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Just make sure it works...

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People suggesting addons/weapons blah blah, all we want is a game that works.

Just bought TrackIR 5 ready for ArmA 2 and decided to play the Merc Campaign, how the hell can you delete a save point so when you buy the dam flare from the dealer its in the next mission?

Please make sure you finish the game before releasing.

ArmA 1 faults

campaigns bugged

unfinished multiplayer

Don't get me wrong BI patch the game regularly, and its great were getting patches so close to ArmA2 release.

But my main concern is was ArmA a test bed for ArmA2 and is ArmA2 going to be the working product.

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Please make sure you finish the game before releasing.

Hmm...you should contact Microsoft, ATI/Nvidia, SecuROM and other companies too. Live the magic of your dreams. :D

There is no big prob with the flare - you can find another in the mission. Btw too many saves = cheating yourself.

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Please make sure you finish the game before releasing.

Ok now BIS knows that we want a game that isnt so buggy. Good you posted that cause how else would they know? Good thinking there!

Seriously though. Games will always have bugs on release and are patched afterwards. To correct bugs and enhance the program. Its nothing new and definatelly not just an ArmA thing. ArmA2 will probably have the older bugs ironed out but will introduce new ones thanks to new functions, features and other changes/updates in the engine. They need us to find all bugs. Even super big dev houses dont find all bugs themselves. Its when its released to the big masses bugs they didnt know excist surface. They surface because the thousands upon thousands of players play the game in so many ways they could never even think of. And some bugs prolly gets fixed afterwards just because they dont have time to get it out before relase dates (minor ones ofcourse).

I dont think you have to tell BIS to make it less buggy than ArmA 1.00. I think they know, and to me it seems like BIS works much harder this time. Again, dont worry so much. ;)


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Well, I'll personnaly wait for reports before buying the game, waiting for input about several things, and stability is amongst them.

OTOH, "working product" is a very subjective thing, and in the case of ArmA, a very very very subjective thing ;)

Each player has his own needs for the game, campaign, coop, PvP, sniping, flying, editing, and for each player, the reasons why the game is not finished will be very different.

you can bet the game "won't be finished" for many people.

But, at least, make it so the game starts and runs on most computers ;)

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ArmA bugs and ArmA2 presumed insufficiency are being discussed extensively throughout those pages.

This topic is simply pointless and only polemic oriented IMHO.:936:

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imo even if ARMA2 is released with bugs, i wont mind as BIS will always update the game and iron the bugs out, every game has flaws, there is no "perfect" game

look at IL2 / BF2 / COD4 & COD5 they keep on getting patches

But i can honestly say that i will be playing ARMA2 bugged or not, especially the multiplayer side of it, where i can actually get enjoyment through playing as a team with other "live" people

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Well, I know I will be crying hard, wet, and long, if I toss a smoke grenade and AI still shoots me through it.

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Well, I know I will be crying hard, wet, and long, if I toss a smoke grenade and AI still shoots me through it.

Well you can't really blame the AI for assuming someone will be using the smoke as a cover and shooting into it :)

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Well you can't really blame the AI for assuming someone will be using the smoke as a cover and shooting into it :)

Ideed. I'll be crying hard, wet and long if the AI treats smoke as a "force field" and doesn't bother shooting into it at all. :)

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Well you can't really blame the AI for assuming someone will be using the smoke as a cover and shooting into it :)

If they would fire guesswork supressive, then by all means... But the one shot one kill like today, no thanks. Remember, smoke can be used as cover (well, concealment), obstruction, screening, *and* deception.

Ref: Smoke usage on globalsecurity

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From what the community observers said on Twitter.. Looks like this thread is no longer necessary. *doin' a happy dance*

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