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ARMA 2 Micro AI Thread

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Would be cracking of you could, I have no experience (=no idea) in using the tracker.

Well your original message will be just ok.

you only have to register there (it's a matter of seconds) and then create a NEW ISSUE cutting and pasting your original message (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=76991&highlight=defend) and adding the same test mission. Then you MAY report your OS and other stuff, but that's optional ...

Please try it out, we need some more issues posters ;)

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I was editing a mission today (got the game today too) and all the flaws I saw in OFP and Armed Assault, years back while making missions, just came pouring back.

I would love to place units in other places than big empty fields, but it just seems that if there is even the smallest rock in the way; AI loses all pathfinding (or atleast it looks so stupid you'd think BIS would repair the AI by now!), all the will to listen to orders, starts to run/walk in circles, can't drive straight on a straight road etc.

In my example, I had couple of guys hiding in a barn, and on cue, I wanted them to come rushing out with guns blaring. Well this didn't happen ofcourse, they just ran thru the walls and killed themselves because of the big fall. What a joke. What is the good with the waypoints if we can't precisely determine where we want these units to go?

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What I noticed in mission editing for DCS Black Shark is that you can set a vehicle to be on road or off road.

As I'm fairly new to all this and just love the feel of DCS, this seemed like a great way of improving ARMA2. How easy it is?

..hmm, I'm sure its not easy at all.

It's very annoying to have enemy infantry just walk through a wall on a base you've built, but essentially they could 'climb' over it...

Ah, yes, the staggered and sluggish movement of your player unit. Whatever it is. Helis fly like a big weighty car with wings, cars get slowed down by 50% as soon as they hit a few plants..It's all annoying but in many ways you just work around it. Have fun with it. For flying a use DCS, for driving I use Race 07/GTR.

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I did notice that even with patch 1.05 the own player character and owned AI vehicles have problems to detect enemy AI / players at close range. Is there any chance to patch this in the future ?

For example you are the driver and one AI is only 50m ahead of you but the gunner doesnt attack anything and there is no call out or any detection of this unit.

Another example, i get 2 tanks in position with maybe less than 100m space between them..both get taken out by atg soldier and there is zero=0 detection of anything, not even from the unit who just watch how the partner unit dies.

The detection problem is for me the most annoying part in this game currently.

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I am mistaken or is the AI is still not mature? Because I still miss the automatic go for cover behind sand bags, vehicles, fences or other objects! If you get this sometime in control?

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I've read a lot of complimentary things about the AI in Arma 2 but my question is this:

Does all this praise apply to vanilla Arma 2 or Arma 2 after some major patching?

I ask because I found the AI in vanilla Arma 2 to be brain-dead to the point where I could not play the game.

I've been applying the A2 patches all along but mostly with an eye to improved performance - and it has been improved! :yay:

At some point, I'm going to have to get my feet wet again with Arma 2 but am hoping the AI will be much improved by then. I have to admit though, I'm having so much fun with Arma enhanced with WarMod, it's hard to pull away.

I'm wondering how many people play Arma 2 with "AI-enhancers" with Zeus or just play vanilla. I also wonder if ACE 2 has something to do with a lot of the praise heaped on Arma 2.

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I don't if its only me? but still after applying patch 1.07, my AI aims at the walls :mad:

Also can someone please upload a video showing practical use of the command 'suppressive fire' because when I ordered my team mates to suppress fire at said location where enemy was hiding in the bush, my team mate didn't fire a single shot on that location:mad:

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I don't if its only me? but still after applying patch 1.07, my AI aims at the walls :mad:

Also can someone please upload a video showing practical use of the command 'suppressive fire' because when I ordered my team mates to suppress fire at said location where enemy was hiding in the bush, my team mate didn't fire a single shot on that location:mad:

Can you upload a video of the AI aiming at the walls?

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I'm wondering how many people play Arma 2 with "AI-enhancers" with Zeus or just play vanilla. I also wonder if ACE 2 has something to do with a lot of the praise heaped on Arma 2.

I can't play the game without Zeus, and even then the AI often doesn't detect nearby enemy.

It has worked in my favour though, just not as often. Nonetheless, I'd rather not see this happening at all as it is an immersion-breaker.

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I can't play the game without Zeus, and even then the AI often doesn't detect nearby enemy.

It has worked in my favour though, just not as often. Nonetheless, I'd rather not see this happening at all as it is an immersion-breaker.

Can't even bother playing without DAC 3.0

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I really like ARMA 2 AI - they're very good in urban combat, but there's one thing I've noticed...

they barely ever go prone! It's annoying when you shoot at them from 400m away in an open field, and they just stand there and shoot back. They should hit the dirt immediately if there's no cover around.

I'm guessing that this is a byproduct of ARMA 2 AI being optimised for urban combat. In urban combat you are standing up far more often, and the AI is obviously in "urban combat mode" all the time, even when the environment is not a city.

ol' skool OFP AI on the other hand, had great field AI (they would hit the deck immediately and always stick together) but terrible Urban AI (basically they lay down on their belly in the middle of the road) :)

Pretty much all of the big battles in the campaign are urban however, so this is not a real problem

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I can't play the game without Zeus
Can't even bother playing without DAC 3.0

Thanks for the input. Does any know if there's a thread titled "Must-Have Mods" or "I can't play without this mod...". If not, I think it would be a very useful thread.

*watches Pravin's Youtube movie*....ouch, that's an immersion killer. I don't remember seeing that so much in Arma 1.

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I have noticed that the AI often acts more intelligent than many players. For this reason, the AI is unrealistic.

Controlling AI teammates can be pretty frustrating, though.

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I have noticed that the AI often acts more intelligent than many players.
Maybe we should say the AI often acts more intelligently than many "noob" players. :D I know what you mean and yeah it's true, but it will probably be many years before AI is no longer so "stupid" that you don't want to shoot them. I think its best to think of them as a "mixed bag". They often follow the rules of tactical engagment consistently and well (often better than peeps) but they so often ruin the gameplay with their seemingly "idiotic" behavior.
For this reason, the AI is unrealistic.
Based on the above, I wouldn't call them realistic or unrealistic. They just are what they are - based on today's level of artificial intelligence.

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