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Smuggler v008

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Hi folks,

I really dont know if it´s OK to start a topic for my little "mission framework" here. If the admins dont think its a good idea, this topic should be deleted by them.

So let me explain the thing with a few words...

5 years ago I made scrips (there in OFP Res) due to work on the - never ended - campaign "The coup on Everon".

They are about a logic to control a border-checkpoint with a gate and a few soldiers. The person who wants to cross the border should be checked by a soldier. If all is OK (no weapons found), the person is allowed to pass, if not, the person is going to be arrested, and in worst case (fleeing or really trying to break through) he is to be shoot down.

I packed these scripts into a very small mission, called "Smuggler v0.08", where the player has to carry a M107 to his girl-friend who is waiting on the other side of the border. The mission playing time is about 5 minutes, only showing the scripts.

I would like to publish all these scripts, so that everyone can use it on his own. I dont think I will use them in future, because I will not have time for creating missions any more.

Also I would like to have some discussion on it. Are they useful or not? What should be changed in order to work as good as possible? I can spend time only in the next 2 weeks for it. Then I have to cancel everything.

I am trying to create a small video of it tomorrow, so that everyone can better imagine what the scripts do.



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I would love to check your scripts, since border-patrol mission is still on my to-do, its a great way to test out communication/combat skills of your team smile_o.gif

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Hi folks,

I spent hours finding a way to make a video of the mission. I just found FRAPS, but it records only 30 secs. Trying to play the mission and pressing the START-RECORD button gets a little bit tricky, I cant do that without letting something out... huh.gif

So.... here is the mission: download link

If you play the mission, please dont get confused of the partly german spoken language and the english/german written subtitles.

Please feel free to use them as you want and ask questions, I will answer them here. If somebody likes to have a translation to the comments in the scripts, I will do them. German is a great language, but somebody who is not talking German very well... it would be impossible to understand the comments.

btw: has there anyone a good tip how I should record the mission? thnx in advance notworthy.gif



Edited by TOViper
Link for mission download has changed.

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Well first off, that is the most excellent mission photo I have seen. Well Done. smile_o.gif

This worked very well. I stopped close to the gate once, and once further out, but the officer and soldier still moved to the car correctly. The search animation worked well.

I can see how anyone doing a border crossing could use this, adding in their own dialog as desired.

Well done.

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Hi folks,

1. thnx JohnnyBoy for your positive criticism and your nice words. smile_o.gif

It took a long time and many many hours of screwdriver work to get things working. whistle.gif

2. I have added english comments to the scripts and have uploaded them for all english speakers.

You can download them here



Edited by TOViper
Link for comments download has changed

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I don't know what to say...I've been hoping to be able to do something like this. I'm the sort of guy who would squeal with excitement doing the most boring things (foot patrols, check points, etc) lol. Well now by the sound of this (haven't tried it just yet--just woke up) I'll finally be able to have a functioning checkpoint. Sweet! Can't thank you enough for this. yay.gif

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how do you raise your hands up in the mission ?

the ACTION is ONLY available if you have no primary or secondary weapon in hand!



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Hi folks,

now, where I can see that somebody uses the scripts I am going to describe the system with a few words.

This should help an interested mission maker finding an easy way to start with them and handle them successfully.

1.) keep in mind that the scripts are long but easy coded

2.) use the information in the comments

3.) if you want to use the checkpoint in your mission, you can copy all elements in editor from smuggler_v008 into your own mission, all relevant elements have names (like w_groupxxx_blabla).

I use the following naming system (for relevant parts): SIDE_GROUP_WHATISITandNUMBER

Most of these names are directly used in the scripts. Keep that in mind!

4.) only 1 variable is named very strange (because initially it was german coded), its the "entry0_DZUP" used in init.sqs. It has its name from "die zu ueberpruefenden Person". It contains the person that crosses the checkpoint and is essentially!

5.) start reading the scripts with "west_entry0_outside_1_check.sqs". This script is called by a trigger "entry0_check_outside_trigger".

This should be your entry of reading and understanding.

6.) if you need help.gif , please ask!

I didn´t have a list of all "tiny helpers" for my knowledge and didn´t quote them anywhere in the mission documents.

So I should add that now.

Since release of Resistance I grabbed information from

Ofpec Comref

Mr. Murray´s documents

Lesters Inoff. OFP Befehlsreferenz

some specific forums that I cant remember in detail... whistle.gif



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? (Count (Weapons _person) == 1) AND (_person Hasweapon "binocular") : goto "_add_the_action";

; Wenn eine Waffe und diese kein Binocular, dann hat er auf jeden Fall eine verbotene Waffe und Action wird gelöscht

? (Count (Weapons _person) == 1) AND (!(_person Hasweapon "binocular")) : goto "_remove_the_action";

couldn't this be made by instead of checking the class name of the weapon , checking the type ? don't know much about this, but , are not binoculars  type "0" weapons ? i say because i use a replacement that adds a logic type "0" weapon to the player and because of this the action "hands up" doesn't show for me in the mission.

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? (Count (Weapons _person) == 1) AND (_person Hasweapon "binocular") : goto "_add_the_action";

; Wenn eine Waffe und diese kein Binocular, dann hat er auf jeden Fall eine verbotene Waffe und Action wird gelöscht

? (Count (Weapons _person) == 1) AND (!(_person Hasweapon "binocular")) : goto "_remove_the_action";

couldn't this be made by instead of checking the class name of the weapon , checking the type ? don't know much about this, but , are not binoculars type "0" weapons ? i say because i use a replacement that adds a logic type "0" weapon to the player and because of this the action "hands up" doesn't show for me in the mission.


Can´t say if everything works right with other addons or something like that... icon_rolleyes.gif

But: Feel free to add/change/remove whatever you want to fullfill your own requirements wink_o.gif

I don´t know about the weapon classes in detail, I never used them... sorry! My thoughts while designing the code were, that a binocular should be allowed in any case.



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Hi folks,

I just wanted to let you know that I will answer questions to the scripts only on weekends from now on. I have to cancel computing here (as written in the initial posting) and my sparetime during the week lowers to zero. confused_o.gif

Maybe in near future I will see some missions that use the scripts...! wink_o.gif

Have nice gaming!




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did it right before. Thanks for the hint! smile_o.gif



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couldn't this be made by instead of checking the class name of the weapon , checking the type ? don't know much about this, but , are not binoculars  type "0" weapons ? i say because i use a replacement that adds a logic type "0" weapon to the player and because of this the action "hands up" doesn't show for me in the mission.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

_type = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weaponClass >> "type");

Type 0 are slotless weapons like put and throw and do not appear in inventory. Type 4096 are optical "weapons", like NV-goggles, laser designator and binoculars (I'd count NVG and LD as military equipment though).

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Would you share your knowledge with us? notworthy.gif

I think the following information could be important if code-changes are made (belonging the behaviour of the checker):

He detects weapons on SOLDIERS, NOT in vehicles (no matter if the driver has a gun neither the weapon is in cargo).

There is an interesting topic on ofpec.com about it, maybe somebody needs the information about how to detect it in cargo... you can find it here: Topic on OFPEC Forum

If there are necessary changes a missionmaker has to add/remove/change code in following sections of the file "west_entry0_outside_1_check.sqs":




There the behaviour of detecting something is coded (all 3 sections contain the same 3 questions "? (count....blablabla.....) : blablabla"

Hope this helps,



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mmm, made more test and it seems it doesn't work 100% properly , i have to make more tweakings .. also , handgrenades are magazines not weapons , so they wouldn't be detected either...

regarding the soldier with weapons in the vehicle , you could force the passsengers to dissembrak before searching them, that would detect the armed passengers although not if they hide weapons in the vehicle , just an idea

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