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Ducking from Crouched Position

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This neat trick is done by simply looking/aiming down at the crouched position. It is a great way to quickly get you head down in cover when firing from a covered position and then pop up again to shoot again. It is a lot quicker and safer than changing to the prone position. If you have TrackIR you can even look around when cower in the down position. This is pretty much the vertical equivalent of leaning around cover.

Is there any possibility to incorporate this in the AI? Would greatly increase their ability to efficiently fight from behind cover positions.

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Whoa, that is a really spiffy trick! Judging from some vids and screens i have seen, it seems like BIS redid the way the free aim works, so that it is now the whole upper body moving rather than just the arms

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Yeah, the torso and upper body are completely different parts now, like you can now lower weapon while crouched or while running. neat trick, gonna test it my self i got a trackIR 4 :)

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Got to test some over at a friends place and first WOW!

Second. Rest weapon - move body way way down - head up - move slow. LOL! Talk about low profile. ;)

Just another thing as were talking about anims. Test press "B" to get out Bino's and then regret it by press "B" again before he gets them up. :) Finally! (Allthough binos should share same anims as laser designator in my mind. You can right click to remove the laser but not the binos. Good to be able to move though.)


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Yeah, definatly an improvement.

Shame you still cant change weapon while moving (especially changing to pistol). But hey... with all the good things cant really moan. :D

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I think this is a good example how the movement has improved with Arma 2. It is still not perfect, some animantion transitions are still a bit rough, movement close to objects is a bit fiddly, vertical/horizontal leaning and physical interraction with objects/cover can be improved etc. But overal Arma 2 features very responsive controls that offer a lot of movement options. For me the new movements are a joy to play.

Now if this ducking-trick could be implemented into the AI, they would have better options to fight from behind cover. They could get into safety quickly when suppressed and rising from cover to return fire without having to stand up slowly from the prone position.

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I also hoped that the AI would walk over fences. As i said i hoped for it, but sorta knew they prolly wouldnt. The little i got to test i got into a situation where a BRDM was on a road and i could get close to it by walking over fences instead of around them. if i would try to walk around them i would be exposed to the nasty MG turret. I told my AI to regroup and looked at them hoping they would walk over but one of them went around and got shot.

However! Big however here. The other 2 AI's actually took the other way around the building and met up with me on the other side! ArmA1 they would been shoot all of them for sure - me included. :) Maybe future patch can get friendly AI as well as enemy AI to "step over" fences?


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Really good find. For people without TIR there's always the ALT key to look around too.

As for fences, I thought I saw them do it in video somewhere?

Edited by Helmut_AUT

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I also noticed that you can change between high and crouching running WHILE you run, and you don't have to stop between the two.... The small details adds to the game for a veteran like me :D

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You can also do more realistic peeking around corners by controlling your upper body with the mouse and look around with free-view:




It is a really awkward maneuver to execute using those workaround solutions, but it shows nicely what kind of nice and realistic movement options would be available with a revised character movement and control model. Of course the "1 foot precision" of the present character control doesn't make such moves very applicable currently anyway.

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