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Wirecutters! Let's be able to cut wires.

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A simple yet very game-influential addition to Arma2 would be some "tools" to use on the battlefield.

For example wirecutters spring to mind. (So you don't have to make a lot of noise blowing/running over base wire defenses)

Just make a small hole where you want it and sneak in with your team. I bet a lot of smallish things like this could really raise the gameplay bar for Arma2

Another one that springs to mind is stuff like crowfeet/road spikes to rollout to disable passing cars wheels.

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Now this is an idea. I think today they use an acid spray to get through, but it would beat planting satchels to blow down a small wire fence.

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I can't imagine how many times I wanted this in OFP, of the mission where you need to get the documents. In the end I took advantage of the bad collision detection, put the time to 4X speed and sprinted through the fence.

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I can't imagine how many times I wanted this in OFP, of the mission where you need to get the documents. In the end I took advantage of the bad collision detection, put the time to 4X speed and sprinted through the fence.
I think it's just a matter of increasing refresh rates of the collision detection, better edge detection and optimized coding.

With the multithreaded processors today that shouldn't be a problem.

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Couldnt we just make a 'wirecutter' object/weapon which adds a useraction like 'Cut Fence' and then when activated all objects class "féncè" (or whatever those wirefences all are called) get a setdamage 1 ? Of course only in about 1m distance infront of player?? Most work should be to find out all classnames of the ingame fences. Been thinking of it since OFP... nice others want it too!

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Yeahh that would be very awesome.... I think would be not that hard to do it...

Replace that part/model of a wire/wire-fence with a model with a small hole in it....:p:)

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even better idea, then just setdamage!, but for that you need to remodel all fences inside game, did BIS release all mlod for them? otherwise all need to be done from scratch...


just got your smiliey... aehm :P

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just got your smiliey... aehm :P

Well, they must have changed the smilies... i was typing the "tongue" and "smile" by "doublepoint + p" and "doublepoint + D"

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Well, they must have changed the smilies... i was typing the "tongue" and "smile" by "doublepoint + p" and "doublepoint + D"

yeah, sure :rolleye: :rolleyes: ...

ah, and replacing wont work, if the fences are placed in visitor! But doing setdamage should still work though on them...

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Well i'm pretty sure it could be scripted/modded in and probably someone allready made it.

However i think it would be a "not very work intensive" addition that would be great to have ingame by default.

Also BIS could do it very nicely with some kind of nice cutting anim and a special nice fence_with_hole_in_it object replacing the normal fence.

It would be a tiny something that could add a lot to gameplay. (stuff like escape but need to find wirecutters first, special infiltration ops etc etc)

Same goes for spikes to blow car tires. Would be really nice to use against non armoured convoys and all they basically need to be is some kind of "mine" weapon.

However if they don't include it, surely some nice addonmaker will make them sooner or later.

The most important aspect of wirecutters is that it would give players another swing of what we like most: freedom.

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Like Yoda said, and it was already mentioned in OFP era, so this an old, very old suggestion. I really think its time for BIS to do such.

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For me this feature is irrelevant, i do not need it and I'm far from wanting it.

Some other games are doing it like that: The fence has several "door" points.

You cannot open them without the certain kit. When you press "fire" while having the kit, the nearest fence "door" gets opened in a costum/folded in a costum animation.

Still I never liked such features, because walls and fences would become useless.

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Still I never liked such features, because walls and fences would become useless.

Have you played Arma yet? You can drive over fences/walls, shoot them with at weapons, blow them with satchel charges allready. So i guess you must think they are pretty useless in Arma allready ;) (which they are not!)

The only thing you cannot do is make an opening in them silently.

Also i'm not saying everyone should allways have access to wirecutters (like in some 3rd rating shooters) They could be a "weapon" in crates so you have to pick, either a pistol or cutters etc ,forcing players to tactically choose their kit.

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yeah yoma is right, its like always with ArmA, it has endless possibilities and in the end its up to the missionmaker, what,how,where and so on... you can make the wirecutter a obejct/weapon needed or/and only engineers/SF or all or only .... yadadiddadadum...

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ArmA already has a damaged fence model they can use.

It's not on many fenced compounds, but very useful when you do not want to go in the guarded entrance of a compound.

I like Yoma's (or Yoda, as Bravo_6 called him), idea..... and the "tactically choose their kit" fits ArmA gameplay.

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Yoda, as Bravo_6 called him)

That's my old OFP nick nickname special people who's virtual life i've save hundreds of times, and who saved me hundreds of times gave me.

(a nick nickname is a nickname for a nickname)


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(a nick nickname is a nickname for a nickname)


I like that Yoda :D

such as

(a Wirecutter is a Wirecutter for a Wirefence)

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Couldnt we just make a 'wirecutter' object/weapon which adds a useraction like 'Cut Fence' and then when activated all objects class "féncè" (or whatever those wirefences all are called) get a setdamage 1 ? Of course only in about 1m distance infront of player?? Most work should be to find out all classnames of the ingame fences. Been thinking of it since OFP... nice others want it too!

At least BI have added the jump over fence anim which was shown in the latest vid.

I think with the engine as it stands (worked on for over10 years) we can have more fluid animations instead of a texture which just appears when the anim is done.

So we can use the same idea but more than one fence status during the useraction e.g.

user performs anim part 1> fence becomes slightly broken

next part of of anim> fence hole becomes bigger

last part of anim> hole is big enough to crawl through


Anyone get what i mean?

and maybe there should be some axes for soldiers to hack down locked doors/ farmers to gather wood from trees in farma :D / soldiers hacking through wooden fences

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Wirecutters bring good memories from H&D 2 multiplayer, they were really useful on some maps. So why not, if it´s not too much hassle then bring them on.:292:

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H&D2, IGI, Jagged Allience 2 to name some games that implemented nice gameplay enhancing wirecutters.

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I like the 'cut-wire-door' mentioned somewhere above, nice idea, but only useable on certain spots, which kind of negates what arma is about, freedom of choice ... but nontheless i like it...

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The Wirecutter is a nice idea for stealth missions etc. its a form of freedom...

It would be much better than blowing the whole fence away and get discovered using the satchelcharge...

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H&D2, IGI, Jagged Allience 2 to name some games that implemented nice gameplay enhancing wirecutters.

yeah ,H&D2 did that great

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