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anyone still play ofp1?

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It's been a few years since i was in an ofp clan. I just reinstalled the goty edition, and was wondering if any clans out there still play?

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I'm about to reinstall OFP 1 aswell inlove.gif

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i play resistance. i recently started a thread in the offtopic section for people who want to exchange msn messenger information.

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i still play it, will always play it...coz i haven't stop play it since 2005, lol such a hardcore fan i am...and i'm working on sci-fi troopers to be the enemy for terran soldiers

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In my region goty come(to purchase) at 2008.cold war crisis at 2005.resistance and red hammer never come.

At sunday we play a match of multiplayer in server its very intresting to play.here there are not ofp fans.so i make a 5 friend group who are my really friend.

Edited by Gwa

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still playing, but not online really anymore. Waiting for my New PC, then probably will moving over to Arma2

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Are you kiddin'? I hardly play anythin' else!

The game just has a unique feel to it that seems to make it immortal, despite its age.

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as we're neighbour, we're the same dude, i play alone too coz in malaysia aslo there's no server..and there must be alot of people who play alone too..

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There are some new ofp recruits in my region ,they enjoying it very much.everyone is stopped by after montiec mission.it is like real enjoy .iam advicing them try and try again.they are now familiar with its ctrl.here cwc is available at cheap cost(original ).they did't know english and still enjoying it.it is the big advantage of ofp that people can play it without knowledge of english.

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I play...but I play alone There's no servers out there in Australia lol

I have played online with serval people from Down Under and it's no problem.

Unless you have a really bad connection you don't need to play on a server in Austraila. Open the multiplayer portion and set the "address" selection to "Internet" and not "LAN" and you should see all of the available servers. Keep in mind many server have their own addon requirements, some just run basic OFP. You'll see this on the screen.

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Ofp is great fun and entertainment.it make some people mind work,like problem of math,science in which you have to use your mind.great work by ofp.i become almost addict of it .

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Sure We still play ofp with my clan [LOL]. We have a 60 slots server named "funhouse", we have pretty active missions makers and a lot of regulars playing everyday. If you want to play a good coop visit our homepage [LOL] clan homepage and become part of our community. Our servers run in Veteran mode (no respawns, no crosshairs, no HUD) with co-operative missions only. To ensure uninterrupted play please download the lastest [LOL] addons pack [LOL] addons pack. See you on the battlefield.



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I guess theres no more any clans that do teamwork,

and are recruiting. :mad:

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I guess theres no more any clans that do teamwork,

and are recruiting.

Hi Make (Ma'ke?)

With most remaining clans/squads you can apply in thier forums. As far as clan tournoments, that doesn't happen much any more. Recon and LOL have a standing cooperation with each other. I can't think of any more of the public servers that "team" together. There are quite a few Private "Locked" servers that it is hard to find any info on about joining.

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Thanks, will check out.

Edited by make

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ShackTactical used to play WGL on their OFP server using an even more military style of organization and command structure. When I was playing on Hawkins Nam server were played in the CiA style using stratategy and tactics to complete missions. Both squads have moved to Arma now. If you have Arma you may want to check them out.

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I still play OFP and I make missions for it as well. :)

Sometimes I also play online using the name "G".

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I still play too, when I can.

And will continue playing until OFP is no longer compatible with the newest software.

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