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Final release of russian architecture pack

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Studio -=SARMAT=- announce about final release of russian architecture pack.



- Improvement of shadow lods.

- Corrected errors with ladders usage.

- Corrected geometry lods errors.

- Better quality of all textures.

- Final version is compatible with V2.0






Not long ago we released V3.0 Russian architecture pack and we received the information from teams and users, who begin to create missions with V2.0 pack, that they have problems with the incompatibility of V3.0 with V2.0

Unfortunately compatibility with V2.0 is impossible, because all objects in V2.0 can not distruct, And V3.0 and final objects can be distructed.

Diferent versions have difernt configs.

In this regard at the earliest possible date we corrected all the incompatibility problems

Also we corrected other errors and defects.

Now you can use several ladders in one building.

This posibility is present on church and fire departament building.

Now you can go to the up of building crane and watch the view:)

This is the final version of Russian architecture pack and we will not do more changes.

Those who creates islands or missions with using of our addon can continue their work using the Final version which includes all changes and addings. The pack is fully working.

Now work is over and we pleased with results.

Armed Assault increased with large objects pack and we hope that we will see new islands with this objects.

Thanks for all who helped and supported me in this work.

Thanks for your attention:)

LOAD - final  of russian architecture pack (73Mb)

Permanent translator: VulF

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I would LOVE to use these models for a map, but the res LODs are terrible, they're laggy and swap to other random models which looks very bad, also there's some shadow volume LODs that come out of  the res LODs. It's a damn shame because these models are great. Have you considered releasing the source for this so that other people in the community could enhance the quality?

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Its a shame this is final... When there are the LOD bugs still remaining.

Agree with opteryx, if you cant fix it, let the community do it!

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is it just me or are some of these buildings about 40% larger than they should eg the large factory

and the bunks in the church objects are tiny.....

anyone else get this effect? huh.gif

ps thanks for the pack

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I can say with certainty what final version of Russian architecture pack is fully functional and can be used in the creation of islands and missions.

Yes, we have defects.

But we better finish job and give to islands and missions creators possibility to finish theyre work.

If the someone really want to work on improvement Russian Architecture pack - write to mail: sarmatstudios@yahoo.com and we will discuss with man who want to help us.

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I lay out model MLOD from pack of Russian architecture.

Someone can will want to use what that at home or ob'ekty - now you can it to do.

I hope it will help those who creates islands.

Archive: MLOD models all

Password for opening of archive: smersh

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