Arma-2-Guru 55 Posted October 8, 2009 (edited) Deleted post. Edited October 11, 2009 by Sgt Cresswell Inappropriate Post Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cobra Pilot 10 Posted October 8, 2009 Haha, funny stuff, good people on here it's just AVIBIRD decided to be a prick about a perfectly elegible statement and if I ever met him I'd snap his jaw the arrogant prick.Oh yeah AVIBIRD, I just read a review on IGN, OFP:DR got 8.1 and ArmA II got 7.8, so uhh, I think that may mean flashpoint 2 is better if im reading those ratings right, good day to you all. hmm, i wonder how much CM paid to get that 8.1? All of the reviews from people who arent reporters or developers are telling me that DR is a complete letdown. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maxqubit 1 Posted October 8, 2009 Hope? God if i could i would beg at their office to come over to the consoles! They would dominate COD and certainly the joke named Operation Flashpoint 2!So you are in the desert, the guy next to you has a bottle of water, and you, you have nothing but you tell him that you have a fridge full with cold beer at home.Sorry, but i'd take the bottle of water anytime:) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ballistic09 241 Posted October 8, 2009 Oh yeah AVIBIRD, I just read a review on IGN, OFP:DR got 8.1 and ArmA II got 7.8, so uhh, I think that may mean flashpoint 2 is better if im reading those ratings right, good day to you all. Not trying to be mean, but saying that one game is better than the other based on 1 review is retarded. On gamespot, ArmA II got 8.0 and OFP: DR got a 7.5, so which game is better now hmm??? If you combine the 2 scores, ArmA II is winning by a whole 0.2 of point...:rolleyes: Lets not forget the advertising factor here. If your company is getting paid large sums of money to put advertisements for a game on the front page of your company's website, do you really think they're going to want to continue giving you large sums of money if you say that their game is terrible on your company's website? Probably not. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Heatseeker 0 Posted October 8, 2009 Picture this... publishers consider releasing some Arma game for the xbox 360. Publisher tries Arma II on the PC. Publisher: a) Is impressed by the high production value, stability, playability and general quality and design of the game. b) Publisher simply walks runs away... Im sorry but if BIS is to develop a game for the xbox 360 they will have to do much better than what they've done since.. OPF:E. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
f0nz 10 Posted October 8, 2009 So you are in the desert, the guy next to you has a bottle of water, and you, you have nothing but you tell him that you have a fridge full with cold beer at home.Sorry, but i'd take the bottle of water anytime:) Strange analogy, but, really, couldn't of said it better myself. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
avibird 1 155 Posted October 11, 2009 (edited) :cool:I have been playing OFPDR for the past few days. Yes the game has some issues, bugs and limitations but what game does not. The game is a good game if you take it on it's own merit. The major problem is CODEMASTERS stated they were making a sequel to OFP1 and we the OLD community knew that this was a lie but we where hoping they will make changes that ARMA1 and ARMA2 did not correct with the design and gameplay. My old man had a good saying you CAN'T PUT 10LBS of crap in a five 5lb bag. What that means you can't have everything in one game so the developers needs to pick the best ones to balance out the game and have the game run the best it can. OFPDR is a fun game but it's no OFP/ARMA games. It's a cross between a regular shooter and a semi tactical shooter but it's not even close to a military simulator. 1/4 of the console players hate this game because it's not COD lol, 1/4 of the players love this game because it's not COD, 1/4 of them hate it because it has some issues, bugs (that needs to be fix) ( LIKE ME) and limitations while the rest hate it because it's NOT ARMA2. I hope codemaster fix the game so the 1/2 will like the game and want more so when BOHEMIA gets ARMA2 or the ARMA-OA working for the console so they will have 3/4 of the console market wanting and ready for this game. That is my hope. OFPDR could be the best advertisement for BOHEMIA with the console market and the console market is the key for BOHEMIA because they all ready have the PC market in the bag with ARMA. So lets just hope BOHEMIA can get the game issues workout with the FPS RATE and the LOADTIME for the console. Edited October 11, 2009 by AVIBIRD 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maxqubit 1 Posted October 13, 2009 I agree on Dragon Rising being no OFP sequel. I see it as GR1nextgen in many ways. But apart from that i think it is a brilliant GAME. In fact i could say it is MY game. I like it. (and yes things have to be patched ... so what) It is no ArmA2 ... no we've already got Arma2. It is no MW ... no we've already got MW it is no GRnextgen ... we've already got ??? wait, errrm DR IS GR1nextgen lol (just what if be wanting ever since GR1 and GRIT on xbox) Now if only BIS would come up with ArmA2/360 there would be the perfect lineup: MW2, BFBC2, OFDR, ARMA2 (with still VEGAS as indoors) who could be against this lineup (on consoles)???? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jw custom 56 Posted October 14, 2009 Was trying to locate where a certain annoying popup message came from and noticed this: Your Xbox console does not have enough free blocks to download this content Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
overkillc7 10 Posted October 15, 2009 The question now is when will ARMAII be available for the Xbox360? Dragon Rising was such a let down. I really need something to help cheer me up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Reverend Crast 10 Posted October 15, 2009 The question now is when will ARMAII be available for the Xbox360? Dragon Rising was such a let down. I really need something to help cheer me up. Never. There is no way such a big game would run on any current generation console. Buy a PC. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grimnirsson 0 Posted October 15, 2009 You PC-fanboys never disappoint, hm? Why is no mod here able (or willing?) to keep this thread clean of the 'consoles suck' and 'it won't work' and 'get a PC!' posts? Grim Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
yanquis 10 Posted October 15, 2009 yes that is kind of ridiculous, lets face it consoles are cheaper and more convenient for gamers than gaming PCs. that said, i am shocked they are thinking about porting arma 2 to a console & im VERY glad they didnt take the OPFDR route & release it as all-in-one. the PC game of OFP2 looks & feels like an xbox game, pure & simple. its alright, but it doesnt have the sim feel, or the gorgeous graphics, or arma 2. if they can get port arma 2 to consoles good for them, although i would rather they focus on making what they have the best it can be. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
santafee 10 Posted October 15, 2009 wow...dont get me wrong but..its funny how people still think that ArmaII will be availible on consoles soon.Do you guys realize that BIS is actually a pretty small team and they definitly dont got the ressources, to work on a addon and a console version of armaII...?and again, consoles are ok for me,but,there is no chance you guys will play armaII on ps3 or xbox me.maybe theres something like a gold edition with the new addon when microsoft or sony release a new console which can nearly handle it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grimnirsson 0 Posted October 15, 2009 And I consider it as 'funny' how you guys think that the folks who come here to discuss a possible Arma2 on the 360 are interested in the opinion of some PC-fanboys. We know you don't like it and you don't believe it and all that...but you know what? We don't care what you think and believe. BI did an awesome job with OFP:Elite (and everybody telling me that wasn't a sim, is full of crap and didn't even touch the cover of that game, let alone PLAY it) and said they will publish something for the 360. We hope that is still true because we like BI games. That's the reason this thread is here and it shouldn't be allowed to be the fuckin playground for all you ignorant PC-naysayers. But obviously the mods here totally agree with you guys and this whole thread is nothing more than a bad joke. Grim Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
avibird 1 155 Posted October 15, 2009 And I consider it as 'funny' how you guys think that the folks who come here to discuss a possible Arma2 on the 360 are interested in the opinion of some PC-fanboys. We know you don't like it and you don't believe it and all that...but you know what? We don't care what you think and believe. BI did an awesome job with OFP:Elite (and everybody telling me that wasn't a sim, is full of crap and didn't even touch the cover of that game, let alone PLAY it) and said they will publish something for the 360. We hope that is still true because we like BI games. That's the reason this thread is here and it shouldn't be allowed to be the fuckin playground for all you ignorant PC-naysayers. But obviously the mods here totally agree with you guys and this whole thread is nothing more than a bad joke.Grim Hey Grimnirsson relax we will have the last word when it comes. The mod's do care if you want a post removed just ask them. I like to have the posts so they can eat there words later. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cnickcj 0 Posted October 16, 2009 (edited) When i read some post i feel sick , its like a person saying don't give a hungry person bread , , please you own a PC not a games company and maybe a brain of a pee , .. (a pc guys questions )How can a game like arma2 fit on a xbox ? .. dumb question , why did the chicken cross the road , because he had two legs and it was the short cut to the corn , he may of choosen to take the long way round over the hill through the famers yard only to get suck at the gate . i want a game i can play and have fun on a console just as i would on a PC , maybe without all the keyboard commands , but its great fun playing a game you never made , with the thought that you own it ..... ideas makes the world go round not PC gamers , get it ...... go with the flow and be happy ... OFDR was a sucess for the codemasters , didn't you read the treasure map , it went all the way to a xbox console near you ... Edited October 16, 2009 by cnickcj Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
manberries 0 Posted October 16, 2009 The maturity and intelligence of the posters in this thread is overflowing. After so many calling console gamers dumb, a console gamer turns around and calls a PC gamer dumb. Listen up hypocrites, as what I post is not an argument, but an education. Developing a PC game and Console game side by side does hurt the production quality of both. The PC version, or the console version may suffer worse depending on which platform the company considers it its bread and butter. OFPDR. Not a success. Not a treasure cove. Not anything. OFPDR forums are bathed in fire. "But so was Arma 2s." True, but the difference is they were bugs. OFPDR's base engine is incapable of becoming anything but Battlefield 2 with a bigger map and just generally less fun. Nearly every weapon is unrealistically modeled, and FLIR is mounted atop of everything you can imagine. Beyond the base games failure to deliver fun, so too did its sales flop. While not a complete bomb, the sales were extremely mediocre. It topped the charts for 1 day, then it topped the charts of returned games. 1 day before the release used copies were already available at EB Games. We PC gamers do not wish to see Arma 2 remain a PC exclusive. If BIS can figure out how to get the true game running on the 360 I will be happy. Not because I will ever play it on console, but because the better Arma 2 does the better Arma 3 will be. I have to say, the possibility that some bastard child of Arma 2 would end up on 360, and no one wishes to see that. However, I would like to see OA developed on the PC, then taken to consoles (if possible) afterward. The reasons being that focusing on one thing at a time will produce higher quality (this cannot be argued) and the PC version is far easier to fix. Once OA is a proven product, the 360 should come to mind, but not until. Now pay attention because here comes some important information. Freaking out and calling certain negative members PC fanboys is to be a fanboy yourself. You do not raise yourself above anything by claiming ridiculous and fictious things, extreme defensiveness, or any sort of that illogical behavior. Frankly, your actions place you (that is "you" to those members being inappropriate) on the same level of console hating nay-sayers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maxqubit 1 Posted October 16, 2009 This simple fact should be. BIS could make money with a 360 version because there could be enough 360 gamers interested in ArmA2/360. DR is a precursor. Just check if it is a (sales) success on 360. Is BIS going to dumb down Arma2/360? idk Would PC gamers be happy with a 360 version? idk Am i interested in a non-dumbed-down-but-controls-wise-relatively-easy-to-play-ArmA2/360? YES Is ArmA2/360 on the horizon? irdk Do i play DR? Yes Did i play (non bc) Elite? Yes Do i hope GR will turn bback to its root (also on console)? Yes Do i like to toy and make missions with an editor? Yes I hope above is an indication what i would like to see Brgds, Max Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cnickcj 0 Posted October 16, 2009 (edited) OFPDR. Not a success. Not a treasure cove. Not anything. OFPDR forums are bathed in fire. "But so was Arma 2s." True, but the difference is they were bugs. OFPDR's base engine is incapable of becoming anything but Battlefield 2 with a bigger map and just generally less fun. Nearly every weapon is unrealistically modeled, and FLIR is mounted atop of everything you can imagine. Beyond the base games failure to deliver fun, so too did its sales flop. While not a complete bomb, the sales were extremely mediocre. It topped the charts for 1 day, then it topped the charts of returned games. 1 day before the release used copies were already available at EB Games. We PC gamers do not wish to see Arma 2 remain a PC exclusive. If BIS can figure out how to get the true game running on the 360 I will be happy. Not because I will ever play it on console, but because the better Arma 2 does the better Arma 3 will be. I have to say, the possibility that some bastard child of Arma 2 would end up on 360, and no one wishes to see that. However, I would like to see OA developed on the PC, then taken to consoles (if possible) afterward. The reasons being that focusing on one thing at a time will produce higher quality (this cannot be argued) and the PC version is far easier to fix. Once OA is a proven product, the 360 should come to mind, but not until. Now pay attention because here comes some important information. Freaking out and calling certain negative members PC fanboys is to be a fanboy yourself. You do not raise yourself above anything by claiming ridiculous and fictious things, extreme defensiveness, or any sort of that illogical behavior. Frankly, your actions place you (that is "you" to those members being inappropriate) on the same level of console hating nay-sayers. Fact , OFPDR is on console and i can play it , so it was a success for me , atleast i got half of what i wanted , . OFPDR may be less fun for you because you have two choices OFPDR and arma2 , we all like choices but i myself only have one choice . And since your so smart please tell me , how can arma2 fit on a console ? which is a dumb question ( you never asked that question but i am sure you have the right answer), i don't care what anybody says because OFPDR can fit on a xbox , i think console owners are not asking for the PC version but something they can play , like a guy with no hands wants to play a console game , everybody asked how will he play , the guy with no hands then uses his feet , he wasn't able to play as well as other gamers but enjoyed him self ... And btw i didn't say anyone was dumb , but dumb question , which is a lot different from calling any person dumb .... I know for a fact arma2 on pc wasn't bread and butter for BIS .. please tell me it was so i can laugh . wow...dont get me wrong but..its funny how people still think that ArmaII will be availible on consoles soon.Do you guys realize that BIS is actually a pretty small team and they definitly dont got the ressources, to work on a addon and a console version of armaII...?and again, consoles are ok for me,but,there is no chance you guys will play armaII on ps3 or xbox me.maybe theres something like a gold edition with the new addon when microsoft or sony release a new console which can nearly handle it. nearly handle what ?, please explain , because we all know there is no way a xbox 360 can handle arma2 on full pc settings , but a xbox 360 can handle arma2 on full xbox 360 settings ?..... Edited October 16, 2009 by cnickcj Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grimnirsson 0 Posted October 16, 2009 If BIS can figure out how to get the true game running on the 360 I will be happy. That's exactly the point. Since BI announced that they work on a 360 version and because they already have good experience with the Xbox1 this question is obviously answered by BI. And because of this I don't want to see all these anti-console posts here in this specific thread where we discuss what BI announced. You know I could perfectly understand all the reactions if we would show up here and ask a company to give us a version for the 360, out of nothing so to say. But that's not what we do. Somehow you must hammer it into your brain that your beloved company BI is not a PC exclusive company any longer, they are also a console game company (and yes, one published game is enough) whether you like it or not. Grim Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
overkillc7 10 Posted October 16, 2009 (edited) I actually have a computer that will run ARMA II just fine. I use is for business...I use a 360 for games. BI didn't have a problem porting the original OFP over to the original Xbox. It was "watered down" compared to the PC version but I still enjoyed it. I'm sure I'd enjoy a "watered down" version of ARMA II on the 360 as well. I'd even be happy if they ported Elite over to the 360. Edited October 16, 2009 by OverkillC7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
avibird 1 155 Posted October 16, 2009 (edited) Gentleman please stop this crap. We all want the same thing. PC boys chill out! You guys know BI will never sell out because ARMA games come from VBS products and after three game and a few expansions they have always kept true to the overall format of the original game. PC boys The elite was the same game it was not watered down compared to the PC version the only thing that was limited was the depth of the mission editor. In some ways the graphics and sounds were better then the vanilla game and they put two games within the elite CD. GET THIS IN YOUR HARD HEADS THE GAMEPLAY WAS THE SAME AND THAT IS THE BOTTOM LINE. Please shut up if you never played both games like I did and still do right now. We all want BOHEMIA to continue to grow in the retail game market and the truth be told the PC game market has been declining over the years don't hate me but that is the truth. If BOHEMIA is going to make more ARMA games and others in the future they need to break into the console market and that is the truth. Console boys just wait I know it's hard because most console game are crap with the main focus on run and gun gameplay but right now OFPDR could be the best thing that happen for us. A lot of people on the consoles hate the game but a lot of people love it and are starting to say wow I never knew a game could be so much fun and tactical like this. We the old elite community knows that OFPDR is still lacking some of the old elements and is not the same gameplay but it's the best thing we have right now on the 360. My hope is that the 360 community continues to grow and more and more console games will want this type of gameplay. SO WHEN THE KING OF GAMES ARMA is ready for us the console community will be ready for them because they got somewhat of a taste of what the gameplay could be like if they had ARMA2 or ARMA2-OA. So PC boys please go away and let us be, go play and let us talk about whatever we want to talk about. Edited October 16, 2009 by AVIBIRD 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
manberries 0 Posted October 16, 2009 (edited) I know for a fact arma2 on pc wasn't bread and butter for BIS .. please tell me it was so i can laugh . Yes, PC on arma 2 was BIS's bread and butter. Reasoning. BIA makes VBS, BIS only makes the Arma series. The game was designed for PC, and based around the PC market. Enjoy that laugh of yours. Also, I really don't get your logic behind attacking me by countering a question or statement that I never made. I never made any mention regarding whether or not Arma 2 for the PC can fit within a 360 with its entirety. Since you brought it up, no it cannot. It can fit quite a bit, but there would have to be some amount of toned down graphics (which isn't a serious issue). I believe with enough work it could be transferred to 360 with nearly all the functionality of the PC version (especially OA as the map size is smaller). Of course, this is up to BIS to decide what stays and what goes to make it work. You enjoying OFPDR does not make it a success. People claim "it is all they have", which is true, but frankly that affront to all that is realism hurts more than helps. As for those telling us PC gamers to leave, no. This is not your forum, or your thread. Just because you put a console name in the title does not give you ownership of anything. This is a forum based off a game that is PC only (for now), you cannot expect to have any amount of segregation despite how you desire it. If a PC player wishes to add something, he/she can and will. Now, console hating flamebaiting is not allowed. Not because it involves console hating, but because it involves flamebating (which is not OK under any circumstance). All members of this forum can post here with any amount of frequency and degree, whilst expressing their ideas or opinions, so long as it is not extremely off topic nor against any pre-defined forum rules. Edited October 16, 2009 by manberries Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
guiltyspark 10 Posted October 16, 2009 I think most of the PC users in this thread are confused. Just because codemasters has no talent in their studio to make a realistic war game is not the consoles fault. Its the fault of the developer who honestly thinks console gamers cant handle anything complicated. BIS proved that operation flashpoint can be done on consoles , even if it was just a bit limited , it was a great first start and it could easily be done again for arma 2 They could even encorperate natal support as a subsitute for track IR. PC gamers should not be worried about a console release of thier game , it wont hurt the pc version in any way. If anything it will make bohemia more money to make arma 3 the most amazing game ever created. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites