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Parachuting in game and in real

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Have any of you ever jumped from plane/heli in real life ? Ive made some jumps, and the biggest difference was that it is very easy to aim where do you want to fly/land, but in arma flying with parachute is like falling without it(but slower). Belive me that in arma youre going down without any possibility of stering, like in round chute. I was trying to make vehicle that behaves more like glider than round chute, but without luck. What do you think about armas parachuting?

Here you have nice examples

Arma - without stearing:

and here you have nice example of gliding:


And videos are not mine, ive just found them quickly on youtube.

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This is a first for me, moving something to General from OT biggrin_o.gif

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G'day guys,

Just on this topic - what's the most realistic altitude to parachute from? (using the thisflyinheight command)

Always wondered and never knew smile_o.gif



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most standard parachute drops happen from 1000metres. Parachute opens automatically just after leaving a plane.

One can jump from 300 metres or even lower but it depends on skill, weather, speed of plane and terrain.

Acrobatic jumps, HALO jumps are from 2K m. and higher.

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If you jump correctly from an ACE activated aircraft with a parachute, you'll have a "Pull Chute" option in your action menu along with a proper free fall animation.

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It's been several years... where's the blasted circular ripcord parachutes that 95% of military airdrops use? Why is ArmA littered with these crap aerofoil type?

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For the looks of it.  They still behave like a standard canopy parachute.

edit: well, in that they are not controllable.

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Some technical information from my experience.

Usualy in europe at the beggining every1 is jumping from about 800meters. Sport parachute opens after 4 sec. And it glides exacly where you want to fly. Blowing wind makes big noice but its ok. While jumping from heli the altitude has to be a little bigger, because parachute opens for about 5-6 seconds. There are variety of parachutes. Big military parachutes opens quite slow, but they have to lift soldier, with weapon, ammo etc. Sport version are smaller, and opens definitely faster. Sport glider flyies with about 7-10m/s, but you can accelerate to even 13m/s. In arma youre flying with about 0 m/s so its quite funny difference. Its of coures indicated speed. True speed accoding to the ground can be even negative if wind blows hard, and you slow you parachute.

Cheers. And Hoz sry for additional job smile_o.gif

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If you want to use only the parachute take this one (its imho the same one that ACE took for their mod):

Parachute by Rastavovich via mapfact

There is a "flying bat" from ESG and Draeger in development so soldiers are able to glide with it ~200km from 11.000m height into mission area.

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Some numbers I remember from the german Fallschirmjaeger back in the 90ies (not special forces).

Training Altitude: ~400m

Combat Altitude: 120m-200m (depending on the speed of the plane/chopper, the faster the lower the altitude)

Falling speed: ~6-8m/s

Definatly not high enough for a whole lot of navigation, but you might be able to evade a lone tree or a little creek.

P.S. No, I was not with an Airborne Battalion myself, but we had them in our barracks and some friends of mine where there.

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I believe Russian OMON (or some other guys wearing Russian red berets) are jumping even from 80 meters, it was stated to be lowest jump height in world, forexample western safety regulations don't even allow it... For a reason: It's quite dangerous and risk of injury is pretty high.

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Russians in WWII experimented with drops out aircraft with no parachutes at all.

Does anyone know of a parachute replacement pack that replaces these STUPID sport parachutes with the proper military T-10?

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Some friendly Rivalry in BWC and a better look at BWC WIP.


BWC "Round Chute" unreleased and 44 Parabat Unreleased

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Being a jumper in the Military i was very disappointied with the "jumping" in Arma we have more maneuverability in our static line chutes in real life then we do in this game sad_o.gif

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OMG, I love you people. ACE has a great system where you have to bring a parachute item to use. It would be great if both the T-10/T-11 style static line parachutes and the very SF-ish sport parachutes were available separately with their respective handling characteristics.

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