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Who here would buy future games from b.i.s.

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Ok I don't know about you but i'm not going to buy any game addon pack ect. From B.I.S. until they can fix this game. Now where did we ask for diffrent colors in the MP selection screen? Anyone.

Now maybe we should say the colors are messed up. Maybe they well fix the the netcode lol thats just a joke smile.gif really.

But their are some thing that need to be fixed at this point of time . Cheating and pointing them out in the message screen... Would be nice.

The Netcode...

And certain matters of this issue just to name a few.

So if you want to spend say 50.00 on the new independencelost

or 20.00 on the new RESISTANCE

With out the fixes already in place for this game.

Then Good For you but I dont think many well!!!

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Don't think add-ons will worth to buy. But If a Operation Flashpoint TWO is out, expect me to open my wallet smile.gif $$$$$$$$$$

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Rage, if you don't like the game, just stop coming here. The game is by far the most complex, versatile and realistic game there is today. It fits on 1 CD, wereas some boring 2D, unrealistic, and even more buggy games take up to 5 CDs... Just have a peek at Baldurs Gate, Thone of Bhaal, for example...

Only lamers cry and complain. If you don't like, just ditch it. I hate checkers; but you don't see me ranting about it on a checkers amateur forum either, I just don't go there.

To quote the Avon lady: "So, there!"

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I think BIS has proved themselves to be devoted to the community in a great manner. Things people want that they think fit in the game they implement.

Rage: What other developer do you know supports their release in the same way or better than BIS? I know none!!

And if you do why dont you play that game instead??

I will BUY and play anything OFP-related that comes from BIS or is approved by BIS, they have my fullest support.

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This post is stupid and pointless.

If you don't like the game, why are you still playing it? And above all why did you make this post? Are you hoping that by some chance your friends will join along side you and you will rise up against BIS and rule these forums? And that everyone here will agree that BIS is stupid and should have released the tools, and that their patch is flawed, and their game has too many bugs? And that no one is going to buy any future products from them because of that? No, your wrong. I will buy future products from BIS, I will buy their addons and I will buy their new games. OFP is by far the best game I have ever bought, and if you think I am going to punish myself because BIS wanted to change the colors in multiplayer or because they have a few bugs in their brilliant game, your wrong.


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Rage_Frost @ Mar. 03 2002,00:54)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Now where did we ask for diffrent colors in the MP selection screen? Anyone.<span id='postcolor'>

I actually suggested it, and I find it rather nice feature. The colors could have been a bit more "calm", ie. still have a green tint on them, but im happy with it now, the pools imho are much more clearer now when I can with one glance see immediately where I am in the pool (because my name will be highlighted), before it took a while to find myself if there were about 20 players on the game. Also the white color for AI and grey color for "not assigned" is very nice too in my opinion and it again makes it clearer for the squadmaster. If you dont like it, sure you can suggest bis to add an option to disable it in the next patch.

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Yes highlighted name in the pool and setup screens, awsmone i agree,but you guys are missing the point. Im not spending money to be ripped off for the fun factor that i put that money out on a limb for.

Simple realy and yes BIS has been very prompt on fixxes and updates,but the fact is this game is so full of holes that can be exploited.And this game is very intricate i agree,but intricate or not it hasn`t got the proper incryption needed to block the holes.For anyone can hack it nearly. And the ones that could even if it was harder to mode, would most definately make kits to do exactly that hack the crap out of a great game.

It`s realy a sad time for OFP players becuase ill garentee you have been cheated at this game and cheated many times.

But its up to all of us to not do it,cheat that is,to spread the idea that playing on the level can be so much more enjoyable.

I have to back Rage on this one because ive watched kits like this make good games vanish overnight.I hope to see cheat free games in the future and hope they fine a way to make this game internet friendly.AT home and some realy awsome Co-op`s for multi play can be just as fun.

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You are saying the arguement is because OFP allows cheats easily? Would you please present to me the name of one game you are aware of without a cheat in it.  Because a game can be hacked to allow cheats, is no reason to stop buying products from a certain company or developer.


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Delayed action is.  I will think twice before buying a Valve game again.  They really dropped the ball when they didn't act immediately after these cheats first came available.   Instead they waited, waited, and I still think they are waiting.  Meanwhile, the cheating epidemic has balooned out of control, it's probably the single largest point of argument in the community.  Now, I doubt they could control it even if they wanted to.   A whole community has sprung up around cheating in half-life.  

It's all very digusting.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">

You are saying the arguement is because OFP allows cheats easily? Would you please present to me the name of one game you are aware of without a cheat in it.  Because a game can be hacked to allow cheats, is no reason to stop buying products from a certain company or developer.


<span id='postcolor'>

Well most games from Interplay are cheat free here is some

StarFleet Command both game and gold.

Starfleet Command  2 Empires At War

StarFleet Command Orion Pirates.


Now this is because you d/l the confg file from the server itself meaning if anyone tryes to change the file or put a hacked file in after d/l it it well show at the start of the game after selection Rage_Frost has a modified Confg file now the only reason that would show if you tryed to change or put a hack one in.............

Now their is cheats,trainners But they dont work for MP cause of the reason i just stated.... They only work for single play smile.gif I can live with that...

Well my point is B.I.S. has fixed somethings right. But they need to fix the things that are supporting them.


Now how many people just play the game by themself not many yes I have but I play MP 99.9% more of the time.

Their is always someone going to try and cheat in a game.

But i'm upset that they made it so simple for this to happen Now I know of many games that are cheat free.

Now i can see the people saying don't play the game if your sooooo unhappy with it.

Well I payed good money for this game. Why should I stop playing it?

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I know I play OFP soley for the multiplayer experience. The singleplayer game was enjoyable, but nothing can compare to competing against living, breathing, individuals. Of course it's not fun when they are cheating, then it's like your playing against the Six Million Dollar Man, and thats no fun.

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LOL. jonz I wasn't going to reply to this anymore errr.

Now just about 5 days ago i showed your SQD the cheat and you said omg this is sick something needs to be done about it ect ect. Cause you wanted proof. "LOL" Now your saying the game is ok.  

I am one person talking, trying to make the people in the OFP world know the truth about this. Since people are blind to this matter.

NP jonz just read the post before you post lol...

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JOn'z your a freaking Cheater as well SO why dont you Tell all of us WHY it is you need to cheat ?

Come on Jon'z any reason ? OUr are you just feeling real small in life and you needed to be a Internet big boy ?

P.S. if your a knowen Cheater: Better not reply to any message having to do with Stoping people from Cheating ! Cause I WILL CALL YOU OUT !!!

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I didnt write that last post to make u upset Rage It was release like in same time so i didnt know you were about to reply this, and for the cheating part people know you created that BS story. I wont reply here anymore.

ps ur sig dont work Drak

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Just thinking ... where else in the world could you possibly get as good entertainment, for SO many hours, for just 50$ confused.gif

I think we've gotten what we've paid for. And more.

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If we truely did we would actually read a post and understand it.

Instead of reading and then flameing off on it

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Well im kinda upset because i just bought the game 2 weeks ago,and its like i para jumped right into this shit.But all in all i luv the game and i get a woody every time i connect.So i will be patiant and take all the licks and hope for a fix.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (WKK Gimbal @ Mar. 03 2002,07:30)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Just thinking ... where else in the world could you possibly get as good entertainment, for SO many hours, for just 50$ confused.gif<span id='postcolor'>

For nothing you can join this forum...The reading here is some of the funniest I've seen on a forum in a long time.

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I love this game. period. It has its flaws, agreed, but because of the open ended nature of the game Im surprised there arent more. BIS has released MANY patches since 1.00, and OFP is getting better with each one. BIS is continuing their commitment to their customers, if you ask me. Resistance looks badass, and anyone who doesnt want a brand new HiRes island is friggin insane. I want to see what new vehicles and weapons theyre going to bust out with next. Im not saying theyre perfect or anything... Ive probably cursed their names as much as anyone. But, with train-wrecks like WW2OL etc marching around pretending to be finished games, AND charging you 10 bucks a month PLUS the 50 dollar retail, just to beta-test their product, I consider myself lucky to have a: Complex, Beautiful, Fun, Hard, and Open game to play.

Im gonna end on what I think should be improved.

Netcode. If you can get up to 20 people on a server at once with playable lag, this would be the best tacsim, ever. Especially if the people on the server took the time to use team work. Other than that, I think the game is just fine, and even though there are cheats out there, I dont think they are as nearly widespread as you Fraghaus boys like to think. But, if Im wrong, and they are, then I definitely think they should do everything possible to make the engine cheat proof. I intend to pay my money to BIS, so that they can continue to improve one of the best games Ive ever seen. And guess what? Because a whole lot of people agree with me, this game is only going to get better.

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It really depends on your server and Net connection as to when the lag comes in.

At FragHaus we see the lag at between 26-40 players with our newest server (AMD XP 2000, 1GB DDR Ram, and 15000 RPM SCSI HD) depending on the mission. So there are limitations without a doubt with the Netcode (after all it is based on DirectPlay).

In the 1.45 release the Netcode is not better IMO... but worse due to added overhead.

All in all I think BIS is doing a great job... and soon they will do totally new Netcode of their own instead of M$ DirectPlay. So hang tight and this game will rock.

I am personally looking forward to 100 player playable missions smile.gif ALL OUT WAR! At that point OFP will rule the FPS/VR/Stradegy world...

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You guys realize at this point it does not matter who agrees with who...

Stop Posting Non-sense that is not constructive towards this game.

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