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Arma 2 Community Issue Tracker

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I got an email today saying my bug reports were closed because of the recent patch and they were "fixed".Thing is that patch is only for OA.The bugs were fixed for Arma 2,not OA.All the A2 owners were given was a new beta a few weeks ago that didnt solve the issues claiming to be fixed in the last patch.Where is the patch?:confused:

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I tried many different G-card drivers and many different Videosettings but nothing solved the problem.

I`m on Windows XPpro 32bit with SP3 ;

AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 6000+

3.02 GHz

3,00 GB RAM

2* Sparkle Geforce 8800 GTS 320 mb in SLI/with the driver 260.89 (betadriver)

Here my " big" reportfile rtp;bidmp;mdmp file in .rar for download:


patch 1.02 didnt work and i got now the mod @VopSound2.3 on it.The error was without this Modifiktaion too. :j:

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Hi again,

i tried again few settings with the Videodriver 257.21

In the Game i got these settings which make the Game Playable.First Day i didnt got this bugged Screen again.2nd Day 2 times but it comes back to the Game again so i continued the Game.3th Day i got it 1 time and when the Server Restarted the Round i was stucked again but a Programrestart solved the Problem.2 Time the Game crashed.Report was sended to Windows. But after this i started Game again and it runs to the Night.Then i got a flickerscreen by restarting new Game from Server.So Shutdown and reconnect to the Game.After These short bug`s it was possible to Play the Game many Hours again.


PC setting`s watch Post before this 1:

Gamevideosettup was:


Quality Preference : High

Texturedetail: Normal


Anisotropicfiltering: Disabled

Antiliasing: Disabled

Terrain detail:Normal


Shadow: Disabled

Postprocesseffect`s: Disabled

on 16:9 (Widescreen 24 zoll)



Picture with Briefing: Default

Texturefiltering-Qualtiy: Quality

SLI : On

Processor: CPU

Default Programmsettings:

Anisotropic Filter: Application stearing

Antialiasing: Application stearing

Antialiasing-Gamma correction: off

3* Puffer: Off


Max number off Rendering Pictures:3

Multidisplay/mixed CPU : Accerlerate


Texturefiltering-Negative LOD-BIAS:Allowed


Vertical Syn.: Application decision

Picturesetup with Briefing: Balanced


I try to let work the Graphiccard CPU again later,The Performance is not the best-turn off the Grass o_O but for few Hour you got the Fun back when you got this Settup.

Greetings.. I watching you

_________________________________________________________________Edit: 4th and 5th Day .. After long Time i got total Crash so that i have to reboot/restart my PC(no errorreport to windows possible) .then after 1-1/2 hour it happend again.Testing now with Graphiccard CPU.

Maybe Graphiccardmemory hast to be "flushed" more often.

Recievingscreenproblem is minimized to 5-10 sec(happend 3-4 times.most happen in helicopterview (egoperpective)). which can be a problem in helicopter ^^.

"Terminatorvoice"*Ill be back"

Edited by Ch33t4h
New Setup with CPU

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I have Windows 7 and Arma2 and Arma2 AO. At completely random moments in the game the game will suddenly freeze together with Windows. Reboot is the only way out.

This only happens during gameplay and usually when I move, zoom in or turn the camera around etc, with other words - seems like PC crashes when the game has to draw something. I didn't have this problem with Windows XP

I've already tried the quickfix and other standard windows updates.

report files located here:


Edited by Jedo

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Tested Yesterday with CPU from Graphiccard ,and with these settings i get much more Stuckscreen`s as when i play with normal CPU.And "most" when i m in a Cockpit +often when i switch to other View(From Mapview for example).


I know this Problem exist since OFP maybe that`s the reason you were going from Codemaster`"S" ?hmm that let me thinking "when u see the flash,then it is to late..."

Edited by Ch33t4h

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In Videosettings the Option "Memory" set to `Low`solved my Problem.

BIOS and yes before i forget it,i done a Update.


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