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OH-58 Kiowa Warrior

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you should add a version with out the front doors. that would be nice to see wink_o.gif

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Yeah maybe you should ask if you can use Franze's Kiowa it did look a lot better than the standard ofp one

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why dont you guys just ask the man to pull a rabbit out of his ass too........

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Man I'm just happy he's making a Kiowa! I love those birds, I work on UH60's and when those Kiowa's come in I get jealous.

Thanks for your hard work!

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Nice to see an OH58 in game regardless of texture quality.

Something that I've been hoping to see out for a while =]

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I think I should point out some of the guidelines I’m following for the first beta release.

The first release will be just a re-textured BIS Kiowa (no model changes at this time)

Except for new textures, Arma rotor blades, Mast mounted sight and weapon pods.

I was thinking of having 4 versions as follows:

2 x hellfires, 2 x stingers, laser des

2 x hellfires, 7rnds FFAR, laser des

2 x hellfires, 600 rnds 50cal gun, laser des

7 rnds FFAR, 600 rnds 50 cal gun, laser des

I may make a ‘special’ that will have Hellfires that can only target lasers, the only problem I see with this is, you would need two Kiowa’s, one to laser and the other to fire the Hellfires, the advantage being you can target anything the laser points at.

(this will require some testing, might not even be possible with missiles in arma)

I appreciate all the offer of help on this addon, I’ve been surprised by the level of interest, my in-box has been full for a few days so I’m working through the replies.

@RobertHammer – anything you could do in the sound dept would be great make, it’s using the Ah6 sounds at the moment and it doesn’t sound quite as it should.


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everybody is drewling, ive been waiting for months and months for this, had a question regarding the zoom, seeing it being a recon chopper it would be great to have an amazing field of zoom, whats the current zoom capability right now?

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  (TheDog @ Jan. 29 2009,15:04) said:
everybody is drewling, ive been waiting for months and months for this, had a question regarding the zoom, seeing it being a recon chopper it would be great to have an amazing field of zoom, whats the current zoom capability right now?

I have been playing around with the zoom setting, at the moment it is set to the same as the Cobra's zoom.

For practice I have been hovering behind the hills at pariso, using the zoom to view armour on pariso airfield, then pop up fire and drop behind the hill again.

@punisher5555 could you let me know, what the most common loadout is, I'll be checking your forums out later, but I'm guessing you guys fly them so your the best to ask etc.

Cheers Southy

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IIRC the GDT Mod helfire addon makes sure the hellfire can only target laser designated targets though it's for all BI and addon vehicles that us the BI Hellfires.

Though I'd assume it'd be a matter of using the default BI hellfire kit as a termplate and then modifying the CFG values for what it locks on to (can't remember at the moment what this falls under) would allow for a seperate OH58 to use your system

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could you increase the zoom just a weeee bit? wink_o.gif that would be amazing, and will there be a version with out doors? biggrin_o.gif would be nice but if not no biggi

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The Stingers are only used in training in real life. But since this is a sim then I would leave them on for mission purposes.

Kiowa's operate in teams of two Kiowa's or in "Pink" team with Apaches. So the load out could be mixed depending on your mission target/threat level. I would put common load out as one with Hellfire/50cal and the other with rocks/50cal. Some teams have been running with rocks/rocks in place of one of them.

Also Kiowa's have been shooting M4's out of the left seat. It is part of the training table and there have been many successful engagements in Iraq. But it is a weapon of last resort.

Number one weapon of the Kiowa is the mark1 eyeball. Find the enemy, fix the enemy, utterly destroy the enemy with all means available ( Artillery, tanks, fighters, Apaches, infantry, and your own weapons systems if necessary).

Hopefully a later version you make will have the doors off. It has to be really cold to fly with them on and I mean cold.

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Also pray for the safety of our soldiers/sailors/marines/airmen as we have lost four of our Kiowa kin in an accident this last week in Iraq.

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oh man... i salute with all respect, i am active duty army, and i am part of the funeral drill team in my area, i fold the flag and pass it to the family, not an easy job...

EDIT: sorry to get off topic.

would love to see one without doors im telling you biggrin_o.gif and the shooting out the side with m4 would be AMAZING but those are just cherrys on the pie, not really needed smile_o.gif

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I can make the MLOD available now for someone to 'take' the doors off if they are able to.

It's something I would like to see also, but my abilities to alter models is very limited.

As for shooting from vehicles this is a arma engine limitation, until someone releases a usable script for firing from vehicles unfortunately this isn't going to be in the addon.

This weekend, I will be finishing the mast mounted sights, grafting some more BIS rotors onto the model, and a first look at the cockpit.

Plenty to do, but I will have a fair bit of time to have a go at it, sometime these things go quick, other times you can get hung up getting something simple to work.

I'll post some more screenshots once the next textures are complete.


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  (Eble @ Jan. 29 2009,16:22) said:
As for shooting from vehicles this is a arma engine limitation, until someone releases a usable script for firing from vehicles unfortunately this isn't going to be in the addon.

I swear someone released this script back in 07 but to be honest this is the first time I've thought about since then.(CSL maybe) I could be dreaming on this one though. Or maybe it didn't go anywhere cause the script had to many problems.

I'll try to find it and check it out now that I know how to use scripts..... Well kind of.  biggrin_o.gif

Well my apologies to Gnat, it was him.


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there is a script for that its called "ActiveCargo" i think!

its kinda good i played the demo mission but i'm not that good with scripting, but you could probably do some good things with it! i would try it out if i was you!

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  (soldier2390 @ Jan. 29 2009,19:38) said:
there is a script for that its called "ActiveCargo" i think!

its kinda good i played the demo mission but i'm not that good with scripting, but you could probably do some good things with it! i would try it out if i was you!

That's the link I posted above. wink_o.gif

It's the same one. For some reason it's not titled that in the link but the missions included are. I haven't tried it in a while though so there could be a different one.

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oh ok! somebody should talk to gnat, he's the one who made the script! im sure he would'nt mind helping out on such a beautiful bird! he could probably alter the script to support the oh-58! at least i hope!

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keep in mind we need to chop off that door first^^ granted the 556 goes through those doors but still it wouldn't look right, but i agree im sure gnat would help, hes a cool guy biggrin_o.gif

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Doors arent problem to take off ,but that script works in singleplayer only! not in multiplayer

btw if there will be without doors version , you can make a gunner 2 with M4 somehow tounge2.gif

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  (RobertHammer @ Jan. 30 2009,17:09) said:
Doors arent problem to take off ,but that script works in singleplayer only! not in multiplayer

btw if there will be without doors version , you can make a gunner 2 with M4 somehow tounge2.gif

interesting concept, I could have 2 x gunner positions, when you get in primary gunner spot you can use the mast sight, main weapons etc, then transfer to second gunners seat and you get a gun seat.( a bit like switching gun seats in the blackhawks whilst in flight.

I can't see why that wouldn't work.

I wouldn't expect to see it in the first release, but at least this way the gunner could shoot from the helicopter from the start, not using scripts


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Made a quick film of the weapon systems, laser desgnator and hellfires using the Mast Mounted Sights.

Level of zoom of the sights are about 25% greater than the cobra.

in the first part I'm using the laser designator to paint targets tanks and buildings for an AI AV8B pilot.

Second part AI pilot(kiowa) is hovering just slightly above the horizon while using the laser designator and hellfires, video mainly shows the mast mounted sight is fully animated and the level of zoom available.

Next stop is the rotor replacedment.

channel 1 - Kiowa weapon testing

channel 2 - Kiowa first flight using flashpoint textures (last week)

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You Tube Kiowa Mast Mounted Sight


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