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Creating group with BIS_fnc_spawnGroup

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So, try this in the init field:

nul = spawn {
waituntil {BIS_fnc_init};
_newObjs = [getpos this, (random 360), "Camp2_INS"] call (compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "ca\modules\dyno\data\scripts\objectMapper.sqf")); 
grpD = [getpos this, Resistance, ["GUE_Soldier_CO", "GUE_Soldier_MG", "GUE_Soldier_1", "GUE_Soldier_2", "GUE_Soldier_3", "GUE_Soldier_GL"], [], ["LIEUTENANT", "CORPORAL", "CORPORAL", "PRIVATE", "PRIVATE", "PRIVATE"]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; 
[grpD, getpos this] call BIS_fnc_taskDefend;

The only problem is that this doesn't appear to process as expected. It looks like this actually becomes the player and the camp and defender always spawn at the same location as the player when I start the mission.

However I did end up thinking in similar lines as you and I edited my last post to show it.

Edited by Binesi

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If I understand spawn correctly, basicly it create an instance of the script called (or in this case an inline function). Meaning "this" is useless inside it. Should be possible to do [this] spawn { ... thisUnit = _this select 0 ... }, no?

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Yes, "this" needs to be passed to the spawn obviously. Point of my example was just to add waituntil (and spawn since you cant sleep/wait in init fields).

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Ok, all good. Thanks for the help.

Here is my (final?) iteration of a random camp defense script to paste in the init field of a location logic. Should be self explanatory for anyone needing something like this.

_comp = [this] spawn 
   if (isServer) then 
       sleep 0.1;
       waituntil {BIS_fnc_init}; 
       _position = getPos (_this select 0);
       _units = ["GUE_Soldier_CO", "GUE_Soldier_GL", "GUE_Soldier_MG", "GUE_Soldier_AT", "GUE_Soldier_Sniper", "GUE_Soldier_1", "GUE_Soldier_2", "GUE_Soldier_3"];
       _skill = [(0.4 + random 0.6), (0.4 + random 0.4), (0.4 + random 0.3), (0.4 + random 0.3), (0.4 + random 0.3), (0.2 + random 0.3), (0.2 + random 0.3), (0.2 + random 0.3)];
       _side = Resistance;
       _random = [4, 0.5];
       _object = [_position, (random 360), "Camp2_INS"] call (compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "ca\modules\dyno\data\scripts\objectMapper.sqf")); 
       sleep 0.1;
       _group = [_position, _side, _units, [], _rank, _skill, [], _random] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; 
       sleep 1;
       [_group, _position] call BIS_fnc_taskDefend;

The way I am using this is I have some markers setup at different map locations grouped to a "Locations" Game Logic. Combined with this script I get a camp placed randomly at one of the markers with a semi random set of defenders.

Now the only problem is the predefined camps mostly are poorly implemented. The Russian ones usually have ammo crates buried in the ground and static defenses completely blocked from firing. And then from what I have seen of the AI it will only man 2 static defenses at most and will completely ignore available vehicles. Some of these camps have BMP3s and tanks etc that the AI will not even try to utilize. The defensive structures like towers, bunkers, etc will also be completely ignored by the AI. There is only a small portion of the available compositions which can be placed for any useful purpose.

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Actually, here is a much better version run as a separate script:

SpawnComp.sqf by Binesi
Based partly on BIS code found in the functions module.

Usage:  comp = [this, _type, _group, _side, _units, _required] execVM "Server/CMP/Server_SpawnComp.sqf"

if ((isServer) || (!isNull (_this select 0)) || (count (_this select 4) > 1)) then 
   _position = getPos (_this select 0);
   _type = _this select 1; // Name of composition
   _group = _this select 2; // Name for group
   _side = _this select 3; // Side for group
   _units = _this select 4; // Array of unit types to spawn (at least 2 required)
   _required = _this select 5; // Minimum units to create from _units array. The rest will be random 50%.

   //-- Create Composition
   _comp = [_position, (getDir (_this select 0)), _type] call (compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "ca\modules\dyno\data\scripts\objectMapper.sqf")); 
   sleep 0.1;

   //-- Create Group
   _group = createGroup _side;

   _i = 0; {
       if (_i == 0) then {
           //-- Create group leader
           _safepos = [_position,1,8,1,0,1,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
           _man = _group createUnit [_x,_safepos, [], 0, "FORM"];
           //_man addEventHandler ["killed",{_this execVM 'Common\UnitKilled.sqf'}]; // CHANGE ME
           _man setCombatMode "RED";
           _man setBehaviour "AWARE";
           _man setRank "SERGEANT";
           _man setSkill (0.4 + random 0.6);
           _group selectLeader _man;
       else {
           if (_i == 1) then {
               //-- Create assistant group leader
               _safepos = [_position,1,8,1,0,1,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
               _man = _group createUnit [_x,_safepos, [], 0, "FORM"];
              //_man addEventHandler ["killed",{_this execVM 'Common\UnitKilled.sqf'}]; // CHANGE ME
               _man setSkill (0.4 + random 0.4);
           else { 
               //-- Create regular squad members
               //-- Should this unit be skipped?
               private ["_skip"];
               _skip = false;
               //-- Has the required number been reached?
               if (_i > (_required - 1)) then {
                   //-- Randomize the spawn chance
                   if ((random 1) > 0.50) then { _skip = true };
               if (!_skip) then {
                   _safepos = [_position,1,8,1,0,1,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
                   _man = _group createUnit [_x,_safepos, [], 0, "FORM"];
                   //_man addEventHandler ["killed",{_this execVM 'Common\UnitKilled.sqf'}]; // CHANGE ME
                   _man setRank "PRIVATE";
                   _man setSkill (0.2 + random 0.5);
       _i = _i + 1;
   } forEach _units;

   sleep 1;

   [_group, _position] call BIS_fnc_taskDefend;

Don't use a Game Logic for this. Use a concrete block or something so you don't waste game resources. After you place that where you want the camp to be use something like this for the init:

deleteCollection this; null = [this, "Camp2_INS", "TestGroup", East, ["Ins_Soldier_CO", "Ins_Soldier_GL", "Ins_Soldier_MG", "Ins_Soldier_AR", "Ins_Soldier_AT", "Ins_Soldier_Sniper", "Ins_Soldier_Medic", "Ins_Soldier_1", "Ins_Soldier_2"], 4] execVM "SpawnComp.sqf"

And there you go, a nice little camp with some believable semi-random defenders.

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I'm having problems with the call BIS_fnc_spaawnGroup.


arty_guard_grp_1 = [_guard_pos_1, EAST, (configFile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "RU" >> "Mechanized" >> "RU_MechInfSquad_1")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup

Will not function with this (it only moves to formation after spawning):

_gpwp1 = arty_guard_grp_1 addWaypoint [getPos arty_1, 100];
_gpwp1 setWaypointType "SAD"; 
_gpwp1 setWaypointSpeed "LIMITED";
_gpwp1 setWaypointBehaviour "AWARE";
_gpwp1 setWaypointCombatMode "RED";

And If I make 2 spawn groups, only first of them will spawn:

_guard_pos_1 = [(getPos arty_1 select 0) - 50, (getPos arty_1 select 1) - 50, 0];
_guard_pos_2 = [(getPos arty_1 select 0) + 20, getPos arty_1 select 1, 0];

arty_guard_grp_1 = [_guard_pos_1, EAST, (configFile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "RU" >> "Mechanized" >> "RU_MechInfSquad_1")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup

arty_guard_grp_2 = [_guard_pos_2, EAST, (configFile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "RU" >> "Motorized" >> "RU_MotInfSection_Patrol")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup


---------- Post added at 11:09 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:22 AM ----------

Is there a limit using BIS_fnc_spawnGroup ?

Edited by Bunny75

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Try this:

_gpwp1 = arty_guard_grp_1 addWaypoint [Position arty_1, 100];

_guard_pos_1 = [(getPos arty_1 select 0) - 50, (getPos arty_1 select 1) - 50, 0];
_guard_pos_2 = [(getPos arty_1 select 0) + 20, getPos arty_1 select 1, 0];

sleep 1;

arty_guard_grp_1 = [_guard_pos_1, EAST, (configFile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "RU" >> "Mechanized" >> "RU_MechInfSquad_1")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;

arty_guard_grp_2 = [_guard_pos_2, EAST, (configFile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "RU" >> "Motorized" >> "RU_MotInfSection_Patrol")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;

Edited by cobra4v320

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Try this:

_gpwp1 = arty_guard_grp_1 addWaypoint [Position arty_1, 100];

Nope :confused:

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Read above, also did you forget to use a semicolon?

Are you trying to spawn this on arty_1 or near arty_1?

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Read above, also did you forget to use a semicolon?

Oh dear god what a noob I am :butbut:

I'm sorry, I really am.

*shoots himself*

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Is anyone using this in MP? I use the following script as suggested earlier in this thread to create some tanks and units but I keep getting tanks created for players and the server.

if (!isServer) exitWith {};

_vehicle_types = ["T90"];

_max_dist_between_waypoints = 700;

_grpe1 = createGroup east;

_vec_type = floor (random count _vehicle_types);

[(getpos posm21), random 360, _vehicle_types select _vec_type, _grpe1] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle;

_grpe2 = createGroup east;

_vec_type = floor (random count _vehicle_types);

[(getpos posm22), random 360, _vehicle_types select _vec_type, _grpe2] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle;

I have tried "if (isServer) then {" But same result.

I am just about to give up on this function and go back to the old way of scripting to create units.:mad:

Edited by december

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if (isserver) then {

blabla call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle;


Works fine for me.

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_aa_dist = (random 200)+300;
_aa_pos_0 = [(getPos target_building select 0) + _aa_dist, getPos target_building select 1, getPos target_building select 2];
guard_aa_0 = [_aa_pos_0, 0, "2S6M_Tunguska", East] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle;

So this works fine and dandy. Tunguska created in the right place.

Problem is when I try to refer to it in other .sqf later:

guard_aa_0 reveal _target;
guard_aa_0 doWatch _target;
guard_aa_0 doTarget _target;

This holds the .sqf and the tunguska doesn't react to the commands given.

Doing the same thing for tunguska that had been added in the editor, all works fine?

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_gunner = gunner guard_aa_0;
_gunner reveal _target;
_gunner doWatch _target;
_gunner doTarget _target;

I have a sneaky suspicion this might work. If not, then make sure the guard_aa_0 is actually what it is meant to be. Use a hint or a sidechat message to confirm it is indeed crewed and is named what you think.

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Nope, no worky

Seems if I even try to get the name it stops the .sqf

Edited by Bunny75

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0: new vehicle (Object).

1: all crew (Array of Objects).

2: vehicle's group (Group).


_gunner = gunner (guard_aa_0 select 0);

_gunner reveal _target;

_gunner doWatch _target;

_gunner doTarget _target;

Edited by Big_Daddy
added Rommel's suggestion

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Hi all

So ive set up a radio trigger and put

getPos player, side player, (configFile >> "CfgGroups" >> "West" >> "USMC" >> "Infantry" >> "USMC_FireTeam_AT")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup

the units spawn but how do i get them to join me so iam squad leader


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_grp = [position spawngroup, side player, (configFile >> "CfgGroups" >> "West" >> "USMC" >> "Infantry" >> "USMC_InfSquad")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup
_wp = _grp addWaypoint [getpos guy, 0];
_wp setWaypointType "MOVE"; 
_wp setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; 

How do I set this up? Add it to a game logic? That doesn't seem to work.


I got the group to spawn. I put the above code into the init.sqf then place a GL named "spawngroup", but they don't move. What do I do about the wp?

Edited by Manzilla

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I got the group to spawn. I put the above code into the init.sqf then place a GL named "spawngroup", but they don't move. What do I do about the wp?

"SpawnGroup" doesnt need to be a logic, it can be an editor placed object.

If you dont have something named "guy" in the editor it wont work i guess, but the function works well combined with taskDefend or taskPatrol :) .

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"SpawnGroup" doesnt need to be a logic, it can be an editor placed object.

If you dont have something named "guy" in the editor it wont work i guess, but the function works well combined with taskDefend or taskPatrol :) .

Thanks heatseeker! Hmmm. I have something called "guy" in the Editor as well. I'll try something else though.


Not sure why but I've placed an invisible H and named it "guy" but the group still doesn't move after spawning.

Edited by Manzilla

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Even this doesn't work:

_grp1 = [position spawngroup, side player, (configFile >> "CfgGroups" >> "West" >> "USMC" >> "Infantry" >> "USMC_InfSquad")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup
_wp = _grp1 addWaypoint [position wp1, 0];
_wp setWaypointType "MOVE"; 
_wp setWaypointSpeed "FULL";
_wp = _grp1 addWaypoint [position wp2, 0];
_wp setWaypointType "MOVE"; 
_wp setWaypointSpeed "FULL";
_wp = _grp1 addWaypoint [position wp3, 0];
_wp setWaypointType "DISMISS"; 
_wp setWaypointSpeed "FULL";

Not sure why the group will not move. I have 3 invisible H's named wp1, wp2, and wp3 but the spawned group does not move.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

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Yes sir. It sure spawns at the invisible H named "spawngroup" but they don't move. I've tried it with GL's too. No luck.

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