but game crashing afhter mission loading

this is my cw_gray config file :

class CfgPatches


class CW_gray


units[] = {};

weapons[] = {};

requiredVersion = 0.1;



class CfgSkeletons


class default;

class Head : default


isDiscrete = 1;

skeletonInherit = "";


class OFP2_ManSkeleton : default


isDiscrete = 1;

skeletonInherit = "Head";









































































































































class Flag {};

class FlagCarrier


skeletonBones[] = {"stozar","vlajka",};

skeletonInherit = "";



class CfgModels


class default


sections[] = {""};



class flag_vojak


sections[] = {"latka"};



class Head


skeletonName = "Head";


sections[] = {"swap_hhl","hide_eyewear"};


class CW_gray


skeletonName = "OFP2_ManSkeleton";


sections[] =








































































































































class OFP2_ManSkeleton:CW_gray{};


class CfgSounds


access = 1;

class CW_gray_Attack1


name = "zombie Attack 1";

sound[] = {"\CW_gray\zombie_attack1.ogg",db+10,1};

titles[] = {};


class CW_gray_Attack2


name = "zombie Attack 2";

sound[] = {"\CW_gray\zombie_attack2.ogg",db+10,1};

titles[] = {};


class CW_gray_Attack3


name = "zombie Attack 3";

sound[] = {"\CW_gray\zombie_attack3.ogg",db+10,1};

titles[] = {};


class CW_gray_Attack4


name = "zombie Attack 4";

sound[] = {"\CW_gray\zombie_attack4.ogg",db+10,1};

titles[] = {};


class CW_gray_Attack5


name = "gray Attack 5";

sound[] = {"\CW_gray\zombie_attack5.ogg",db+10,1};

titles[] = {};


class CW_gray_Hit1


name = "Human Hit 1";

sound[] = {"\CW_gray\human_hit1.ogg",db+10,1};

titles[] = {};


class CW_gray_Hit2


name = "Human Hit 2";

sound[] = {"\CW_gray\human_hit2.ogg",db+10,1};

titles[] = {};


class CW_gray_Hit3


name = "Human Hit 3";

sound[] = {"\CW_gray\human_hit3.ogg",db+10,1};

titles[] = {};


class CW_gray_Hit4


name = "Human Hit 4";

sound[] = {"\CW_gray\human_hit4.ogg",db+10,1};

titles[] = {};


class CW_gray_Hit5


name = "Human Hit 5";

sound[] = {"\CW_gray\human_hit5.ogg",db+10,1};

titles[] = {};


class CW_gray_Hit6


name = "Human Hit 6";

sound[] = {"\CW_gray\human_hit6.ogg",db+10,1};

titles[] = {};


class CW_gray_Dead


name = "Dead";

sound[] = {"\CW_gray\gray_dead.ogg",db+30,1};

titles[] = {};



class CfgVehicles


access = 1;

class All;

class Thing;

/*extern*/ class RU_Soldier;

class CW_gray_alien_zombie: RU_Soldier


vehicleClass = "Colonel_well";

moves = "cfgMovesMaleSdr"


model = "\CW_gray\gray.p3d";

weapons[] = {};

magazines[] = {};

displayName = "Alien_Gris";

armor = 15;



class eventhandlers


init = "_this exec ""\CW_gray\zombieinit.sqs""";



Hi again,

yes thats the name of the *.pbo (without stars "*")

in my sit it is f.e. "MMS_T800H"



Edited by colonel well

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i see some failures, but maybe you should start an own thread, because this is getting some confusing, i guess.

i cant get a solution for my weaponsconfig, too.

tracers and anims dont want to work, though i copied the lines from original config.bins.

Dont know what should be the failure.

i am making some improvements on my skeleton, textures and rvmats now.

Maybe some pics later or tomorrow.

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ok starting a new topic ;) and good lucke for your weaponsconfig;)

and you are welcome in Rahmadi :f:


converting island is possible , very cool:yay:

Edited by colonel well

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God damn it, Col. Well, what in fucking hell does that have to do with terminator?

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ok...this time something that have to do with my Terminators ;-)

please dont be sour that here come only less news and progress.

I am experimenting with the improvements of the model, rvmats, textures and supershaders. That takes much time.

i made the textures all new and try to complete the 6 btw 7 stages in the rvmat do activate supershaders.

Further i am experimenting with new shadows. but just like at A1 here are the possibilities very limited,too.

I am trying to make aczeptable nice shadows without coming with vertices, points and faces too high...not easy.

Hope i can make some updates with pics soon.



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Yeah, I don't envy your task to make a shadow volume with all of those hydraulics and stuff in there.

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will you be doing HK's as well, and the transport ships?

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will you be doing HK's as well, and the transport ships?

WOW:yay: transport ships will be amazing!!!

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naw, this should focus on combat vehicles for now, and once those are done and working fine, then perhaps do additional stuff like the transport ships

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i am very sorry that i wasnt here a long time.

i was on an military education journey for two weeks and came back today.

before i left i made some tests in different manners and decide to use the old models from the beginning and to make some heavy changes at the model and the textures.

please be a little pacient because i wont have so much time to work on this project.



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155 kb

Edited by W0lle
quoted image / image > 100kb

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well, i'm going to subscribe to this thread LOL

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125 kb

So time for some info. I did these models a while back for a mod that never took off. It was from before the film came out so they're based on the trailers. I sent them to an internet buddy of mine to texture them and he did an okay-ish job. I have no knowledge of making a bone structure that matches Arma's soldier class and animating them. I posted a topic asking for tutorials and help ages ago but no one's responded.

Are there any modders here who want to see if they can do a quick and dirty model swap of the HK with the Osprey? Or with one of the motorbikes?

Edited by W0lle

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wow...nice things are going on here.

Sorry that i have no time at the moment to go forward with my modplannings.

I restarted to make a new better t800 model, but i have too less time at the moment.

i actually have too much points and faces (70.000) and have to find a way to reduce them.

Are this pics over there from bulldozer? whats about the data?...points, faces, memory?

thats all looking hot.



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